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Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary

Week of 1 July 2000 (Week 27)






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Saturday, 1 July 2000

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I put up the first issue of my web site newsletter, the Cyber Hound News. As usual when I do anything new Bob has something to say about it. He said it can't be a newsletter because I am not mailing it. Well, I read visit several sites and they have newsletters that are posted to the sites rather than mailed. If I want to call it a newsletter, I will call it a newsletter.

I hope to eventually move it to an e-mail subscription. For now, I just want to get something started.

My gym schedule has been off this week from the normal M-W-F routine. I went Tuesday and Thursday, so I think I will go this morning. I need to run pick up a prescription from the drub store anyway.

I may do the yard stuff this afternoon. It is to be a cool day. I need to edge and trim some plants and mow. 

The race is tonight from Daytona Beach, FL if it doesn't rain. With summer time and evening thunder storms this race every year has weather problems.






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Sunday, 2 July 2000

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I am back to reading the book I just barely started last week on my trip to PA. The Boat Who Wouldn't Float by Farley Mowat. If you like funny adventure stories with some real life culture thrown in, this is the book. Only 200 pages, you can read it pretty quickly. I am about half way finished. It is non-fiction, a true account of his adventures in Newfoundland to restore and launch a schooner with his publisher friend.

The race last night was pretty good for restrictor place racing. 

After I clean house this morning and defrost Lenore's little freezer section of the refrigerator, I have all afternoon to work on some projects. I want to sort more of the pictures and work on my web site.

I also need to clean up my office a bit.

Guess I will just have a lazy Sunday but I have to ask Malcolm and Duncan's permission. They keep me pretty busy and will want to play some. I bought them new Frisbees but we have not tried them out yet. 








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Monday, 3 July 2000

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I must continue my discussion of my Farley Mowat book. After much trials and very little tribulations, Farley and Jack ( the publisher) get only a short distance down the Newfoundland coast. Engine breakdowns and leaks force them into port twice. On the second beaching, Jack goes ashore and phones his office learning he must return to Toronto. He sends in his place, a friend. Mike is a big Irishman, librarian, and knows absolutely nothing about ships. Now the adventure is on.

Mowat has a way with words and his descriptions of things that happen are just too funny. I am laughing out loud to the point of tears and cannot even see the words on the page. This book is only 200 pages. I can't wait to finish it tonight and see what happens.

A friend sent me this. Have a good one.

When Visiting The South...

If you run your car into a ditch, don't panic.  Four men in a four-wheel drive pickup with a 12 pack of beer and a tow chain will be along shortly. Don't try to help them, just stay out of their way. This is what they live for.

Don't be surprised to find movie rentals and bait in the same store.

Remember: "Ya'll" is singular, "All ya'll" is plural, and "All y'alls'" is plural possessive.

Get used to hearing, "You ain't from around here, are ya?"

Don't be worried at not understanding what people are saying: they can't understand you either.

"Mom'n'em" is not one person. When someone asks, "How's your Mom'n'em?" They are referring to the whole family

Be advised that "He needed killin'" is a valid defense here.

If you hear a southerner exclaim, "Hey, y'all, watch this," stay out of the way. These are likely the last words he'll ever say.

When you come up on a person driving 15 mph down the middle of the road, remember that most folks learn to drive on a John Deere and the rest learned to drive while road hunting in the back roads. In both cases, this is the proper speed and position for that vehicle.

Do not be surprised to find that 10 year olds own their own shotguns and are proficient marksmen. Or that their mammas taught them how to aim.

Shakespeare is a rod or a reel, not a writer.

Duct tape is not only part of every survival kit, it is the whole kit.

Rasslin' is not fake. Don't dare whisper otherwise unless you want a kindhearted southerner to fix your busted head with duct tape.

Grapefruit is not a substitute for biscuits and gravy.

Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt and Elvis are good ole boys. Jeff Gordon isn't.

Turkey hunters actually curse Noah for letting coyotes and armadillos on the Ark.

If you hear a turkey gobble, get out of the way. Some southerners view that sound like payoff bells at a slot machine.

Don't be surprised if an obituary mentions that the deceased requested to be buried in his four-wheel drive truck because, "It ain't never been in a hole it couldn't get out of."

"Ya'll come back now, ya here," is a temporary statement. We love Yankees to visit, but damn Yankees are those who decide to stay.

If you decide to stay in the South and bear children, don't think we will accept them as southerners. After all, if the cat had kittens in the oven, we wouldn't call 'em biscuits.





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Tuesday, 4 July 2000

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Happy July 4th to everyone. I guess we will have a routine day. Work a little, watch some television and read. The dogs will not be happy tonight. Fireworks terrify them and it is hard to get them out for their last time before bed at night with them going off.

I finished my boat book and have started another Elizabeth Ogilvie trilogy from Bennett's Island. Her books make nice summer reading. I am making progress in my Russian novel. I will read on it some today too.

We are have grilled chicken, steak, and veggies for dinner along with boiled red potatoes. Since my family is not coming and I had already thawed the food, we will have at least another meal or more for the remainder of the week.

Have a save and happy holiday.






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Wednesday, 5 July 2000

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We had a rather quiet 4th of July. I sorted all the pictures from the two albums of mom and dad's that are falling apart. I need to sit down with them and identify a rather large amount so I can determine which book they will go into. Once I have them all sorted I will put together three books. One will be for Mom and Dad with a lot of friends and buddies from the war. The other two I will split pictures of mom, dad, them together, and any family members into two books, one for me and one for Frances. There are enough duplicates and similar ones I can make two books easliy.

After I finished that, I spent most of the day watching tennis and reading. Bob took a nap late in the day while I watched more tennis. I napped briefly but not for very long. I did brush the dogs and Bob and I disassemple a couple of new cases so we can start building systems today, I guess.

I fixed dinner around 5:30 before some rain moved in the area and we sat and read most of last night. 

I am off to the gym this morning and back home. No special things to do, just work on various projects and help Bob build systems.





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Thursday, 6 July 2000

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No golf today. I have errands to run and a doctor's appointment. Besides, it looks like it is going to rain, again. These Thursday morning showers are getting to be rather a bother with the golf game.

Not much going on. I am preparing my handouts and materials for the writers conference I will be attending. I helped Bob work on his "itty bitty case" yesterday. Man, that thing is so small it is impossible to even work inside to build a system. I think the word micro and desk top system are not synonymous right now. 

I am actually going to the gym tonight. The morning spinning classes are cancelled during the summer. You would think more people would be in during the summer mornings with school out, but it is the opposite. We did not have enough people to make a class on either Monday or Wednesday at 9:15. They still have the 6:30am class but you can forget that. They also offer a Tuesday night class that I may do next week. 

This week seems all weird and I don't even work outside the home. Yesterday was Monday and today I feel like it should be Friday. I went to the store on Monday this week and with the Tuesday holiday and watching tennis during the day, I am not sure what day it is.

Maybe we will all get back on track next Monday.  





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Friday, 7 July 2000

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We were awakened by a thunderstorm this morning instead of Malcolm for a change.

Short post today. I am going to the gym to do a light workout and run out to Wal-Mart for some things. I want to watch the men's semi's in tennis this afternoon and the golf. I got two reserves in at the library yesterday, so I need to get those read. I was just starting the second book in the Ogilvie trilogy but wait until I read the library books.

Have a nice weekend everyone.


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