Barbara |
Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
7 October 2000 (Week 41)
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To respond or comment on something I have written email
me. I would love to hear from you. If you have problems reaching
me at the first address, I can also be reached at fritchman@triad.rr.com.
You can view the Netwidows
Recipe web site for recipes from myself and the other Netwidows
and Daynotes Gang.
7 October 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
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[Friday] [Next Week]
We left New Hampshire in the pouring rain around 7:30. I had rained all
night Thursday night starting about 6:00 pm. It was a pretty quick drive
over to I-91 in Vermont and we headed Southward. Once we got through Massachusetts
and Connecticut, the rain pretty much stopped. We made several quick stops
for gas and bathrooms and again were making good time to our destination of
Winchester, VA. But, we hit a traffic jam right about 4:00 outside
Harrisburg, PA and again lost an hour of time.
The drive through the Pocono's was the prettiest I have seen other than
upper state NH. We got a room at the Hampton Inn, went to Shoney's for
dinner and back to the room.
Saturday morning we left right about 8:00. We made a gas stop and a
bathroom stop and got home at 1:30.
The dogs were happy to see us and of course we surprised everyone because
we were not due home until Sunday.
We unpacked the car and Bob got started catching up on his mail and web
stuff. I checked my mail and then got started on doing house stuff.
Bill had done a good job of keeping things going, so all I really had to
do was put our food away we had brought with us from the trip and organize
the kitchen a little.
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8 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Well, things are pretty much back to normal. I cleaned house this
morning and Bob did the laundry. I have caught up my web pages. If you
want to read about the trip last week, I posted a brief summary each day
in my daily journal for the week, which is week 40, week of September 30.
When Bob gets the pictures from the digital moved over, I will post a few
later this week. Bob took a PC and I was able to write my daily post each
evening in the cabin and he copied it over when we got home. So, now we
have to decided what we are going to do next. NH is just not feasible for
us. There is no high speed Internet access further north than Laconia,
which is not far. The cities that do have access, there are not houses, of
any price. If they do come on the market they are sold immediately at
prices that are in the $250 thousand dollar range and up. The small
towns and any place further than about 60 miles in from MA, are mostly
dumps. There are few really pretty towns but these are mostly resort, so
the prices are high. Again, no houses. We did not see any evidence of new
construction or neighborhoods anywhere we drove. We liked the Loudon area,
where the race track is, but again no Internet and no houses. Speaking
of race tracks. I got to actually drive by and see the NH track. We passed
very near the Pocono track and on the way home passed by the Martinsville
track. So, I got to do a race track tour as well. I loved NH. But,
prices are high, no sewage or gas heat. I think those who do move there
are mostly retired and can afford the high cost of housing and/or live in
the small communities and not need the things we need to work at home. We
had a nice vacation and it was our first time being away together for an
entire week in over ten years. Bob had a nice vacation and rest and even
though we drove 2, 719 miles total, we did get some rest. We saw all of NH
and a part of Maine we had never seen. Gotta go, I am going to
watch the race and enjoy the day.
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9 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
I enjoyed watching the race yesterday. Bobby Labonte won and is getting
closer to winning his first Winston Cup championship. While I watch the
race I managed to get through most of the large pile of mail that had
accumulated while we were gone. Last night was the season opener of
another one of my favorite shows, The Practice. I had fixed pork
tenderloin, rice, and peas/corn for dinner. It was nice to get a good home
cooked meal again. Off to the gym this morning followed by grocery
store and pet store. Then I can come home and get the yard mowed and
cleaned up. With fall comes leaves and I have plenty of them. I also have
to start my weekly ritual of begging Bob to go up and keep the gutters
cleaned out. I do envy Keri
Beland. She knows where she is moving, when she is moving, and is
going to a place she really wishes to live. Now that we have to start all
over, I am pretty discouraged about the entire process. I was pretty
excited about the move to New England and with that out of the question, I
guess it doesn't really matter. Today is a holiday for many
people, so if you are one of those, have a nice day off. The kids seem to
be out of school this week too.
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10 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
I am off to run errands this morning and have lunch with my folks. I
plan to get organized and started back to working on the reference book
this afternoon. We need to have an early dinner so I can make spinning
class tonight. I have missed well over four weeks and maybe five, so I
hope I can keep up with the class tonight. It is actually quit beneficial
to miss a few weeks of an exercise routine to give your body a chance to
"rest" those particular muscles. The body can be lulled into not
working as hard when the same group of muscles are worked constantly or in
the same way. That is why if you are trying to loose weight in addition to
cutting portions in half you need to do two or three different physical
activities per week. Walking, aerobics, weight training, etc to work all
the muscles in the body. That way you are replacing fat with muscle and
slimming down at the same time. I had a good workout yesterday at the
gym doing my regular cardio and weight lifting routine. It felt good to be
back to my normal workout. I have not been making my scheduled workouts
since before the Canada trip due to being gone, busy, or sick with that
sinus infection. Mysterious Smell. Yes, we have a strange acrid smell
coming from either the hall or Lenore's room. We think it is from her room
but cannot find it. It smells like electrical or appliance smoldering much
like Bob's office did for a long time before we narrowed it down to a CD
player. Anyway, it started late yesterday and I could not find it last
night. I have the best nose in the house other than the dogs. Since they
can't talk, it is up to me. However, both Malcolm and Duncan have been
going to Lenore's door and sniffing, which makes us think it is coming
from there. We have a board across the door to keep Malcolm out and let us
walk in and out. I will continue looking for it and hope we can
turn up the source of the problem. I am reading a couple of books
right now. One is a book Bob bought for me in NH about a writer who is
building his own little writing hut in the woods behind his house. It is
very good. The other one is about the discovery of the state of Oregon and
how the fur trade was established there. It too is very good and I have
learned things from this book that I did not know about the expansion to
the west in the late 1700's. It is very well written and not dry at all. I
will try to post a formal review on my favorites
page for tomorrow with actual titles, etc. I do not have them in front of
me and do not want to mistakenly quote the wrong title and author's name. |
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11 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
We have not found the mysterious smell. Last night we removed the television
set and replaced it with the one from our bedroom. This morning when I
opened Lenore's door, the smell was pretty strong. I guess this afternoon
we will have to tear the room apart and see if we can find it.
I have added a full review on my favorites page
of the two books I am currently reading. I am off to get a haircut
and then to the library. I promised to help set up the book sale this
afternoon which runs through the weekend. It will only take a couple of
hours. I have some things to do in my office and downstairs which need
taken care of and we need to find "the smell", so I have a busy
afternoon planned. And, I have not had time to get my pictures from the
Canada trip in my album or post the ones from the New Hampshire trip,
which I will try to get to today too.
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12 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
I noticed on Lynne
Walder's page yesterday she mentions Marcia
is giving her a hard time about her "Brit talk". I just had
to jump in on this one. Marcia, I like the dictionary
idea although I almost always understand what you are talking about.
Lynne, I do like the way the British express themselves and I read so many
British authors I have to be careful because I occasionally spell a word
the way they do in Britain instead of the US.
Sometimes I do not always understand a British word or phrase, so now I
have Lynne as a reference. We have a friend who is from Britain and could
always ask her. She moved from W-S a number of years ago and we only talk
on the phone a couple of times a year. And Lynne, you do not sound
pompous at all, just very British, like you should. That is one of the
many things I enjoy about reading your page.
I am pretty sure that my southernism come out in my diary page as well.
If anyone ever needs a translation just let me know.
Also, in regards to the weight discussion, we have been married for
seventeen years. The only time Bob knew my weight was right after we got
married. When I refer to those days and wish I weighed that much, he very
kindly tells me I was way under weight for my height. When it comes to
women, there is no man who is wiser.
Today is to be beautiful fall day in the Carolina's. I am playing golf
this morning. This afternoon I will go back to the library and help with
the final setting up for the book sale. I did some yesterday but left
around 1:30. Some other volunteers were going in late yesterday afternoon
to do some more.
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13 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Bob got a new play
toy yesterday via FedEx, his Compaq Armada E500 notebook. It is pretty cool. I played a
game of solitaire on it just to get the feel of the mouse pad and it seems
to be a real nice machine. He was loading some stuff on it last night
while we were watching the season opener of ER.
Gym this morning. I need to wash my car when I get
back. I vacuumed it out real good the first of the week but have not had a
chance to get it washed.
I also have a boat load of small chores to get done that I have not
had time to get to all week.
We got the book sale at the library set up yesterday. I may go over for a couple of
hours this afternoon and help with collecting the money.
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