11 January
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Malcolm has taken up a new activity, playing in the water bowl. While
he drinks, he puts his paws in and splashes water out all over the floor.
Puppies are cute right? Had a full day yesterday. I went to the gym in
the morning and did my spinning class. When I got back, we started on the
desk. After taking a few breaks for to let dogs in and out and to eat
lunch we finished up at 2:30. I started cleaning up the mess and
reorganizing my office. Everything was literally piled in the middle of
the floor, much of it what goes in here plus a spillover of stuff from
cleaning out Bob's office. I decided to check my mail first. My LJ
column needed last minute touch up to make it to deadline, so I worked on
that. Answered some other mail, took care of some CBCR stuff and decided
to take a shower. Just about that time, my editor called and wanted to
clarify a couple of more things. By the time I got out of the shower, it
was time to fix dinner. Bob was busy helping his co-author on a column,
so while he did that and mail I continued trying to get things organized
in here. Steve Tucker had dropped by earlier to return some stuff and see
the desk. He stayed and visited until time to pick up his daughter at girl
scouts. This morning I played golf with my dad, so was gone until about
12:30. After shower and quick snack for lunch, I proceeded with the
office, taking periodic breaks to answer mail. Finally finished up right
before dinner. The desk is really a regular solid core door that I
stained. We mounted 2 x 4's along the wall and 2 x 2s on those. Bob
screwed the door into the 2 x 2's and we used a table leg to hold the
fourth corner. Makes a nice solid table that can be mounted to the height
desired. I think we did this on at 27".