4 February 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I posted a couple of pictures from the downstairs area to give you an
idea of what it looks like. When we bought this house it was a dark, 800
square foot play room with two windows and dark green fake paneling. We
expanded the room and installed real pine paneling. Lenore really
enjoyed living down there while she could, but we now have her living
upstairs so that we don't have to run up and down the stairs constantly.
This area is now a full guest area for

Quiet, restful day yesterday. After lunch I had intended
to come back to my office and do some paperwork. I started watching a dog
show on Animal Planet and fell asleep on the couch instead. After a really
good 2 1/2 hour nap I felt much better. After briefly checking my mail I
worked on my puzzle until time to start dinner. After dinner I put in
another hour or so on the puzzle before hitting the couch to read until
bed time.
Off to the gym for Body Pump this morning. I also need to
make a stop at the library and the pet store before coming back home.
After a quick lunch I need to leave again to make another couple of stops
on the way to get my hair cut.
Hope your Monday gets your week off to a good start.
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5 February 2002
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday afternoon while out running errands I stopped at Sears
and bought me a new lawn toy. Although the primary function will be for
vacuuming up leaves in the fall I can start using it now for various other
functions. It is also a blower and a chipper/shredder which means I can
grind up sticks and make mulch.
We have a hand held gas blower that is in the shop right now getting a
much needed tune up. Bob can continue to use it for blowing out the
gutters and I can use my big one for larger jobs like blowing off the
drive and cleaning up after I trim bushes.
The wind was howling like mad today. The cold front that we were to get
definitely came through. We had a few snow showers this afternoon but
nothing that hit the ground. Last night it was in the teens with 15 to 20
mph winds. Sitting my office yesterday I could hear it howling around the
house as I worked.
Off to SciWorks this morning. Paperwork and things to do this
I started a new book, The Stone Flower Garden by Deborah Smith.
I have read her previous novel, On Bear Mountain not too long ago.
Her new novel is set in the fictional city of Burnt Stand, NC. Smith has
set up a basic story of the southern rich versus the southern poor but alluding
to the fact that both can be very lonely in life. Darlene Union is the
grand daughter of a wealthy marble tycoon of which the entire city is
founded upon. Orphaned at a young age, she is being raised by her
grandmother in both the social behavior of the rich and how to run the
family business. She spends her entire life on the estate not even allowed
to attend the local public school. Visits to town are always accompanied
by her grandmother.
Eli Wade, the son of a poor marble cutter, and Darl meet on a hot
summer day in 1972 when Eli's father comes to town to be employed by the
marble company. Eli is attacked by a local gang of kids and Darl comes to
his rescue. From that day forward Darl falls for Eli and they become good
friends in secret. Their secret meeting place is the Stone Flower Garden
on the estate.
So far the book is very good. I really enjoyed On Bear Mountain.
Deborah Smith writes very well. As I think I stated in my review of her
earlier novel, I do not read very many southern women writers but I really
enjoy her writing and her characters. I think this novel will turn out to
be another good one.
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6 February 2002
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Hi, sorry for the short post. Not really too much to talk
about. This morning I am off to play golf with my dad. It is supposed to
rain tonight and tomorrow so we are playing today instead. The weather
folks cannot decided if it will start as freezing rain/sleet/snow/ or
With the temperatures now and those predicted for today and tonight
looks to me like it will be mostly rain.
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7 February 2002
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Although it was a little on the chilly side and cloudy we
had a nice round of golf. The course was practically deserted with only
the most die hard players out on a day like yesterday. It started to rain
just as I was driving back across town around 2 pm. We got a little bit of
frozen stuff early before the temperatures actually got warmer as the day
progressed. We did a good rain over night but dodged the proverbial ice
storm/major snow storm bullet again.
I have a funny dog story that is not about one of my dogs but about one
of the golden retrievers who gets to work on the golf course where we
play. One of the guys, Mike, who works on the course mowing, cutting
trees, etc brings his older golden Jesse with him all the time. It is not
unusual to see Jesse running after their golf cart or truck somewhere on
the course. Jesse will often stop to visit some of the golfers he knows or
give out an occasional bark. Off and on I have seen the younger golden
retriever out on the course but had not seen her lately. Mike lives in a
house along the 17th green and I have seen the younger golden out in the
chained fence.
Yesterday, since the course was pretty empty Mike and some of the other
golf course guys were working behind the tee of the fourteenth hole
cutting down trees. Dad and I had started on the back first since a small
group of regulars was going off the front. We hit our tee shots onto the
par three 12th green and proceeded to drive up to the green. As we exited
the golf cart, here came the younger golden bounding over to see me from
the hill above. Just as he almost got to me, she stopped and grabbed my
golf ball off the green and into his mouth. I tried the drop command to no
avail. By this time Mike heard me and saw what was happening and called
the dog over to him to give up the ball. I proceeded to tell him it was
okay, that I had dogs who do silly things like that, and I was not mad.
Now I can see why Mike does not let the younger dog out on the course.
Another golfer may not have been as amused. Mike told me her name but I
cannot remember it at this point. She is only a year and half and I am
sure will eventually be trust worthy enough to run loose around the course
like Jesse does. They have another old, black lab named Putt Putt that
also hangs out. She mostly lays around in the sun near the club house. I
just enjoy seeing these dogs have such a wonderful life being able to run
around working all day and have so much fun.
This morning I am off to the gym. This afternoon Lenore wants to go to
one of the big craft stores here in town. Since today is her bath day
Donna can dress her for going out.
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8 February 2002
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I took Lenore to the A C Moore crafts store yesterday
afternoon. This was my first visit to this craft establishment and I must
say I was very impressed. Not with the merchandise but the neatness and
ability to find things. Since I do not do crafts I do not often frequent
these types of stores.
We were gone a couple of hours by the time we finished up at the craft
store and I made a couple of stops on the way home at the bank and to get
gas. Although it was a miserable, rainy day I guess she enjoyed getting
Last night I finished Stone Flower Garden. Even though it had a
typical storybook ending where all the characters live "happy ever
after" it was still a good novel.
This morning I am off to the gym and the drugstore. This afternoon our
friend Bonnie Richardson and I are going to Old
Salem for a tour of the exhibit at the museum "Gunsmiths
of Salem and the Vogler Family of Artisans". I am a member of the
Friends of Old Salem. Should be a fun afternoon. After we finish walking
around the exhibit we are coming back to the house to get Bob and go out
to the little cafe for dinner.
Tonight is the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics. I find the
winter sports much more to my liking than the ones for the summer. I plan
to try and watch a lot of the coverage of the events.
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9 February 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy Saturday to everyone. Bonnie and I had a wonderful
time at Old Salem yesterday. After we walked around the museum exhibit we
strolled around Old Salem under clear blue skies with temperatures in the
low to mid 50's. We got back to the house close to five o'clock and picked
up Bob to go out to dinner.
We returned to the house and Bonnie and I played a rousing game of
Scrabble. She then played with the dogs. She took a liking to Malcolm
because of his "ballmania" before taking off for home herself.
I watched some of the opening ceremonies for the Olympics before
heading off to bed to read a few chapters in another Jill Churchill
mystery, Fear of Frying.
This morning I have already given Bob a haircut. Next I need to brush
the dogs. The temperatures are to be in the low 60's today again under
clear blue skies. I am going to get some yard work done once it dries out
a little. Bob is going to help me put my knew lawn toy together so I can
vacuum the lawn of leaves and twigs. I need to dig up a couple of dead
bushes which I will replace in the spring and do some general winter clean
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10 February 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I tried out my new lawn vacuum which worked great. In the
afternoon I got dad's old mulching mower out and gave the high spots in
the yard a quick trim. I must say I really enjoyed spending the better
part of the day being outside in the sunshine and fresh air for a change.
Yesterday afternoon our friend Robin called. She was supposed to have
dinner with us tonight. However, she has been hit with that horrid stomach
bug that is going around and called to let us know she would need to
postpone. I had thawed out some ribs and chicken to barbecue on the grill.
So, instead of fixing them tonight I went ahead and grilled them for
dinner last night. We can eat the leftovers for dinner one night this
The other reason she called was to give us some rather sad news. Sue
Stephens is a friend of Robin's and ours and was our vet until she sold
her practice. Sue's father died
suddenly Friday. This was a shock because he was only 70 and in very good
After I finished up in the yard and took a shower I watched some of the
afternoon Olympic competition before fixing dinner. Last night I did some
reading and watched a little of the evening competition. We walked the
dogs and I went to bed to read but did not even make it ten o'clock before
having to turn out the light.
Clean house this morning. This afternoon there is the first race of the
season, The Bud Pole Shootout. A quick 70 lap race that serves more or
less as a tune up for those drivers who won poles in last year's events.
Then I guess I will watch some Olympics.
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