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Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary

Week of 8 January 2000 (Week 2)

Friday, 10 May 2002 12:02

A sporadic diary that recounts the events of my life





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Saturday, 8 January 2000

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Sunday, 9 January 2000

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Busy weekend getting the table ready and the web reviews finished. The table is ready to install. Tomorrow we will take down my system and move my folding table. Once we get the desk attached to the wall, we will get my system fired back up. Since my system is the server, Bob wants down time to a minimum. 

Next I can clean and organize my office once the new desk in put in. I will have more desk area for working and storage for the printer paper, etc.

Kerry is showing a lot of improvement since he started the Adequin shots in his hips. His back legs seem to work better. Malcolm has been a holy terror today. Still that puppy wildness, he has days like today where he is into everything, forgets he is house trained and is a general menace. He finally settled this afternoon and took a nap so I could rest.

Bob is working feverishly to finish his book. He quickly built a system yesterday and installed software today. But, when he is on full tilt, it means I get to do the extra things around the house. For instance I have been doing two loads of cloths a week for Lenore and Bob usually does ours on Sunday. Today I did hers plus our three except for one load he put in the dryer and  another in the wash. I have also been picking up the slack doing a lot of his moms other stuff, which I do not mind since he took time out last week to help with my "spring clean" project. Things are much calmer around here when the end is near, deadline is met, and the last chapter goes to the publisher.

I finally finished Raddall's history of Halifax last night and started on the third book by an American vet who is  narrating his start and continued practice in a small county in Alabama. He is rather witty and I do not think he is a James Harriot wannabe simply by the way he is presenting his stories.









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Monday, 10 January 2000

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Tuesday, 11 January 2000

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Malcolm has taken up a new activity, playing in the water bowl. While he drinks, he puts his paws in and splashes water out all over the floor. Puppies are cute right?

Had a full day yesterday. I went to the gym in the morning and did my spinning class. When I got back, we started on the desk. After taking a few breaks for to let dogs in and out and to eat lunch we finished up at 2:30. I started cleaning up the mess and reorganizing my office. Everything was literally piled in the middle of the floor, much of it what goes in here plus a spillover of stuff from cleaning out Bob's office. 

I decided to check my mail first. My LJ column needed last minute touch up to make it to deadline, so I worked on that. Answered some other mail, took care of some CBCR stuff and decided to take a shower. Just about that time, my editor called and wanted to clarify a couple of more things. By the time I got out of the shower, it was time to fix dinner.

Bob was busy helping his co-author on a column, so while he did that and mail I continued trying to get things organized in here. Steve Tucker had dropped by earlier to return some stuff and see the desk. He stayed and visited until time to pick up his daughter at girl scouts.

This morning I played golf with my dad, so was gone until about 12:30. After shower and quick snack for lunch, I proceeded with the office, taking periodic breaks to answer mail. Finally finished up right before dinner. The desk is really a regular solid core door that I stained. We mounted 2 x 4's along the wall and 2 x 2s on those. Bob screwed the door into the 2 x 2's and we used a table leg to hold the fourth corner. Makes a nice solid table that can be mounted to the height desired. I think we did this on at 27".











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Wednesday, 12 January 2000

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We have a new spinning class instructor at the gym. This morning was my first class with him. His class was very different from the other instructors and very tough. One nice thing about having a variety of instructors is you do not do the same "ride" every time. Each person has their own variations on the intensity and routine. Some are fairly easy, others "kick my butt". This new guy fell into that category. But a nice workout. He follows his spinning workout with some stretching and free weights which makes a nice full workout.

Wednesday is grocery day. On the way, I stopped at the dog store to pick up some things. And, of course having a new puppy, I had to buy some new toys for him and the other guys.  I will put up some of the old ones and rotate in the new ones. In a couple of months I will pull out the stored ones. 

Got the basement cleaned up today. Rescue stuff is picking up now that the holidays are over. We have a lot of dogs to adopt out and a few families so I hope we move some dogs in the next few weeks. Our foster space is filled to the max








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Thursday, 13 January 2000

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Friday, 14 January 2000

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