Barbara |
Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
28 October 2000 (Week 44)
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and Daynotes Gang.
28 October 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
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[Friday] [Next Week]
It was a rather busy day yesterday. I worked on some stuff when I got
back from the gym. Then I took a lunch break followed by another leave
session. I blew some more leaves to the street from under the red maple and
blew the back leaves into the natural area to be mulched.
More work after my shower. Bob's brother, showed up unexpected around
3:00 for a visit. Fortunately I had steak and chicken thawed to grill, so
we had plenty for dinner. After dinner I started on a new book. The jury
is still out on this one. It is Alice Adam's new book After the War. After
the first 100 pages I am not too overly impressed. I will post a full
review on my favorites page sometime
this weekend after I have read a little more.
I still have not put together my photo album from the last Canada
trip. I have had so much else to do that I just have not had a chance
to get to it. I plan on working on that this weekend too. This is a no
race weekend in Winston Cup, so I have all day Sunday to work in my office
and get these little projects finished. Part of what is taking so long is
that I cannot work except in my office because of Malcolm. With his thieving
still going on, I have to have things like that out in rooms protected by
baby gates and the den is not one of them.
I have missed spinning class again for a week so I am going to the gym
this morning for the 10:30 class. Bob can do the backup on my system while
I am gone and by the time I get home, have lunch, and take a shower it
should be done. Then I can work this afternoon.
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29 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Dogs do not understand time changes. They are still on DST and woke us
up at 6:30. They thought it was 7:30, even though I did set the clock
beside the bed so they would see it was still only 6:30. But, they go by
other instincts and to them, it was time to get up. It takes a few days to
get them back on standard time and, in fact it takes me several days too.
No NASCAR Winston Cup race
today. There are only three races left beginning next weekend.
And, with the golf season about over
too, my sports watching pretty much grinds to a halt until after the first
of the year. That is good though because I have Sunday afternoons to work
and do holiday stuff that I need time for. So, since I have the entire
day to get things done, today is vacuum and mop day. I will vacuum and mop
each room of the house starting in the kitchen. With hardwood floors they
only need a good mopping periodically. With dogs and humans they are
always getting spot cleanings but not a full mopping. Then I will dust and
do bathrooms and such. This is probably my last big deep clean until
after the holidays. I have always done a big cleaning after I take down
Christmas decorations since all the rooms are torn up anyway. I
spent all afternoon yesterday getting my
trip photograph album put together and feel relieved with that project
out of the way.
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30 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Okay, I was going to be nice and just not even get into the discussion
about the bathroom electrical box. As you can see from the picture on Bob's
diary page, it had been hanging out of the wall since we had the
bathroom remodeled in the fall of 1997. Yes, I allowed for the fact that
we tried to fix it twice in the last three years. I also understand double
gang boxes, studs in the way, etc. Just call me Al. I am Bob the tool man's
assistant on many a project in this house and know all about the above and
more. And, no I have not used it since he installed it yesterday. But, when I get
ready to use the damn thing it will now be working. Plus, I will not get
fried, like I almost have twice, cleaning around it and hitting my hand on
the exposed wires while holding a wet rag. And finally, it need to be
fixed before we sell the house, which is months away, but, it took him three
years to finally fix it. I rest my case. We had a pretty quiet day around here yesterday.
I think the change in time always makes the first few days a little rough
on the system. Bob slept, I worked in my office listening to music and
working on various projects that needed tidied up.
I promised a full review of Alice Adams' After the War on my favorites
Still no rain but we are having some beautiful weather. It was very
warm yesterday but dropped down to the 30's last night, which is more
normal. Another couple of weeks and most of the leaves should be down.
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31 October 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
How would you like to invite someone over to your house for dinner and
have them call and ask if they can bring their laundry along? That's just
what we did to our friends last night. We have suspected that our twenty
year old dryer was slowly failing. It was not drying clothes in one or even
two cycles. This morning I started a load of towels to wash and checked
the dryer to see if load I did yesterday for Lenore was dry. It was damp,
so I started it going again and left to go to the gym and the
library. When I got back I checked the dryer and the clothes were
not even warm. Dead dryer. Now I had two loads of wet clothes. I took a
shower and Bob stopped working long enough to head down to Sears. In ten minutes'
time we had bought
the dryer to be delivered on Wednesday. The old dryer was a Whirlpool
which I purchased along with the washer in 1980 when I moved into my rent
house. They have been moved twice since and have never had any work done
on either one of them. So, we bought another Whirlpool, hoping it
will be made as good as the old one. So, we arrived at our friends house
with two baskets of wet laundry. Robin cooked us an excellent meal of
meatloaf, mash potatoes, and green beans with a fruit salad. We had cake
for dessert. It was a wonderful evening. Upon arriving back home around
10:30, Bob and I realized we had not been out for an evening away from
home (not counting our recent trip), to visit with friends for a long
time. It was very nice. And, we did get our laundry dried. Tonight is Halloween and all will
say is that the Thompsons do not participate in this holiday. I know, I
went trick or treating when I was a kid. And, I know it was dangerous back
then with razors in apples, kids doing pranks, etc. But, I think Halloween
today should be celebrated with parties, haunted houses, and controlled
settings rather than going house to house getting candy. For one thing,
most kids today get all the candy and junk they can eat all the time. I
think back in the 50's and 60's it was not as prevalent and more of a treat
to get a sack full of candy once a year. I also feel that today it is just
too dangerous to open your doors to anybody let alone be out wandering the
streets. We don't turn on our lights. It is also very dangerous for the
dogs because kids will do things to animals. If you do have kids or even as adults, if you
participate in the traditional trick or treat, please be careful. I am
sure that in some communities it is very safe and I know the kids love to
get dressed up as their favorite character or whatever. Okay Lynne.
Hang in there. You are having a really tough time with Benson and your mom
and holding down the fort. Now, Bob
is not even showing up for meals when he is called. I am like you and
desire to eat my dinner hot rather than cold/congealed. But, I give my Bob
the warning, I dish it up. If he doesn't come, I start eating. He too,
will eat it cold, warm, hot, whatever. I would say it must be a guy thing,
but my dad has to have his so hot it burns your tongue when it's
served. We often get in "deadline" mode around here and
the scenario is pretty much the same. Bob works, I do everything else.
They need to focus on the task at hand with blinders on to anything else
that lives and breaths in the world. Hey, that is why we have the Netwidows
group in the first place. They know they can't live without us, they
just don't have time to tell us. |
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1 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Sears is supposed to deliver the dryer this morning. Yesterday, Bob and
I went down to clean out the vent tube of 13 years of lint. As we were
working on it, it cracked anyway. Off I head to Lowe's to get a new one
for the installation this morning. I will hang around here until they come
and then do my gym and store afterward. We are supposed to get "first
thing this morning" delivery. Thirty six days without rain. Our
record is 41 and we may make it. I think there is an outside chance of
rain by the end of the week. Several surrounding areas have already
reached their new records of no rainfall. The back yard is covered in
leaves and there are still a couple of trees to finish shedding. The front
doesn't look too bad. I think I will mulch some of the back ones today.
With the dry weather, my allergies are really acting up making the need
for rain even more important. The city vacuumed up leaves yesterday so
now the street is clear again to start piling them up again. The gutters
only need one more blowing out in front, anyway. And the back, maybe
Guess that's about it for today. |
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2 November 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
Not really much news to talk about. Sears installed the new dryer. I
worked on the book. Bob worked on his book. The dogs aren't doing a book
at this point, I don't think.
I am playing golf this morning with dad. I did not get leaves up
yesterday, so I may work on leaves. It will take several days to get them
all cleaned up anyway.
Still no rain, just warm, pretty, sunny days. Things are getting pretty
dry and we have forest fires in many of the surrounding counties that fire
fighters are having trouble keeping contained.
Have a good one.
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3 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Talk about an exciting week.
Lynne and Bob,
in addition to getting all the rain we need here in NC, have birds
"with dangly bits", baby hedgehogs, and gassy dogs. I do hope
you are able to get the hedgehog fattened up for winter. They are very cute.
The local wildlife rehab group brought a baby to a children's program for
the kids to see and touch.
And, if you did not notice my snide remark yesterday about the dogs and
writing books, Marcia did. Turns out Malcolm sent mail to Marcia on Monday
and told her he and Duncan were writing a book about living in the
Thompson house. Marcia
sent me this yesterday:
Actually, the other day I got this email
from Malcolm:
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:23:25 -0800
From: Malcolm@ttgnet.com
How to find a publisher?
To: marcia@dutchgirl.net
Auntie Marcia,
always been so supportive of me and my intellect and, its not that my Mom
and Dad don't appreciate that same element in me but I think that
sometimes they resent my intelligence. Duncan and I were thinking of
writing a book-- do you know anything about how to sell the concept of
"Owner Management" and what publishers might be interested in a
topic of that nature? I would almost
think that it would have to be a university-type of publisher because so
often, this type of topic would is seen as a psychologically-related kind
of thing.
me know what you come up with, if anything.
we all glad it's Friday? Busy day yesterday. The golf course was crowded
so it took us four hours to play. By the time we finished and ate a bite
of lunch it was 2:00 until we got back to dad's. While over there, I wanted
to stop in for just a minute to visit our long time next door neighbor,
who has been under the weather. I had not had a chance to go over since
she has been home.
then went to get a couple of things from his little freezer in the shed
and we found water all over the floor. The compressor must have died and
it had defrosted all the meat and stuff. We cleaned up the water and got
the food in the house into the refrigerator. The food was still cold but
thawed, so now they had enough food thawed to feed the neighborhood. I
took several pieces of chicken and a pork loin to fix and some
Pennsylvania sausage. We had fried chicken and corn for dinner. Tonight it
will be pork loin and the chops I had thawed for us. I will have to do
another Southern Foods order before I can restock their meat stock because
I am almost out of meat too.
a good weekend everybody and if you have rain send it our way. The
forest fires are now burning all over the western part of NC and the
VA line.
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