26 November 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday turned out to be a rather lazy Sunday afternoon.
I called Nancy after I finished up the house work and before I fixed lunch
to see if we were on not to tie dye. She was not at home so I left her a
message. Bob needed me to do a couple of pictures for the book so I did
those right after lunch. I still had not heard from Nancy. I decided to
lay down on the couch and read a magazine while Bob went back to take a
nap. Nancy finally called around one to say we would not tie dye
because not only was she still ill but she had been too ill all weekend to
wash the shirts in the solution and get them ready to do.
That suited me fine for as soon as I hung up the phone I too decided a
nap was in order. I spent the remainder of the afternoon and most of the evening
reading until time to watch The Practice. I did work on the PC back in my
office checking mail and typing up the minutes from the Astronomy Club
meeting. The ulterior motive being to keep Malcolm back with me so Bob
could get the finishing touches on his chapter to mail off and not be
pestered to throw the ball.
This morning I am off early to run errands, shop, and get a hair cut.
Some of the shopping is Christmas stuff but not much. I have a long list
of things to get at Wal-Mart. Since my haircut is not until eleven, I will
try to get most of the errands out the way before my appointment.
I need a new pair of tennis shoes and Lenore wants me to buy them from
her for my birthday so I will be shoe shopping at the sports stores. I may
try the mall for a couple things I need to check into on my Christmas
shopping list.
I told Nancy if she was ready to tie dye this afternoon I would stop by
on my way home and help for a little while if she is feeling up to the
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27 November 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I now have most of my Christmas shopping done with the
exception of a few things here and there to pick up. I did not find any
shoes yesterday. I have to wear high tops because of my bad ankles. The
choices for women are pretty narrow. But, I will keep looking when I am
Nancy was still sick yesterday so after grabbing a quick bite of lunch
at the mall I made two more stops and then came on home.
Last night I finished the second mystery by author D. R. Meredith in
her new Megan Clark/reference librarian series. By Hook or By Book like
her first one Murder in Volume involves Megan and her friend Ryan
in yet another murder case that the local law enforcement officer seems to
have trouble solving himself. And, the Murder by the Yard book club always
comes to Megan's aid in helping to solve the case. As I stated in my
review of her first book, these are not the best in terms of writing or
plot development but they are fun to read. Meredith has a way of injecting
humorous dialog into her characters just when you least expect it.
I am off to SciWorks this morning to work a little than back home.
Early dinner tonight so I can go to the gym for my exercise classes. Now
that the yard work is almost finished for the year I can get back to my
normal exercise schedule.
With the warm, damp weather I can see sprigs of grass coming up in the
dirt areas of the yard, finally!
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.
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28 November 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yes, things are gearing up for Christmas around the house.
Yesterday afternoon I had to pick up the t-shirts from the printer and
deliver them to Nancy for today's tie dying. On the way home I stopped by
the lot and picked up my Christmas tree. Bob took a picture of me trimming
the top off because it was just a little too tall once we put it in the
base. Those boxes and bags sitting in the forefront of the picture are my
Even though I will not have time to get started before I have to go out
of town this weekend I wanted to go ahead and get my tree and put it in
water. This tree was just cut on Saturday so I knew it would be good and

I did make it to gym class last night. It was nice to be back after
having missed a full week last week.
This morning I am off to the grocery store. When I get back and unload
groceries I am going over to Nancy's to tie dye. She was feeling better
yesterday and got the process underway by the time I talked with her
yesterday afternoon.
Tonight is library/dinner out night for Bob and I.
As I mentioned earlier I will be heading out of town this weekend. CBCR
and Aussie Rescue of NC are doing a big agility trial this weekend down
East of Raleigh, NC. Agility, for those who do not know, is a dog sport
where handlers run their dogs through a series of tunnels and jumps. All
the dogs will not be Border Collies or Aussies. Dogs must make a clean run
plus a good time in order to win. Proceeds from the entries to run plus a
dinner we are having on Saturday night will be split between the two
More on that later this week.
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29 November 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
If you have never tie dyed shirts before you have no idea
how time consuming the task is. I arrived at Nancy's around 10:30. By the
time we folded a batch of shirts and tied them (this forms the design),
mixed the dyes, and dyed the shirts it was 1:00. By then we had run out of
water softener. I took of for the grocery store and to get us a bite of
lunch. While Nancy mixed more dyes I started folding and tying another
batch of shirts. As I was dying the next batch Nancy realized it was
almost 3:00 and time to pick up her daughter from school.
I finished dying the batch I was working on, then folded and tied
another batch for her to dye. I left to come home. It is a lot of fun to
do. The folding/tying is what takes so long.
I got home around five o'clock, jumped in the shower real fast and then
Bob and I headed out for dinner.
This morning I need to run some errands before I leave to go out of
town tomorrow. This afternoon Bob and I need to put together and hang the
new baby gate for the living room door.
My friend Laura, who moved back to Jacksonville, Fl is coming up today.
She is supposed to call me when she gets in. Nancy and I are meeting her
for dinner and a visit. On Sunday she is taking back one of CBCR rescue's
that has been adopted by a family down there. It just happen to work out
that Laura was coming for a visit and could transport the dog back with
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30 November 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Nancy, Laura, and I had a very nice dinner last night. With
the mild, warm weather, we were able to sit outside on the patio to eat at
The Filling Station. We all ordered individual brick oven pizza which was
very tasty. I was back home by 9:30 but after a long day of running
errands and getting things ready to leave today I was beat.
This morning it is packing and preparing to leave. I plan to leave
around eleven. Once down there this afternoon I will get the CBCR tent set
up and then help with the preparations for the trial for tomorrow.
Rain, damp, and warm weather. I finally have grass coming up in the
bare spots.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I posted brief accounts of how the
weekend should go. This is my first agility trial as a working
participant. I have been to several just to watch. It should be a fun but
busy weekend.
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1 December 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
The Trial begins runs at 7:30 so I imagine we will be up
around six o'clock to be at the trial field and getting organized. With
two rings going at the same time we need a lot of volunteers to change
jumps and ring configurations between classes.
Tonight we have the dinner with Paul from Highlands Catering doing the
food. I have used him for several events. He does great BBQ and grilled
It will be a long day I am sure.
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2 December 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy Birthday to me. I can't remember the last time I was
not home for my birthday. I hope to be able to leave to head for home in
the late afternoon. Sunday runs are usually shorted because a lot of the
dogs/handlers only run the Saturday competitions.
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