Barbara |
Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
11 November 2000 (Week 46)
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and Daynotes Gang.
11 November 2000
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Well, I have been a busy little beaver. I spend all day yesterday working
on web pages, rewriting stuff, and fixing links. The latest edition of Cyber
Hound News on home repair and gardening has finally been completed. It
may not look like much on paper but I spent several hours writing and
researching the various sites. I added or deleted some stuff on my personal
and resume pages and reorganized the layouts. Other pages have minor changes
but I am happy with things as they are for right now.
I went through each page on the TechnoMayhem
site, not a small task. I fixed and deleted links by checking every single
link on each page. I added a few general links and fixed a couple of
glaring errors on the author/character page. Even though the site right
now is primarily links to specific information for mystery writers and
readers, it still needs to be kept current and void of any errors.
Other than dog play breaks, I did not do anything else yesterday except
web development. It is sunny today, like yesterday, but much cooler than
it has been. We had less than an inch of rain here, but that helped. Most
of the leaves are off the trees. A few more mowing/blowing sessions and we
should be done for the year.
Today, the dogs need brushed and Lenore has a load of cloths to be
washed and dried. I need to work on the book today now that I have
finished working on the web sites. Even though it is one big site, it is actually
three sites, my business, my personal,
and TechnoMayhem. I may
also watch the last Busch race today in Homestead, Fl., where the Winston
Cup race is tomorrow. Many of the Cup guys will be racing today, too.
Have a nice weekend.
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12 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
A rare moment of peace and quiet, Bob got a picture of the dogs napping
in the hall.
Duncan, Kerry, and Malcolm in the back. The baby gate is Lenore's room.
morning by the time I finished up web stuff so Bob could publish, brushed
the dogs, and washed a couple of loads of clothes it was lunch time. I
watched about an hour of the race and then came back and worked on the
book most of the afternoon. Bill came over so we ordered Chinese takeout
for dinner. I have cooked every night this week and we were having
leftovers from several meals to make one. It was nice to have the night
off from the kitchen anyway. Clean house this morning. The dogs are
shedding their coats. I bought one of those new Pledge duster mops on a
handle to keep the hair and dust up during the week between vacuuming and
cleaning. You just attach a throwaway duster sheet to the holder and run
it around the floor. Even doing that, there is still hair all over the
place this morning. The
Winston Cup race is from Homestead,
Florida today. I wonder if they will make them do a recount when the
race is over to see who won! I will watch the race. I hope I can stay
away. The dogs woke us up at 7:00 this morning and we were not really
ready to get up. Bob took them out and I got up shortly after. So, I may
not make it through this afternoon without a nap while listening/watching
the race. We are having those leftovers for dinner tonight, so not much to
do in the kitchen.
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13 November 2000
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Congratulations to Winston Cup Champion Bobby Labonte
and team owner
Joe Gibbs. My regular page readers know I am a Winston Cup race
fan. I have always been a big fan of his brother, Terry Labonte, who has
won the championship twice. I am very glad to see Bobby win the race for
himself and Joe Gibbs. And, to have a brother act finally win the championship.
I sent our friend, Steve
Tucker who works for RJ Reynolds and is involved in the racing
programs marketing division a brief message yesterday, passing along my
joy that Bobby had won. As usual Dale Earnhardt played dirty pool again
yesterday. Sorry Earnhardt fans, that is just not the way to win races or
championships. Back many moons ago, when I was very young, in
the 1960's, I became a big sports fan. NFL football was one of the many
sports I enjoyed watching with my dad. Here in
Winston-Salem, the closest pro team was the Washington Red Skins. My dad
and I were dyed in the wool Redskins fans back when George Allen was the
coach. Problem was, they never had a winning season, let alone a chance at
a Super Bowl, but we still always pulled for them to win. After Joe Gibbs
took over the team, he took them to three Super Bowls during his career as
a head football coach. I no longer follow pro football, baseball, or
basketball because of the ridiculous salaries they make plus one hundred
other reasons. It is nice to see Joe Gibbs become a winner again and coach
a good driver to a Championship with a winning attitude and team
Read a review of the book I am
currently reading, Eagle's Cry by David Nevin. I did not know when
I reserved the book that it would end up being so apropos to today's
political mess. I started it
Wednesday and be darned if it isn't historical fiction about the election
in 1800, the presidents, electoral college, states swaying votes, as well
as a wonderful historical account of the expansion and civilization
of the United States.
I have an appointment to get my haircut this morning. I need to run a
couple of errands and then back home to work this afternoon.
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14 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
I am off to the gym this morning and the grocery store. I missed the
gym yesterday due to my haircut and I can't go tomorrow morning either,
which is normal grocery day. Other than that, I plan to work on the book
most of today. I ask Bob if we could do the library, dinner outing
tonight. As I mentioned, I will not be home tomorrow or most of it
anyway, so I want to get right much done today. In the morning I am
picking up my folks for a drive over to Greensboro to one of those
dishware replacement places. I have never been and wanted to go have a
look around to see what it is all about. With Malcolm breaking one of the
cereal bowls last week and Bob accidentally chipped on of the small
plates, I need a couple of extra pieces. This is the new set of
Pfaltzgraff I bought us for Christmas last year. I don't own good china
and have no desire to do so. I like just plain ol' stoneware. That means
I will be gone a better part of the day tomorrow for our little
outing. Guess that's about all for now.
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15 November 2000
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Okay husbands and wives, I would like your true response to this
question: If a husband and wife enter an eating establishment and the
wife visit the ladies room while the husband goes ahead and sits down,
would the husband know what to order for you to drink? This could be tea,
coffee, coke, etc. I am not including alcoholic beverages only because it
does not apply to the scenario. Bob and I went to our favorite little
restaurant for dinner last night. This is one of those small, home cooking
dinner type places where we eat all the time. There are actually two of
them that are very much alike and we eat out at one or the other. They do
not serve alcohol at these places, which is not why we eat there, they
just don't. Bob sat down and I went on to the ladies. When I got back the
waitress was bringing his coke and he had not ordered for me. I ask him
why and said, "but I always order the same thing". He told me he
did not pay any attention and that he bet all husbands don't. Now, we have
been married for seventeen years, not two. Now guys and wives, be
honest when you send me your responses. Would you know what to order your spouse
to drink? He claims women pay attention to these things and men
don't. I am off to Greensboro. Will report on the days activities
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16 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
First, if you are as tired of this election/Florida stuff as I am, and
want a good laugh, you must read the posting on Bob
Walder's Tuesday diary page. Just in case you don't know or realize,
they live in England. I think the whole world is laughing at us right now
and we deserve to be.
My folks and I had a nice outing yesterday. Replacements
is a neat place. I picked up some extra plates and bowls for my dishes and
some additional pieces to my stainless. We stopped at the Cracker Barrel
in Greensboro for lunch and then came on home.
I am staying home today to work. I will go to the gym tonight for
spinning class.
And finally, thanks to everyone who responded to my little survey about
ordering for our spouses in restaurants. I am not mad or upset with Bob,
just quite curious to see what other spouses would say. I am posting the replies.
Brian Bilbrey
:Iced tea, no lemon. ask me
something hard!
His wife Marcia said:
Brian and I were just talking-- I got it
wrong!! I always order iced tea with no lemon and he orders iced tea with
lemon. I had originally thought that he would order a Coke so I got it
wrong!! He drinks Coke at home like there's no tomorrow but not when we go
HA! Bob is also a die hard coke addict, but he also always orders coke
out. I would be safe. He also eats the same thing at every restaurant and
I can order for him.
Laura Kangas sent me a similar reply about her and her husband Gary:
I read your journal today and am
responding to your request.
I take great delight in reporting that
after 4 short years of marriage, I have properly "trained" Gary
to order for me in my absence - this also pertains to food as well as
drinks. Sometimes when we go out, I'll say "so what do you think I'll
order?" And he'll respond with a couple of selections (which are
usually correct). And now he'll often voice his opinion BEFORE I even have
the chance to ask.......he'll say "I bet you're gonna order
_____" It's pretty funny!
So yes, he does know what drink to order
for me - as well as the occasional meal! Very funny!!!
Laura Kangas
From Barry: Question:
Would you know what to order your spouse to drink?
Answer: According to my
wife, the only thing worse than my powers of spousal observation is my aim
in the bathroom. I just tell the waiter that we will both order when she
returns. It is the only safe thing to do. Varying from the safe pattern
gets you talked about by your wife on the internet, or so I have heard.
This is a cousin to those questions that have no viable answer, such as
"Do I look fat to you?" There is no correct response, including
silence, which speaks volumes. I usually just pee on the floor and look
scared. After 16 years of marriage, of course, she expects me to know what
she wants. I am also supposed to know how she's feeling, what she wore
last Thanksgiving, etc. etc.. I do the best I can, and apologize
regards, Barry Houtchen
Maryanna's reply: Yes he should
know what you usually drink and pre order it for you. I guess that Bob is
in the dog house instead of your 3 dogs right now.
Gary Berg: Well, I'd say that I'd know
to order water or a diet coke. The problem being that sometimes my wife
wants soda, sometimes she doesn't. So I'd order the water (which is what I
drink) and wait unless she'd told me to order soda for her..
Jan response
Probably Diet Coke, but I'd finesse the
situation by waiting to order until she got back. Unless it's a generic
fast-food, when it's gonna be the house Cola. OTOH, I don't think Ann'd
have any more idea what I would be likely to order than I she.
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17 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Be sure and check out Bob's new
We are having very typical late fall weather in the Carolinas. Cold
one day, warmer the next, cold again tonight. In-between, we did get some
more rain. The long range forecast for Sunday is a winter mix but the
weather folks can't decide if it will be rain/snow, ice/sleet, or all of
the above. I am supposed to go to the Festival of Trees with my
Today is odds and ends day. Bob and I have a project we need to get
done. I have some little things I want to tackle and tidy up. Southern
Foods is also bringing our food order today. We are getting really low
on main course foods, like meats and stuff. An order usually lasts
about three months before I start to run out of some things. I also order
some stuff for my parents.
I did spinning class last night, so I will give the gym a miss this
morning. This afternoon I need to run to the drugstore and get Lenore's
prescriptions and make a library visit. I have not worked for a couple of
weeks on gift books.
I had two more responses to the question about spouse drink orders. Michael
said he told his wife the story and said he would order tea. He was
correct but they had been married twice as long as Bob and I, so I will
not give up hope, yet.
Sarah, who is not married, made a good point. She observes her married
couple friends habits. She seems to think they are less observant of each
other than she is of them, maybe because we get very comfortable with our
significant others habits and tend not to pay as much attention. She is
unpredictable in a restaurant making it hard for anyone to order for her.
A second note, I did fail to word my questionnaire fairly and Sarah in
a roundabout way pointed that out to me. I should have said significant
other rather than husband/wife. We ourselves have friends who are not
married, so to speak, but consider themselves couples. I was not thinking
when I worded the question. If you are just now reading my page--a week or
month later, or whatever--please feel free to send me your responses to my
Have a nice weekend everybody.
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