This is how the dogs spend every Sunday morning while I
clean house. Asleep in the foyer while I do the other rooms. Then I move
them to the den so I can vacuum the foyer. Malcolm likes to sleep tucked
into the corner.

We had a very nice afternoon at my sister's house. But the day turned
out to be rather busy. Just as I was finishing up vacuuming Lenore's room
Bob called up to say the washing machine had finally given up the ghost. I
called Frances to see if I could bring the laundry along and do it while
we were over there.
After a shower and lunch I watched the beginning of the race. Bob and I
decided we would leave early enough to stop by Sears and order another
washing machine on the way over. Around 3:00 I started packing up food,
gifts, and laundry stuff to load in the car. Bob pulled out the
load from the washer and discovered the agitator must have been jammed because it now
turned freely and was spinning again. We rinsed and spun the whole load
again and the washer seemed to be working fine. We unloaded the laundry
from the car and Bob started the dark load washing.
After watching the end of the race at Frances's we got dinner started.
I manned the grill while mom and Frances did the inside food. After dinner
and clean up we did gifts. Dad really liked his robe and hammer. Then we
had desert, while watching the last few holes of the U.S. Open.

Bob went outside a couple of times to smoke his pipe and
came back in declaring the skies to the south were clear. He suggested we
go home, let out the dogs and drive up to Bullington. I was pretty tired
from the days activities thus not very enthusiastic about going up. Plus
we had a late night the evening before and I did not nap during the race.
We left Frances's around 8 o'clock and got home to find a
message on our answering machine. Bonnie was going back up to the site and
wanted to know if we would like to join her. After a few minutes
contemplation I said "what the hell" let's go. Bob settled
Lenore while I put away leftovers from the dinner. We walked the dogs,
settled them down, loaded up and took off back to Bullington around 9:05.
Mars was lovely as well as the entire sky. No clouds but some haze down
Mars really never looked good through the scope so we
started hunting around for some star clusters and nebulae to look at. I
pulled out maps and books and before you know it we had found about 5 or 6
deep sky objects which were beautiful. We also saw the Milky Way come in
and some very nice constellations. I have now decided that Sagittarius,
which resembles a teapot is my favorite constellation (despite the fact
that it is my birth sign) in addition to Orion.
Needless to say, I am glad we went up. It was a wonderful
night for viewing and I soon forgot how tired I was.
We finally packed up and came home around 1:30 getting in
bed by 2 am. The dogs did let us sleep in until 8:15.
Consequently I am getting a very late start to the
morning. I am off to the gym and then back home to work. It is to be 90
degrees today and with the humidity will be quite warm out.
I hope your Monday gets the week off to a good start.
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