Barbara |
Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
25 November 2000 (Week 48)
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me. I would love to hear from you. If you have problems reaching
me at the first address, I can also be reached at fritchman@triad.rr.com.
You can view the Netwidows
Recipe web site for recipes from myself and the other Netwidows
and Daynotes Gang.
25 November 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
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[Friday] [Next Week]
We spent a quiet day yesterday not doing much of anything. I worked
some in the morning and messed around doing small things in the afternoon,
but for the most part just took the day off.
Today, I am charged and ready to get moving. I have several projects I
want to get done. The cabinets where the pots and pans are stored are
upside down and need straightened. The cupboard where I store the plastic
containers is a mess and every time I open the door I get attacked by
something falling out. I may also drag out the Christmas decoration boxes
and haul them to the living room.
I have a long list of errands to run next week. I need to go get my
tree and do some shopping. I usually have most of my shopping done by
Thanksgiving, but some years, like this one, I don't get into the holiday
spirit until after Thanksgiving. Now, I think I am finally into the spirit
of things and ready to get started. I already know what I am buying so it
is just a matter of heading out to the stores and doing the shopping. At
least I can shop during the weekdays when the stores are not so crowded.
I keep my Christmas card list in Excel. I all have to do is print it
out and address cards. I usually do Lenore's for her too since it is hard
for her to write and address envelopes.
It is cold and raining today. I am glad I don't have to go out
anywhere. We were supposed to get some freezing stuff but it did not get
as cold as they thought it would.
For dinner tonight we are having left over dressing and green beans. I
am fixing Bob pork chops and Lenore and I will share the leftover Cornish
hen. I am saving the leftover mashed potatoes to make shepherd's
pie with for tomorrow night. That will finish up the Thanksgiving
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26 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Welcome another new Netwidow,
Shelley Bowman. Glad
to have you with us Shelley. Speaking of Netwidows, I have a message from
Keri that the group has been up and running for a year as of the first of
next month. I did not start my journal until the first of this year, but I
believe when I came on board there was only two or three members. We have
now grown to eight. Yesterday I got the decorations out of the closet
and up from the basement. I also decided to do things in reverse order
this year. I usually put up and decorate the tree and then do the tables
and other areas of the house. The big tree goes in the living room. This
year, I am going to do as much decorating before I do the tree as I can
and get that out of the way. Some things, like the mantle and the small
tabletop artificial tree have to wait until I actually start using
ornaments. I use branches from the bottom of the tree on my mantle and the
small tree goes in the den for us to enjoy with all teddy bears, those miniature
ornaments and border collies. Yesterday I spent the afternoon putting up
my Christmas Village. A number of years ago my sister bought me some of
the Department 56 houses I only have five buildings which is about
all I have room to display right now. But, I have bridges, benches,
people, gazebo's etc to put out too, which takes several hours. Plus, I am
craft challenged and can't seem to make the buffalo snow look as good as
it does in the store displays. I need to get started on cleaning
the house so I can do some decorating stuff done this afternoon. It is
still cool and raining here this morning but is supposed to be warm again
by tomorrow and sunny. My seed and fertilizer had a real good soaking.
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27 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
It is going to be a busy week. I have lots of things I want to get done
and some things I need to get done. So we will see. I am off to the gym
this morning and I have to take Lenore to the doctor at 1pm, so today is
pretty much taken care of.
I have a full day of errands to run which included getting started on
some shopping. I have to go to the pet supply store tomorrow to get food
for the guys. I occasionally like to visit the Pet Smart across town when
I need to look for a few things that are harder to find. They have a wider
variety of inventory than the Pet Supplies Plus right here at the house
and I can pick up their food while I am there. I have several other stops
to make in the same vicinity of the pet store.
I am not sure if we are playing golf this week. We have not played for
several weeks due to the weather. I know dad has a meeting Thursday, so if
we play it will be Tuesday or Wednesday.
I managed to get a few more decorations up yesterday. That is another
errand this week, get the tree. Bob was even good spirited enough to wear
his reindeer antlers all day.
Duncan has torn a paw pad again. He injured it Thanksgiving day so I
put some vet wrap on it. I took the bandage off Saturday and he tore it
again yesterday. He goes ripping across the yard to chase squirrels. This
time I wrapped it with tape and vet wrap and then covered it with a sock
top. I cut the stretchy part from an old sock and slid it over the bandage
and then tape the top and bottom. It keeps the vet wrap secure and dry.
You have to be very careful when using vet wrap and not get it so tight it
cuts off the circulation. Therefore, if not secured well it will slip and
tape does not stick to fur very well.
Guess that's all for now.
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28 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
I am off this morning to do some shopping and other miscellaneous
chores while I am out and about. I will see how much I can accomplish by
early afternoon and return home. That is about all I can take for one day
anyway and I like to get back home by then. The traffic gets even worse
once the kids get out of school. As you will read on Bob's page, my
birthday is Saturday. I am as hard to buy for as he is and really do not
expect a lot of gifts. With my birthday so close to Christmas I have a
hard enough time coming up with gift ideas for both events for Bob and my
family too. I always get two dinners out. Bob and I will go out on my
birthday to one of the little restaurants he is willing to frequent. This
year my family is taking me out to the Village Tavern, a real nice steak,
pasta, and chicken type place on Sunday night. Maybe while I am out
today I will get some ideas. Of course, Bob will not go shopping, so I
have to find things that can be ordered via computer or telephone. Guess
that's all for now. |
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29 November 2000
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[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
Here's a picture I took of Bob wearing his Winter Solstice antlers.
I had a very successful day yesterday. I managed to get most of my
major shopping out of the way in a very short period of time. I still have
a few odds and ends to pick up but nothing significant. Since I was on
the other side of town, I called my folks about 11:30 to see if they were
home. I stopped in for a quick visit with them and had lunch too. Mom
heated me a bowl of homemade vegetable soup that was delicious. I then hit
the road to head back across town and made a couple of stops along the
way. I got back home at almost 2:00, when I said I would. I worked in
the afternoon and then fixed creamed chip beef on noodles for dinner. Off
to the gym this morning followed by library and groceries. I had hoped to
mow this afternoon but it is looking a bit cloudy and they are calling for
a few sprinkles. My ankle is pretty much healed from the fall last week.
The swelling was down by Monday and it now sports those lovely green and
yellow colors from the bruising. The skinned knees are about healed over,
though the left one that bore the brunt of the fall is still a bit sore if
it gets bumped just right. All the walking I did yesterday, particularly
by the time I got to the mall, made my ankle a bit achy, so it is still
not completely healed. I bought a new cookie sheet yesterday and
plan to use it either today or tomorrow. I bought a tub of chocolate chip
cookie dough from one of the neighborhood kids doing a school fund raiser.
I want to try it out and see if it is any good. I usually make my cookies
from scratch when I do any baking but with the premixed dough I can make
small batches whenever I want to without all the hassle of mixing it up.
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30 November 2000
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Yesterday turned out to be a bit of a bummer. I went to the gym, the
library and the store. On the way to the store I past the lot where the
Christmas Trees are usually sold and noticed they were setting them up. I
came home, ate lunch, and did a quick mow over the yard to mulch the
leaves. I could not catch it because there was still too much seed and fertilizer
laying on the ground.
Anyway, I intended, after I took my shower, to drive back up and get a
tree. Shortly after took my shower the mail arrived and in the
mail was the returned package of a book we had sent to our author friend
Caroline Llewelyn, with a return to sender notice. We have since learned
that two weeks after we visited her in Princeton, NJ she chose to take her
own life due to depressing personal circumstances. Bob will have more
information on his diary page if you wish to read it.
So, this morning I am taking the blue truck out to Tim's to get the oil
changed. After I drop Bob off at home I will go up and pick out my
Christmas tree. I will go ahead and bring it in the house to get in water.
I will not start decorating it until maybe Friday or Saturday.
I am working on Christmas cards and I need to do Lenore's too. I may
work on those this afternoon. Early dinner tonight so I can go to
spin class at the gym.
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1 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
The tree is in the stand in the living room.
Decorating to begin tomorrow.
If you need a good laugh for today, be sure and check out Malcolm's
latest escapades from this morning.
I spent most
of yesterday getting my Cyber
Hound News for December ready to go up this morning. This month
I decided to do fun sites I find when I am doing other research. Keri,
I hope you don't mind if I included the site you posted earlier this week
from the Naval Observatory. It fit right in with my page theme for this
month. You will also noticed I added a picture in the corner of the page.
I am thinking of renaming my page but so far have not been able to come up
with anything. I need something professional sounding but more reflective
of what the column is; an annotated list of sites I discover and wish for
others to learn about. Malcolm is not a hound and it is really not a
newsletter but more of a column. I am open to suggestions.
It is off to the basement this morning. I always sweep and clean the
basement twice a year, spring and fall. This year with yard activities
still going on, I am late doing it. Now that the leaves are through
falling and will not blow back in and I am pretty much finished with my
yard toys for the season, I think I will tackle that job this
morning. Since I did spinning class last night I can skip gym this
morning and do the basement instead.
Have a good weekend everybody.
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