27 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy Memorial Day to everyone.
Isn't this little guy cute? My mom picked him up for me this past
weekend while they were down at the beach. He is now residing along the
new wall I built in a little garden area I am developing.

I am off to the gym this morning. I have several things to do this
afternoon at the computer. We do not have any special plans made for the
day. I have a rather busy week coming up with getting the display set up
tomorrow for FAS and a trip out of town the end of the week.
28 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I spent part of yesterday watering the plants and
cleaning up the lawn mower. I hosed it down real good and clean the
mowing deck of all the grass from the spring mowing. Today I will get
Bob to help me change the blade to my mulching blade for the summer.
Bill made a surprise visit yesterday afternoon. I had planned on
making home made pizza for dinner which always makes enough for four
anyway. He stayed until about 10 last night before driving back to
This morning I am going over to one of the local middle schools to
set up a display for the Astronomy Club. A group of science teachers
will be in a workshop all week with a team from Langley Research Center
explaining the new NASA satellite program one of our members has been
helping the school system get involved in. We are hoping the display
will be good PR for the club and alert the teachers to the various
resources offered by club members.
Guess that is about all that is going on around here for today.
29 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
I enjoyed talking with the teachers yesterday during
their first break of their seminar. Several stopped to ask
questions/advice about various astronomy related topics and to pick up
our brochure.
When I got home around 11:00 I had a message on the answering machine
from my friend Betsy about having lunch with her and Nancy at 12:30. I
checked e-mail and rounded up library books until it was time to leave
to meet them. We ate at a new opening of Quizno's, a chain sub shop. The
food was very good. After lunch I stopped by the library to return/check
out books before returning home.
This morning I am off the store then back home to mow the lawn.
Tomorrow I am heading to Atlanta for a meeting on Friday. I need to get
some agenda things ready and an overnight bag packed.
Last night I finished the Bond of Blood by Roberta Gellis. I
have a huge stack of mysteries in my library reading pile I need to get
started on next.
A quick update on Linda. She is not doing too well at the moment. She
developed a blood clot near her heart which required some additional
30 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
I am off to Atlanta this morning for a Southern Searchers meeting at
Emory University. As soon as I get to Atlanta I am going straight to the
library on campus to get set up for the meeting tomorrow. Once I get
that taken care of I will go check in at the hotel. I am staying on the
campus to make it easier to get around. Not knowing how far away the
nearest hotel was it is just as easy to stay right on the campus. They
have a conference center and hotel.
By the time I get checked in and locate somewhere to eat dinner it
will be time to head back to the room and spend the evening reading. I
need to get up early Friday to make sure I am at the meeting room by
8:30 to assist the presenters in their set up. Another advantage to
staying close by.
31 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
I will be in my meeting until sometime around 3:00. Once
I get the room cleaned up and head out it will most likely be going on
3:30 or 4:00 before I get started out of town.
I told Bob not to expect me before 8. Traffic is always horrible
getting out of Atlanta.
1 June 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
Yes I am back. The meeting went splendidly and as usual I
walked away with a few good ideas. I also talked with several folks who
may have some subcontract work for me down the road. Emory has a
beautiful campus in the very nice outskirt community of Decatur, just
outside downtown Atlanta.
Surprisingly enough, this was my first return drive home from Atlanta
that I did not get caught in traffic stops along the way. Once I left
the Atlanta area I had smooth sailing the entire way home. I made a
quick stop for food and made it home in five hours arriving just after 8
While I was away my friend Linda died from complications of her
heart/lung replacements. Her fellow friends and library peers are very
sad to lose such a wonderful person who lived with her physical
problems with such positive grace and humor. The library community has
lost one of its most talented and humblest stars. She will be missed not
only by her family but by all those she touched with her reviews/columns
in her local newspaper and the children's librarian community.
Since I am attending the funeral tomorrow I am going to do my Sunday
chores today. Clean house plus unpack from my trip, take care of a
mountain of e-mails, etc.
While I was gone Bob also took care of our cook top malfunction. You
can read all about that on
his page from Friday's diary entry if you wish.
Well, there is lots to do so I best get started.
2 June 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I am almost caught up on everything after being gone for
two days. This morning will finish up my June web column and finish fine
tuning some other pages on my research
solutions site.
The group driving down for the funeral will be leaving our main
library parking lot around 12:45. I am sure it will be early evening
before we get to town with the funeral not until 3:00.
With the scattered thunderstorms popping up on Thursday and last
night we have had close to an inch of rain. That at least will help the
grass and flowers. It has turned hot, highs in the low 90's yesterday
and forecast for today as well.