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Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary

Week of 3 June 2000 (Week 23)






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Saturday, 3 June 2000

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We had a busy day yesterday. My sister had car trouble so I drove over to her house and picked her up in our white trooper and she drove me back home and went on to work.

I headed off to the gym for a quick workout and return home.

Malcolm, Duncan, and I went out to the farm for a little play time. Malcolm worked the sheep again and I have pictures. I will try to have those up on my Border Collie page by Monday. It was hot as blazes yesterday and he and Duncan got quite a good work out. 

We got home around 12:30, so I ate lunch and spent the afternoon catching up on mail and worked on my web pages while Bob took a nap. We left around 4:00 to go out and pick up my sister's car and bring it to our house. She came by after worked and swapped on her way to her other job.

Today, we are dog hauling. A very nice couple from Virginia are adopting a dog from CBCR that lived in Charleston, SC. The family is moving and cannot take the dog with them. She is so delighted that we found a very good home for her companion.

The president of CBCR lives in SC and works some in Charleston. He brought the dog to his house yesterday afternoon. Today, he is meeting another volunteer who lives in Charlotte to hand the dog off to the. Tracy, will then drive the dog further up I85 to Greensboro, NC where she will meet me. I will take the dog and drive it on to the Virginia line, to meet it's new owners.

Poor dog, he is going to have a long day and a lot of changes but it is far better than flying him or shipping him. I am taking my two guys along as riding companions.

The painter is coming by today to give us an estimate for painting the outside of the house. 





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Sunday, 4 June 2000

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I successfully delivered Geno to his new owners yesterday. I got back home around 7:00. Bob called in Chinese take out and I picked it up on the way home. We had another round of severe thunderstorms again yesterday. I was lucky. I hit the one moving East just as I got to Winston-Salem. There are several exits that I can take to get off the interstate and head home. I took the first one so I would not be driving in the hard rain on I 40.

The logo is up and finished. Thanks again to all the Daynotes gang who offered support for my graphic project and especially Brian Bilbrey who created my logo in Canvas for me. I want to play around some more with logo's and graphic stuff, so I appreciate all the information. I learned quite a lot about working in a graphics program from this little exercise.

Another rainy Sunday. Won't affect me. I have lots to do. After I clean house and I need to start reviewing the final versions of the book for Bob to send off. I can work on that before the race and tonight. I have several things I can do while I watch the race and I want to watch the Kemper Golf Tournament in Maryland.









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Monday, 5 June 2000

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Bob mailed off the retooled chapters of the book last night and is working on the introduction today. It will be nice to have this one behind us. 

Due to the demand the book had on our time over the weekend, I did not get my farm pictures posted. I hope to have those up tomorrow.

Rainy days and Mondays. Again. We are in a holding pattern with the weather. Rain on Monday, cool on Tuesday and Wednesday, hot/stormy Thursday and Friday. Cool and severe storms Saturday and Sunday. It is getting a little old.

Off to the gym and Lowe's hardware to pick up some yard stuff. Pay bills and work on web site projects this afternoon. 





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Tuesday, 6 June 2000

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I want to wish Bob a big Happy Birthday today. He got slurped by the dogs and a kiss from me. Or, was it the other way around. Anyway, he got two new pairs of sweat pants from Lands End and a couple of birthday cards. One from me and the dogs and one from Lenore.

Bob's contact at the Wall Street Journal informed him our dishwasher article was front page news in yesterday's edition. We are going to the library this afternoon to take a look at it. We are eating our weekly dinner out tonight for Bob's birthday.

The pictures from last Friday's visit to the farm are up on my Border Collie page.

Busy day today. I have a doctor's appointment this morning and a drugstore run followed by a vet appointment for Malcolm. 

The sun is shinning and my grass in a foot tall. I will mow this afternoon and do as much yard stuff as I can before we head off to the library. I have fertilizer to put out and a spot that needs reseeded in the back. 

Marcia and I are working on a project to post our favorite meals/recipes since several of us are always posting things about what we eat. We had a couple of good suggestions from our readers. We are working on the best way to do this and will let everyone know when we are up and running so to speak. 

J. H. Ricketson sent us his page of wonderful barbeque recipes and offered us free use of his design. He and John Vogt both mentioned Bo Leuf's wiki page. I think that may be a little more than we can manage at this time, but thanks for the suggestion. 

And be sure and take a look at Brian and Marcia's Big Sur pictures from their weekend camping trip. I am so jealous. It takes me back to our first years of marriage and our camping trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Glad you guys had such a good time. It is a beautiful place.










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Wednesday, 7 June 2000

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We had a change of plans yesterday. I had a lot of yard work to get done. Bob decided he wanted Shepard's Pie for his birthday dinner rather than going out. I was intending to make the Shepard's Pie tonight. 

So, we are going to the library and dinner tonight instead.  It is gym and store morning. I need to put my mulch out when I get home and then work on some things until we go to dinner.

I proofed the final chapter for the book yesterday and Bob sent it off to the publisher. It has been a labor of love in more ways than one.

Speaking of books. I am about halfway through my Russian novel, November 1916. It is getting very interesting the further along I read. 

Preliminary reports from the vet yesterday were not happy ones. We think Malcolm has hip displaysia just like Duncan and Kerry. Sue is doing e-rays Friday to make sure it is HD and not an injury to his leg. He also has this weird patch of red around his eye that Sue will do a scrape on while he is sedated.

And, get this. I have to get a urine sample from Kerry. Sue wants to put him on some medicine to help his problem of control. Lenore asked me, "how do you do that?" and I answered "very carefully". I will grab a big bucket and shove it under him right when he goes. The things animals must endure to live in a human's world!




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Thursday, 8 June 2000

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I really don't have the time, but I am playing golf this morning anyway. Dad needs to take his car to have the CD player fixed and I am picking him up. I can work this afternoon and tonight. That is the nice thing about summer. I am the most busy and there is nothing on television worth watching. So, I work a while after dinner and then stop and read and bedtime before you know it.

Congratulations to my sister, Frances. She is now the proud owner of a new (not sure if it is 2000 or 2001) Nissan Sentra. Her very first "new" car she has ever owned. I will get to see it Saturday when I go over to help her haul some stuff from the lawn and garden store.

We are having the most outstanding weather. First of June and highs in the 70's and low 80's. I hope this does not mean a scorcher in July and August.

Also want to wish a Happy Birthday to Andrew Tucker. His dad is one of the Daynotes Gang. We met the Tuckers just about nine months before he came into this world. I have watched him grow up and become a nice young man. I hope he has a great day. 

Chris Barnes, one of the CBCR volunteers that lives in Raleigh, just returned from the Richard Petty Driving School in Charlotte. All I can say is, he is braver than I am. 







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Friday, 9 June 2000

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A short post this morning. I am off to the gym and back home. After shower and change of cloths I will deliver Malcolm to the vets for his x-rays. I am going to work a couple of hours at the library this morning. I need to go to the pet store, which is right across the street.

This afternoon, work. We will have to pick Malcolm up sometime late this afternoon and will get the results from the x-rays. 

Have a nice weekend everyone.



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