Barbara |
Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
2 September 2000 (Week 36)
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To respond or comment on something I have written email
me. I would love to hear from you. If you have problems reaching
me at the first address, I can also be reached at fritchman@triad.rr.com.
You can view the Netwidows
Recipe web site for recipes from myself and the other Netwidows
and Daynotes Gang.
2 September 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
We are getting our share of rain. This big weather system that has been sitting off the coast and just spinning has created a week of off and on
showers and thunderstorms. Last night several just blew up out of nowhere and
flooded some areas just to the north and east of us.
Today is more of the same, so no outside work. This morning before I
head over to my parents' house I am going to start working on the
downstairs. Once I get the furniture down there arranged, I can move the
boxes from up here that I have packed. We also need to get the downstairs
kitchen and bathroom neat and clean looking.
When I get back this afternoon, I will work more on the downstairs.
Once we get the finished side organized I can start on the unfinished
One week from today I leave for my annual fall bus trip to Canada. This
year we are off to Montreal, Quebec, and Toronto with a stop over at Niagara
Falls. This will be a very busy week for me to get things ready for me to
be gone for a week and doing some more work on the house.
I guess I will watch some tennis this afternoon and tonight if it is
not raining up there. It rained out the men's match last night. And of
course tomorrow is race day.
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3 September 2000
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[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
I have a new issue of Cyber
Hound News
up. I decided to share my favorite links to books and magazine
resources. Speaking of books, we have had very encouraging
pre-publication sales on our book PC
Hardware in a Nutshell due out later this month. I worked most
of yesterday on the downstairs. Today, we are going down and try to finish
packing up that area and give it one good final cleaning. I will go down
periodically and dust the furniture and run the water to keep it fresh
looking and smelling. We have gone from drought to flood. In two
days our rain levels have gone from being almost five inches below normal
for the year to about two and a half. We are under flash flood watch for
today. The NASCAR race today,
the Southern 500 is from Darlington,
SC. All of the rain we are getting drenched with is due to a
weather system that is just sitting and spinning off the East Coast. The
moisture is coming up from the south heading north. It comes in bands
similar to the outside edge of a hurricane coming on shore, so that rather
than having a continuous rain, it comes in fits and starts. Hopefully,
there will be a break in the rain long enough for them to get the race in.
It looks like more of the same for tomorrow and Tuesday if they do not get
it run today. Guess I better get to work.
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4 September 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
A happy Labor Day to one and all. I hope everyone has a great day
celebrating the end of summer.
I am going to work this morning on the downstairs and then watch tennis
this afternoon, if it does not rain it out again.
The race yesterday hardly got started before it went into rain delay.
The tennis was in rain delay, so I worked at my PC. I was a little bit
tired yesterday and decided to work on something I could do while sitting.
I created the pages for the first two generations of my mother's side
of the family, Callahan, to put
up on my genealogy pages. As I
explained on the introduction page, this has been a very hard line to get
information on. I only have three generations that go back to my great,
great, grandfather. I have a lot of work to do and am hoping that by
putting it up I will get some Callahan researchers stumble across my page
and e-mail me like my Fritchman
ancestors have.
Guess that's all for today.
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5 September 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
Not much going on right now for me to post. I am packing and cleaning
and moving stuff around the house until I am completely
exhausted. At least I was not the only one who spent all day
yesterday laboring. Marcia
posted a long list of things she intended to get done yesterday and it
appears she was very successful. I spent all day working up/downstairs.
I finished most of the downstairs and in doing so created more work
upstairs. There was still a lot of Lenore's stuff to haul upstairs which
we can use now rather than be packed away. That meant hauling it up here
and then putting it away. Also, there was still some of her stuff
in the dresser drawers that I need to bring up that she may need. In order
make room in the guest bedroom dresser, I had to clean out several more
drawers. I packed up stuff I was not using or did not need handy for
awhile to make more room for her. Today I will clean house real
good since I will be gone next week. We got rid of the humidity and
now we have rain and cool temperatures. I am desperately trying to get all
this inside work done early this week to leave me the end of the week to
get the outside mowing and stuff done before I leave on my trip. I need to
spend most of tomorrow running errands. |
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6 September 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
I cannot remember if I mentioned last week that we have a new member, Lynne
Walder, to NetWidows so I
will go ahead and say "welcome aboard".
I am off to get a haircut and go to the grocery store. It has turned
windy and rather cool here not that the rain is gone. This morning it is
55 with 15 to 20 mph winds. A bit chilly for early September, but I like
the change.
If it stays cloudy but no rain I will mow this afternoon after I get
back from helping my dad.
Gotta go.
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7 September 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
If you did not notice, I now have a picture of myself atop the diary
page. Bob needed a picture for something for the book promo so I dug one
out that I had taken a couple of years ago at a studio. Okay Lynne,
I did not use one of me when I was seven mainly because when I was seven
they had not invented color film yet!
I will, however, be glad to post a picture of me when I was seven if
anyone is interested.
Bob now has his own recipe
page on the NetWidows recipe
site. I want to state up front that I am in no way responsible for the
culinary actions of my husband. He comes up with this stuff by himself and
yes, I do feed him regularly with good meals.
Bob and Lenore have a stock of frozen dinners in the freezer and
hopefully he will remember to feed the dogs.
Today is just going to be spent tying up loose ends and getting all my
little projects to an organized stopping point. I will pack tomorrow but
today I start thinking about things not to forget. As soon as I think of
one of those I immediately go and grab it and place it in the "trip
pile" rather than wait and possibly forget again.
And, the sun is shinning this morning for the first time in about a
week. It is one of those clear, cool mornings that is so much like fall
weather here in the Carolina's.
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8 September 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
Well, today is packing day. I will haul the
suitcase down out of the attic and get started this morning. I have all
day so there is no hurry. I will work on packing and getting last minute
things done around the house plus making sure everyone here has what they
need while I am gone.
The NASCAR race this weekend is at
the Richmond
International Raceway in Richmond, VA. Qualifying is this
afternoon followed by the Busch
race tonight at 7:30. This is another on of my favorite race tracks to
watch. I will watch the race tonight and then head over to my sister's
house to spend the night since we leave very early tomorrow morning.
I will have Bob tape the race tomorrow night for me. The previous two
years, like this year, the race has been the same Saturday that we have
left on a trip. We are usually in our rooms by the time it starts and the
hardest thing is trying to stay up until the end since we have been up
since 4:00 that morning and riding all day.
This year, as you will read tomorrow, we have entertainment scheduled
for tomorrow night, so I will miss at least the early first half or so.
Even if we do get back, I will most likely not be able to stay away to
watch the end anyway.
I am sure the Daynotes Gang and Netwidows
will all keep an eye on things while I am gone. I will miss reading everyone's
page while I am gone. Marcia
maybe you or Brian
could remind Bob to take his vitamins and give water to the dogs. I don't
worry much about food because they will not eat real good the first few
days I am gone anyway.
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[Friday] [Next Week]