12 August 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday was pretty much a "sleep out" around
here. After getting up at 10:30 and getting morning stuff like reading the
paper and daily posts out of way Bob started the laundry while I tackled
the house cleaning chores.
Bob took his shower while I fixed lunch then he rode over to visit his
mom. I finished up the vacuuming and was just finishing up getting my
shower and dressed when Bob got back home. I started to watch the race
while Bob headed for the bedroom to read. I lasted all of fifteen minutes
before I was sound asleep. I woke up two hours later at 4 pm. I guess we
are getting too old for these late night astronomy sessions where we get
home in the wee hours of the morning.
I am off to the gym this morning for Body Pump class and back home. I
have another long lists of small chores to get done today.
Hopefully your Monday is a great one and gets your week off to good
On a good note, after three weeks of constantly trying to get through
to the BellSouth idiots to get a phone line for Lenore at the nursing home
we supposedly succeeded this morning. That was after getting through once
and being put on hold yet again before getting another customer service
person. When she picked up the phone I gave her hell and told her if she
puts me on hold I am reporting BellSouth to the Public Utilities
Commission so she better stay on the line and not put me on hold yet
again. I may still report them. They cut service and go up on the
Bob picked the phone up at this point and took care of what needed to
be done.
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13 August 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
A rather ho-hum day around here yesterday news wise. I
managed to get quite of few of my odds and ends chores completed yesterday
afternoon. And, we are back to the hot weather again with highs yesterday
in the mid nineties and a heat index close to 100.
I am off to the dentist this morning for my routine six month check up.
After I leave there I need to run a couple of errands then I will make the
morning visit to the nursing home.
Tonight I am having dinner out with my friends Betsy and Nancy. We have
a lot to get caught up on, should be a lot of fun.
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14 August 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Nancy, Betsy, and I had a wonderful meal and visit last
night at the Diamond Back restaurant. We had a lot of news to get caught
up on between my trip and Nancy's job change within the library system. I
ate their Surf and Turf, a small perfectly cooked filet along with grilled
shrimp, herb mashed potatoes, and grilled veggies. Yes, I cheated ate
desert. Triple chocolate cake that was surprisingly not too rich. Guess I
got home just a little before nine.
This morning I am off to the gym for Spinning class followed by the
weekly grocery store run.
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15 August 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
I spent yesterday afternoon volunteering at the library. The gift books
were piled up everywhere from my four plus weeks of absence. With the
closing of one of our smaller branches Reynolda got some an extra small
section of shelving for the back room where we keep the gift books. Now we
can organize them much better between book sales.
I stopped by to see Lenore on the way home. Bob and I went out for
dinner last night and took her a burger for dinner from the cafe as a
It looks like we may get some rain coming our way later today and
tomorrow. A large tropical moisture band looks like it may be forming down
off the gulf coast. Let's hope it does its usual act of streaming up this
I am off to play golf this morning. It is cloudy but the rain is
supposed to hold off until later this afternoon.
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16 August 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
I haven't had a cute dog picture in a while. Here is
Malcolm using the rung of the foyer table as a pillow. He moved his head
before I could snap a picture of his head resting a little further to the
right in the rounded part of the rung.

We had some pretty loud but not severe thunderstorms roll through here
last night. We only got 1/3 of an inch of rain out of them but more is
expected for today. Bob and I are getting ready to take my Trooper out to
get inspected and the oil changed this morning.
Last night I finished An Accidental Woman by Barbara Delinsky. It was
very good, light reading. I learned a lot about the maple sugar industry
while reading the book. I enjoy reading books that not only have a good
storyline but pass along interesting facts about things I do not know
[Top] |
17 August 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Things are not looking good for those of us in a severe drought.
According to the maps on the
Drought Monitor web site you can see we are still in very bad
condition here in the Triad. And, the long
range predictions do not look very good either. We need the remnants
of a good tropical storm to sit over us for a few days like it just did
down in Texas and over in Europe. Lenore finally got her phone
installed yesterday. That should cheer up a little now that she can
get/make phone calls anytime she wants to. Malcolm and I went over for a
visit yesterday afternoon.
I started the third book in A Booklover's Mystery series by Julie
Kaewert, Unprintable, last night. This novel begins with the same
basic premise as the other two. Alex agrees to publish a book which will
greatly determine the outcome of a political event, is controversial, etc,
etc. Kaewert has other people involved with Alex and his printing ventures
lives threatened or worse as well as his own life.
This morning I am off early for the Triad Highland Games held about an
hour away in Archdale, NC. The is a first event for CBCR so I am hoping we
sell a lot of stuff and possibly sign up some new volunteers. Tonight was
to be a public observation at Pilot Mountain for the Astronomy Club but
the weather does not look very promising at this point.
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18 August 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
The Triad games were a lot of fun to visit yesterday but
did not prove to be very beneficial for CBCR. Due to our location we did
not get a lot of walk by traffic which is what we have to depend on when
we are at non-BC oriented events. We decided to pack it in and come home
around 2 pm.
Bob wanted an early dinner of ham and cheese sandwiches. I took a
shower, checked my mail and fixed dinner around 4. We had a another round
of afternoon thunder but very little rain. Around 6 we went over to visit
Lenore then spent the rest of the evening reading. I went to bed early,
around 9:15 to read. I turned off the light well before 10 pm.
Today is house cleaning and laundry day. Bob will go over to visit
Lenore this morning while I do the house cleaning chores. This afternoon I
will flip between the NASCAR race and the PGA championship while catching
up on a large stack of reading material on my end table.
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