14 January 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Another mildly relaxing day once the weekly house cleaning chores were
finished. Other than doing some work at my desk and working on my puzzle I
really did not do a whole lot. I fixed beef stroganoff for dinner. I am
now reading a biography of Rowan Atkinson by Bruce Dessau. I periodically
enjoy reading biographies so I decided to pick this one off my "to be
read shelf". Not sure where I bought it. Bob and I really enjoy his
Black Adder series. We could never get into the Mr. Bean shows. I
understand he has a new series out Thin Blue Line but we have not seen it.
And of course to me half the enjoyment of a good biography of a person is
also how well it is written. So far this one seems to be pretty good. Will
let you know.
I am off to the gym for Body Pump class this morning. I am glad the
gym has added the morning classes again. When I first started spinning they
held classes on weekday mornings. Gradually attendance dwindled so bad
that they now only offer it at night or on Saturday morning. I was doing the
Saturday morning class until I started the Tuesday night back to back
class of buns & thighs and then spinning. With the new Body Pump
class I
have not had a chance to get a new routine down yet to see when I want to
incorporate the other classes in my weekly workouts.
After the gym I have, as usual errands to run. I am not sure when I
worked a regular "out of the house" job when I ever got all
these darn errands run.
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15 January 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Bob took this picture of Duncan keeping me company while
I worked on my puzzle the other night. I am making great progress. After I
get a little more of the puzzle together I will take a picture of my work.

Speaking of Duncan. He came out of the kitchen last night limping very
badly. Upon closer inspection it appears he had torn the dew claw on on
leg very badly and possibly injured the one on his other leg. Bob held him
while I applied antibiotic cream and wrapped them in vet wrap. Once I did
that he seemed to be limping less and this morning appears to be fine.
Since neither nail was bleeding or appeared to be torn from the nail bed a
trip to the vet is not required at this point. After a couple of days I
will unwrap them and see how they are healing up.
Body Pump was great yesterday morning. What a great way to start the
day with a good workout. By the time class was over and I made a couple of
stops it was 11:30 before I got home. I just missed meeting the new lady
that is coming to bath Lenore twice a week. Lenore seemed to like her
which is really all that matters.
I spent most of the afternoon paying bills and mailing some stuff off
for reimbursement to the treasurer of CBCR. Last night we watched Buffy
and Angel and then off to bed to read.
This morning I am going out to SciWorks for awhile and then back home.
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16 January 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Hi folks. Since today is a quiet news day at the Thompson
Techno Grotto I will make an announcement concerning my sister. Frances is
getting married on April 20. The reason I mention it here is I am sure
future diary pages will contain references to the wedding in terms of
shopping expeditions, plans, etc. I, of course, am Matron of Honor.
Frances will be 42 in March and has never been married. Al is 55 and
has been married twice before. We have a scheduled dress shopping
excursion for next Wednesday as the first activity. She has three
bridesmaids who are all the same age as I am or older. She wants the four
of us to pick out something together that compliments our ages. Ha! For
me, who wore a tea length dress to get married in, I am happy she is not
expecting me to wear frilly, spaghetti straps.
This morning I am off to the gym and grocery store. I am meeting Betsy
for lunch later today and tonight is Astronomy Club meeting. We are
meeting some other members of the club for dinner before the meeting.
Tonight is Bob is doing the program for the meeting, Winter Messier
Objects. I am sure, with all the major preparation he has put into it,
that it will be a great program. Wish all of you could attend.
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17 January 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Bob will be putting his Astronomy Club lecture up on his
web site this week. If you are interested in the subject at all I
recommend you take a look at it. He did a lot of research on the subject
of Messier and telescopes as related to the modern ones of today plus
instructions on how to find the winter deep sky objects he covered. I will
post the exact URL when he gets it ready.
My Trooper has to go in the shop today. It is time for an oil change
and in the past week or so I started getting a valve tick. Let's keep our
fingers crossed that it is nothing serious. It has 65,000 miles on it and
being 9 years old I guess it is getting up there a little in age.
With my truck in the garage I will spend the day at home getting some
things done. The unfinished side of the basement needs some additional
organization. I also want to clean out the closet in Lenore's room and the
tall chest of drawers that we use to keep her things in. I still have some
stuff in there that can be boxed up and she has some things in there that
she no longer needs.
Yes, today is normally golf day but the folks had somewhere they had to
be today so we are not playing despite the fact that we have a nice
weather day.
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18 January 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Whew! Dodged a bullet with the car. They changed the oil
and varnished the overhead cam lifters. That seemed to take care of the
ticking noise. A difference in several hundred dollars to less than
I spent the day getting things done around the house. We had left over
meatloaf and broccoli for dinner.
This morning I am going out to SciWorks for awhile than back home. I
have some work to do. I am thinking about going to the gym for the 5:30
buns & thighs class which means an early dinner.
I hope everyone has a good weekend. It is forecast to be cold and rainy
here. We are supposed just going to miss snow/ice with the temperatures
hovering around freezing. It remains to be seen.
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19 January 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Another slow news day around the Thompson Techno Grotto.
Buns & Thighs class went well at the gym last night though I could
tell I had not done the class in a couple of weeks. I spent the evening
reading the Rowan Atkinson biography of which I am almost finished.
We have rain right now but so far no frozen precipitation. If it
continues to be just a cold rain the telescope clinic at SciWorks will go
on as usual but inside of course. Although I do not have enough experience
to be of any help I will go with Bob and just hang out. It will be fun to
see what some of the scopes look like that people bring.
No star watching for tonight with the cloudy/rainy weather. If we do
the telescope clinic I guess we will stop and grab a bite to eat on the
way home. It it does get cancelled I will fix something.
We need the rain, we are still about ten inches below normal for last
year and already below normal for this month. It is snowing just to the
north of us but I would rather just see a good two or three day rain.
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20 January 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Astronomy Club lecture is now up on his web site if you are
Yesterday was cold and rainy but we did not get any significant ice.
The temperatures hovered just around the freezing mark in the triad all
day. While the trees did get a little icy during the day it did not prove
to be any problems for us. It did however, pour down rain most of the day
which we really needed. Just to the north of us they got anywhere from 3
to 8 inches of snow. West of us got more icing and several areas had power
failures due to falling trees.
We left around 1 o'clock to drive out to SciWorks for the telescope
clinic. The Club had a pretty good turnout of volunteers with only a
couple of people showing up with scopes to learn how to use them. We hung
around until 3:30 than came on home.
For some reason I was tired yesterday and felt like I needed a nap. By
getting back home early I was able to grab an hour or so nap before
dinner. I fixed homemade pancakes, bacon, and eggs for dinner then spent
the evening finishing my book. One of the things I enjoyed about the Rowan
Atkinson biography is reading behind the scenes of the Blackadder shows
as well as about his overall career. I was wrong the other day when I
mentioned he was working on a new series, Thin Blue Line. He did
that series in the mid '90's before making his Mr. Bean movie. His most
recent project was a new Blackadder which I just purchased for Bob
the other day from Amazon. I always like to do a little research on the
books I read on Amazon to see what kind of reviews they get, etc. In
researching his biography I stumbled on a video of his I have been trying
to get for Bob for years, A Blackadder Christmas Carol. It has been
out of print for a long time. I ordered that one plus the most recent
series, Back and Forth made in 1999 that we have not seen. We have
the first four Blackadder's on video in a boxed set.
This morning is house cleaning. I need to pay some bills this afternoon
and will most likely work on my puzzle. I have the outer portion almost
all finished and now starting on the lighthouses themselves.
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