25 February 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday was another typical Sunday. I watched the race in the
afternoon. I fixed pork ribs and chicken on the grill and made pasta salad
for dinner. I spent most of the evening reading until time to watch The
This morning I am off to the gym for body pump class. My sister is
taking my dad back to the doctor this morning for more x-rays. He seemed
to be about the same when I called the house last night to check on him. I
will take my phone with me this morning just in case Frances needs to call
me with new information or needs me for something. She has two
appointments later this morning herself and may need me to go pick
him up from the doctor if he runs too late. Otherwise, she is taking him
back home and then going over to sit with him this afternoon just in case
he needs anything.
If I don't hear from her I am going to run out to Lowe's and pick up
the remaining bricks for the wall. I also need to mow the lawn this
afternoon if I have time before I take Kerry out to the vet for his yearly
check up.
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26 February 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I finished building my wall yesterday. I will wait and post
another picture after I get the mulch to back fill the area. After I
finished the wall I mowed the lawn and picked up some of the little sticks
lying around.
Kerry's vet check was pretty much as we expected it to be. At fourteen
years old he has a fairly serious heart murmur, is mostly blind with
cataracts, and partially deaf. But at this point he is still pretty active
for his age and seems to be enjoying life. The vet told me the things to
watch for if the heart murmur gets worse or he develops some of the side
effects. He could live anywhere from six weeks to another year, who knows.
Bob is working on revising all the chapters for the book this week. He
got a call from the publisher that we can get into an early publishing
slot if he can get the revised chapters in by Friday. I am staying home
today to take over dog/mom duties to give him more time to work. I have
plenty to do to keep me busy as well.
Tonight I am meeting my friend Nancy that works at the library at
Eelias Cafe for a Celtic music event. No, that is not a typo, that is the
way the owner spells it. The group, Providence, plays traditional Irish
music. Nancy and I are meeting for dinner and then staying on for the
music. I will fix Bob and Lenore something to eat before I leave.
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27 February 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
If you are into Celtic music I highly recommend the group Providence.
They are from Dublin are traveling on their first United States tour
promoting their second album A Fig for a Kiss which I purchased at
the concert last night. They play good Irish music featuring jigs and
reels and some vocals. Nancy and I met at 6:00 to eat and talk until time
for show. Eelias Cafe is a small restaurant but they put in extra seats
behind the tables for those persons who wish to just come in and listen to
the music. The group played two sets finishing up around 10:30.
This morning we are taking Astro-truck out to be serviced. As I
mentioned on my page from Sunday, the Check Trans light came on coming
down the mountain from our observing session. Plus, we need new tires now
that we are driving longer distances.
I was going to stop at the lawn and garden store to have them deliver
my mulch. But, temperatures today at to be in the low 30's with 20 to 30
mph winds. Tomorrow is only to be a little warmer and the long range
forecast right now is for inclement weather on Saturday and Sunday. Think
I will wait until next week to for that project.
Instead, I shall drop Bob off at home and go to the gym and grocery
store then back home to work on things indoors. Bob is still furiously
working on chapters so I have to man the dog/mom front anyway.
Oh, I finished the Passion of Artemisia by Susan
Vreeland. I highly recommend both her books especially if you enjoy
reading about artists of the 15th - 17th centuries. She is an excellent
writer mixing fact and fiction from the historical setting of her books.
I started the newest Robin Paige, Death
at Dartmoor, Monday night.
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28 February 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy birthday to my mom!!
It was cold and blustery yesterday. The truck was finished about 2:00.
Bob and I went out to pick it up then I went on to the library.
I am spending today with my mom for her birthday. We are driving about
an hour south of Winston to a really nice, new outlet mall. I wanted to go
someplace indoors where we could spend some time just walking around and
then have a nice lunch. With this time of year you cannot plan an outdoor
event so this is what we came up with.
Tonight is our first meeting of the new Winston-Salem Astronomical
League. We are holding the first meeting here at the house but
will most likely move it to the library in the future once we see how many
people are interested and what is a good night for everyone.
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1 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
We had a great time yesterday cruising around the
Concord Mills Outlet Mall. It is laid out all on one floor. I think it
is around a mile or so long by the time you make an entire loop. After we
did one tour to see all the stores we stopped for a nice lunch at the
Alabama Grill then did a little more looking. I was actually shopping for,
yes Marcia, a pair of
shoes. GASP! I need a new pair of slip on loafer type shoes to wear with
chinos or dress pants in a camel/brown color. The pair I have are about
shot. Anyway, I did find a nice pair for about half the price of what they
would be in a shoe store at the mall.
We finished up around 2:30 and headed back to Winston. By the time I
dropped them off at home and dealt with early rush hour traffic it was
almost four o'clock by the time I got home. Mom seemed to really enjoy
herself and it was good for dad to get a chance to get out of the house a
little. He is feeling much better. With cold weather this time of year it
was at least a way we could spend the day together in a comfortable environment.
I checked my mail and then fixed home made pizza for dinner. After we
walked the dogs we got ready for our meeting here at the house. Bob went
downstairs to start a fire and I made a pot of coffee. We had five people
show up plus me and Bob. The first meeting went very well. The dogs were
not happy being penned up but I did not want them to interfere with the
meeting and they just get so excited when people come in the door. I
finally let them loose in the house but kept the gate up at the downstairs
door where we were meeting. At one point, when we were electing officers
for the club, Bob was calling for a vote for Secretary/Treasurer between
myself and Lenore Crago. When Bob asked for a vote for me Malcolm sat up
and barked. Guess you know who won that election.
We got off to a good start setting a meeting schedule and discussing
the goals each person had for themselves in joining the club. Everyone
left around 9:45 and we walked the dogs for the last time. I watched ER so
I could spend some time playing with Malcolm before going to bed.
This morning I am going out to get the propane tank filled for the gas
grill and stop in at SciWorks for a couple of hours. I have not been out
in a week or so to work on the library project.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. It is supposed to be cold and
rainy but not cold enough for snow or ice.
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2 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I spent all afternoon yesterday cleaning up my desk and my
office. I have little stacks of stuff here, there, and everywhere that
needed to have something done with them. I fixed steak sandwiches and
fries for dinner last night. After dinner Bob and I spent the evening
listening to music and reading until time for bed.
Rain all day today making it a good day to stay indoors and get some
stuff done. I am going to sort out a few more piles of stuff in my office
and set up my new jigsaw puzzle to get started on.
I just spoke with my dad. I am glad to report he is feeling much
better, thank goodness for that.
Not much else going on to talk about.
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3 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday was little chores day. I finished cleaning up a
couple of shelves in my office and my desk, ironed some shirts, washed a
load of Lenore's laundry, and managed to get some work done at the
It was cold, rainy, and nasty weather wise so the guys had to content
with indoor playtime and just quick walks outside. We still got soaked a
couple of times. Yesterday afternoon I laid out my new jigsaw puzzle of
the Bald Head Island lighthouse. With it being only 550 pieces it will not
take me long to get it finished depending on the amount of time I
have spend on it.
Last night after a dinner of leftover pizza Bob and I watched a two
part movie we had taped on the A & E channel a couple of months ago. Victoria
and Albert covered the early lives of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
from the teen age years though the death of Albert at the early age of 42.
The movie was excellently done with an all star cast featuring some of my
favorite British and Scottish actors, Jonathan Firth, Diana Rigg, Patrick
Malahide, and of course David Suchet with many others.
I made popcorn for the movie last night which brings me to an interesting
observation. I noticed on Marcia's
journal page yesterday she mentioned her beloved Sally does not like
popcorn. Before we got Malcolm Duncan would eat it sometimes but was not
overly fond of it and Kerry likes it. But, Malcolm LOVES popcorn. He
begged for from both of us walking back and forth between us which created
such a distraction that I finally started just having him come up on the
sofa to share it with us. We do not allow the dogs food treats while up on
the sofa with us but the popcorn deal is just easier. We can both give him
one periodically and not have him pacing back and forth between us. Silly
We walked the dogs at ten after it was over and off to bed. I did
manage a couple of chapters of Death At Dartmoor
Of course being a Sunday it is house cleaning morning. This afternoon's
race from Texas does not start our time until about 3:00 so I guess I will
have time to do some work at my desk before the race starts.
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