Yesterday : This is what I did most of
yesterday. Watch them install our new sewer connection and take pictures.
You need to understand that ever since I was a youngster I have always
been fascinated by watching things being built, put together, etc.
The city showed up at 8:30 yesterday morning to get started. These
pictures show the guys using the big diamond blade saw to cut the street
up so they could dig back from our yard to the main sewer line. The have
to keep water on the blade to keep it from over heating.
Once the pavement is cut the backhoe guy digs up the street. He then
started digging from the connection we put in last Friday, the white pipe
back to the main line. He is parked in the neighbor's yard across the
street. Once he had all the dirt out of the hole he had the entire street
blocked. We were the only ones completely blocked in because of the
machinery. Everyone else could come and go from their driveways out one
direction or the other. I asked the city guy if all the main drains were
this deep and he said, this one just happened to be pretty far down.
To protect the guys working in the hole, they lower this big steel cage
for them to work in. This prevents anyone from being injured or buried
should the walls decide to collapse. Once in place one of the guys then
tapped the main drain and made the connection. (last picture on right). He
then poured a small back of quick cement around the connection and some
dirt and water to set the pipe firm.
Up to this point it was around 2:30 in the afternoon. In the first
picture the elbow pipe is the one that will connect our main drain to
their new connection. The little stub is where they cut our connection to
the old pipe to the street. Our pipe comes out of the house at an angle. In
order for the pipe to make the turn and connect straight into the new
connection they had to make this elbow pipe. They ran into a few problems
and it took them about an hour to get this piece fitted. The black pipe
running out from the white one is the last connection back to where they
started when they tapped into the main drain.
Now it is all connected. The last picture shows the same type
connection up to the yard as our white pipe but they use black cast iron.
The city worker is holding the pipe in place while the backhoe fills in
the dirt to hold it up.
It took until well after 4:00 just to get the pipes laid, the
connections made, and the final stand pipe in. They would normally get off
work at 4:00 but now had another two hours of work to fill in the hole,
tamp down the dirt and make the temporary repairs to the street and yard
before they could leave for the day.
They finished around 6:30. Several of the guys had second jobs to go to
and borrowed our cordless phone to call supervisors and wives to let them
know they were still on the job. Yes, they get overtime pay for the hours.
but that was a long, hard job. They will come back and reseed and straw
the yard. Then the city comes along and paves in the patch they dug up. We
should now be trouble free to run laundry, take showers, and do
I am off to the gym and the grocery store. Before I leave I am going to
put in a load of clothes to try out the new drains. It is a real wet and
dreary day out. It is supposed to rain or drizzle all day which is hard on
the dogs. No outside play time today.
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