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8 April 2002
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Let sleeping humans lie. The dogs and I took a little
snooze yesterday afternoon after lunch. The race was rained out. The
little remote device on my pocket allows me to listen to the television
through earphones so Bob does not have to listen to the race. Malcolm is
asleep on the love seat. We snoozed for about an hour.
I watched some of the golf match from Atlanta and worked on my cross
word puzzle. Last night I finished reading the first Dorothy Simpson.
Her detective is Luke Thanet. This is actually Simpson's second novel
published back in 1982 but the library did not have her first one
published in the late 70's.
I found her books on the shelf at the library and Bob liked them so
well we reserved all the ones the library system had up to her current
one. About 18 books in all. I am reading them in order since Simpson
writes in real time. In this first one Thanet must solve the murder of a
young women found dead in her kitchen when her husband comes home from
night class. These mysteries are nice and clean, not a lot of blood,
etc. Just a plot of figure out who "dunnit". Everyone is a
suspect from the husband and boss she was secretary for to someone from
her past when she witnessed the murder of her mothers artist friends at
the age of 3.
I am taking a break from mysteries to read the new Sharon Kay Penman.
I just started it last night so I will wait to summarize later in the
This morning I am off to the gym for Body Pump class. I have a
haircut appointment this afternoon at 1:00. That will pretty much be my
9 April 2002
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Well, if it is spring then it must be time for the
semi-annual project of cleaning up the basement. I also have the annual
project of defrosting the big freezer downstairs.
Normally I can do the basement in one full day but this year I
believe it is going to be a much bigger project. For starters, I am need
to flatten all the boxes we are storing down there from the "move
that did not happen". I also sweep out the floor and cobwebs
from the corners but I can't do that until the end of the week. I have
to park both cars in the driveway and leave the doors open. It is
supposed to rain today and tomorrow but be nice by the end of the week.
I can go ahead and start putting things away and organizing stuff before
The freezer takes a day to defrost with me periodically wiping up the
water. Then a full wipe down and we will be ready for our spring food
order from Southern Foods.
So, it looks like today I will be working on those projects in
between working on poison pages and other assorted routine things.
Last night we spent the evening reading. As I mentioned I started the
new Sharon Kay Penman, Time and Chance. If you enjoy historical
fiction you will like Penman. This most recent novel centers around
Henry II and his wife Eleanor of Aquataine. The other major players in
the novel set in the mid 1100's are Louis VII, Eleanor's first husband
and Thomas Becket who will be appointed Archbishop of Canterbury. So far
I am finding the book to be a typical historical read with descriptions
of boundary wars between France, Britain, and Wales, politically
made marriages to project property, and inside views of court life
during this time. For those of you who may or may not be familiar with
the historical facts that take place during the time of the novel I will
not spoil the meat of the plot here.
10 April 2002
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Busy day yesterday. The rain held off yesterday morning
long enough for me to get the lawn mowed. After lunch I went downstairs,
removed what is left of the food and started the freezer defrosting. I
then started tackling the basement. I broke down several dozen boxes,
created a stack of junk boxes to go to the curb for the garbage men, and
stacked some of the good ones in one place. That was just one side of
the basement.
In the meantime Bob came down to help and made a good suggestion. The
lady two houses over has her house up for sale and hopes to be moving
soon. He suggested I offer the good boxes to her. I jotted a quick note
and walked down to leave it on her door. She called me last night and we
will do the great box swap this evening.
Once I get all the boxes out I can start the full cleaning process
tomorrow. I worked on boxes between mopping up water from the defrosting
process. Finally about 4 the majority of the ice had melted off so I
finished pulling off the remaining chunks, wiped it down, put the food
back in, and mopped the floor.
This morning I am off to the store then driving over to my folks
house for lunch. Dad and I are gong to play the short executive golf
course this afternoon since he can't play tomorrow.
11 April 2002
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The basement is still a mess but at least it is more of
an empty mess. I helped our neighbor haul off a huge pile of good boxes
down to her house last night then she helped me haul a big pile of junk
boxes to the curb for trash pickup.
Today I will back both cars out and get the sweeping done and finish
hauling junk boxes and stuff to the curb. I have to say I will be very
happy to get my basement back to the way it used to look. All those
boxes crammed in every nook and corner stacked to the ceiling definitely
violated by "neat and orderly" mind set.
I have Friends of the Library meeting this afternoon. Bob will either
go along and read while I have my meeting or I will come back and pick
him up to out for dinner.
I am about 3/4 the way through the Penman book. It is very good just
not fast reading in addition to being over 400 pages long.
Not much else going on. Bob is working on the taxes and the basement
project is keeping me close to home so he can get them finished.
12 April 2002
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I sure everyone out there has had one of those good
news/bad news days. Well yesterday was mine. Below you see the pictures
from the great basement clean out project and its completion. The first
two are the messy remnants of the two corners left to be cleaned of
boxes and junk. I had already cleaned out about thirty boxes piled in
that corner where my lawn equipment now is before the second pictures
was taken.
The third one you can now see the furnace and the back corner behind
the apartment area. The fourth one is the huge pile of junk that went
from the basement to the curb. That pile does not include the fifty or
so boxes Kathy and I lugged two house down for her on Thursday night.

Now the bad news. I finished up basement around 2 o'clock and came
upstairs to get my shower. After checking e-mail I took off for the
drugstore and library for my Friends meeting. Bob decided he did not
feel like going out for dinner so I told him I would fix dinner when I
get home.
The Friends meeting was overly long past our normal 5:30 ending time
when I was called out of the meeting for a call from Bob. I thought
maybe he had changed his mind about dinner. Instead he called to tell me
my dad had called to tell me our dear neighbor and friend Ann, who I
mentioned has been battling cancer for some time, had been given less
than eight hours to live. I left the meeting and drove straight to my
parents house.
After an emotional ten minute visit I went back over to our house.
She is at home under the care of Hospice. Frances came about thirty
minutes later and she went over to see her. By this time it was getting
on towards 8 pm and none of us had eaten dinner. We drove to Waffle
House for a light breakfast/dinner.
Frances and I sat at our house until 10:45 and with no change in her
condition decided to go home to our respective houses. I told dad he
could call me anytime until midnight if he heard anything.
When I finally turned off the light after midnight I still had not
heard any news. Around 1 am I got up and fixed a small glass of
chocolate milk and read a magazine before trying to go to sleep on the
couch. I think I finally dozed off around 2 and slept off and on until
7. I called dad this morning and she is still hanging on this morning.
It is supposed to rain today. I have some spring blooming bulbs my
neighbor gave me yesterday to put in the ground today and I want to
throw some seed on a few bare spots in the lawn.
13 April 2002
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page today is dedicated to the loving memories of Ann Sloan. As Bob
mentioned yesterday on his page Ann was like a second mother to me and
my sister Frances. But, more than that she was a friend and a confidant
in my later years as I passed through the various stages of my
Back when I was in junior high and high school Winston-Salem was a
very small town. Almost every evening of the spring, summer, and fall
our two families would sit outside in the front yard or driveway and
spend the evening talking. Many times it would be just me and Ann
sitting and chatting.
She drove to Boone for my graduation from Appalachian and stood at
the guest register at my wedding. Over the years whether it be pain,
joy, or sorrow, she has been there for me and my family. She will be
greatly missed by all those who had the joy of having her in their lives
from family and friends to stranger's lives she touched while
volunteering at the local hospital.
My parents bought our house when I was one year old, in 1955. Ann and
Gilbert moved in next door in 1956. Our families have vacationed
together, had cookouts, and of course looked after one another when a
family member has been sick. She is survived by Gilbert, her husband of
52 years, a daughter Suzanne and her son Cameron, four grandchildren,
and several great-grandchildren as well as two brothers. For us, it
is like losing a member of the family.
Yesterday was a very long day. I did a little yard work in the
morning then tried to do some work until lunch time. After lunch between
waiting on the dreaded phone call and lack of sleep from the night
before I finally gave up and sat on the couch to read. At one
point Duncan and Malcolm were up on the couch napping beside me while I
was taking a short nap sitting up. Duncan can always sense when I am
upset or worried and tends to stick pretty close to me.
Dad called at 4:30 to let me know she died about 3:45 in the
afternoon. I finally gave up trying to stay awake last night and
went to bed at 9:00.
14 April 2002
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[Wednesday] [Thursday]
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Thank you readers of my page and Bob's for the kind
words of sympathy expressed to myself and my family.
While thoughts of her and her family remain at the forefront of my
mind we must get on with life's daily grind.
The forecast for yesterday was rain from early afternoon through last
night. Since I had an afternoon appointment I tackled the wet, high
grass mowing yesterday morning. I finished up with about an hour or so
to spare giving me time to take my shower and grab a quick bite to
Bob was working on the taxes and almost had them finished so I hung
around long enough to add my signature to those before Bob put them in
the mail.
Duncan and I then left to drive over to Archdale, a small community
just south of Winston-Salem. Ann Jackson and her husband have been
sponsoring Scottish Highland games in that community for three years.
This year they asked of CBCR would attend as one of the vendors.
Although the games are not until August she needs to get her brochures
out in the next few months. She wanted me to see where the games are
held and if we will be happy with the location of where they plan to
place us.
While Ann and I sat on the deck enjoying the HOT sunshine, yes it was
warm and sunny with not rain down there, Duncan played with her
chocolate lab Diva. Ann was waiting on her husband to return from an
errand before we drove over to take a look at the park. After about 45
minutes he still had not returned so we drove over without him. She gave
me a brief overview of where everyone will be and showed us the shelter
where we will be set up. I had Duncan with us on a leash while we walked
Duncan and I left to drive back home around 3:45 arriving back to
Winston just about 4:30. And drat that weather guy, the sun was out, it
was hot as heck for April, and DRY. Had I known that, I would have
waited to mow when I got home.
Oh well. After salad for dinner for me and sandwich and salads for
Bob and Lenore I spent the evening finishing the Penman novel. I thought
it was very well written. I highly recommend it if you like historical
fiction, this one being set during the reign of Henry II.
Today of course is house cleaning day. It looks like at this point
the race may be on this afternoon from nearby Martinsville, VA, as
the sun is once again shinning this morning. Tonight I will drop by the
funeral home to pay my respects to the family. The funeral is tomorrow.