16 September 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
After morning chores we spent a quiet afternoon relaxing.
I worked the Sunday crossword and caught up on some magazine reading.
Bob napped and read. After dinner I did the Lenore visit then spent the
remainder of the evening reading.
Body Pump at the gym this morning. When I get back I need to get some
bills paid before the mailman comes . This afternoon I will finish
dismantling Lenore's old room. Yesterday morning while doing the routine
house cleaning I gave the living and dinning rooms a good clean and did
some reorganizing in those two rooms. We moved one of the chairs from
the living room back downstairs. With the WASL meetings being held in
that area I am turning it into more of a sitting room atmosphere. I will
do a bit of reorganizing down there to accommodate the small tables in
her room. Lenore's old room will become a lab for Bob to build
computers. Now he has another room of the house to make a total wreck
with computer stuff.
So, yes if you are thinking this means Lenore will not be coming back
home, you are correct. With her fragile bones and minor health problems
of her age we could no longer care for her without hiring home nursing
care almost 24/7. Splitting the visits between us on the twice a day
basis is not too bad. I am usually out and about in the afternoons
anyway and Bob gets his done first thing in the morning leaving him the
afternoon free to work.
I hope you have a good Monday to get your week started off. We are
still under the remnants of hurricane Hannah with cloudy/drizzly weather
through today. We only got about 0.3 of an inch over night.
17 September 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday was indoor chore day, today it will be outdoor
work. Although, we both forgot to wash the load of dirty towels while I
was downstairs working yesterday. And there is a small load of things
for Lenore. Right now we are bringing her laundry home for us to do
rather than the nursing home. The downstairs really does look much
better, especially after a good vacuuming and dusting. That is one of
the problems with having an area on another floor we do not use very
often, getting down stairs to clean. Bob's "lab" is pretty
much cleared of everything that is going out of the room.
After I mow the lawn I hope it will dry out enough for me to put out
seed and fertilizer. I am putting out the Scott's Winterizing which has
to go down on dry grass rather than a weed and feed that goes down on
wet. With no wind and very little sunshine forecast for today it may not
dry off enough. Perhaps by this afternoon. Southern Foods is delivering
our three month food order sometime after lunch.
I plan to grill steaks and fix pasta salad for dinner. Tonight I have
a meeting at Bonnie's house to work on the posters we are redesigning
for the Astronomy Club. I will wait and do my Lenore visit on the way
over to her house this evening since it is right on the way.
I went to bed early last night, around 9:15, but stayed up until
almost midnight finishing up The Bridled Groom by J. S. Borthwick
I started over the weekend. She gets a bit wordy at times with her
descriptions but overall not too bad if you like Cozy mysteries. This
particular novel dealt with horse riding and all things related which I
have very little interest in. The fact that the plot and characters kept
me interested despite the subject says something for the author, I
18 September 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Yesterday I finished up in the yard, took a shower,
checked my mail and promptly crashed out on the couch. While it was not
very hot the humidity was horrible out side. After making three plus
passes around the yard mowing, fertilizing, and seeding I was beat. I
napped and read for an hour or so before starting dinner.
I started the next book in Julie Kaewert mystery series for book
lovers. As I predicted each book gets a little better. In Unsigned Kaewert
opens the book with a murder having already occurred. Alex must solve
the crime and get to the bottom of a rumor that a well known publishing
house had an author killed to boost sales of his new novel based on the
life of Beowulf. The usual cast of characters from Alex's Plumtree press
are present. His fiancé Sarah is still missing and presumed dead from
being kidnapped by the Arab's in the last book. One thing I do like
about Kaewert which I may have mentioned before, she chooses a
particular historical period or person and revolves the novel around
that subject. In this case it looks like it will be the life and times
of Beowulf. If nothing else I have learned a lot of interesting tidbits
about English history from reading her books.
I am off to the gym this morning followed by a couple of errands to
Office Depot and Wal-Mart and finally the grocery store. Tonight is FAS
meeting. Bob and I will make a library and Lenore stop before going on
to dinner and our meeting.
Happy Wednesday to everyone. We are starting a new class at the gym
this morning replacing the traditional spinning class. I will let you
know tomorrow how that goes.
19 September 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Mother nature rules! She managed to change our plans yesterday and
today though I am not complaining. Around 2:30 yesterday it started to
rain. Shortly thereafter we had several pretty good sized thunder storms
role through with rain pouring down in buckets. We had planned to leave
the house around 4 pm to give us plenty of time to go to the library and
visit Lenore before dinner and our meeting. At 4 it was still coming
down in buckets making it impossible to walk the dogs before we left. At
4:30 we decided I would go ahead to the library to pick up books for
Lenore and stop at KFC to get dinner for us. Hopefully by the time I got
back it would have slacked off enough to take the dogs for a walk not a
However, it continued to rain even harder with the 6 pm hour
approaching. We decided to go ahead and take the dogs out in the deluge
so we could get going. Malcolm was very disconcerted by the pouring rain
and storm and refused to go potty. Finally after walking around for 15
minutes or so he realized he better go or get drowned, I guess! By the
time we left the house we had over 4 inches of rain with it still coming
down. All told, we had nearly 4.8 inches from 2:30 to 7:30. While we
were at our meeting it did finally slack off to just a light rain for
the remainder of the evening.
The rain also cancelled my golf game this morning with three other
Astronomy Club members. But, as I have said, we really need the rain for
the ponds, lakes, and water reservoirs. I am not sure my yard needed the
flooding but beggars cannot be choosers. It also rained so hard the
gutters could not take care of the amount which meant we had some
running into the basement under the left front part of the foundation of
the house.
It looks like the sun is trying to come out this morning. I have a
couple of errands to run this morning.
20 September 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
There really isn't much new to talk about today. I am off
to the gym this morning and SciWorks this afternoon.
Have a great weekend. Perhaps I will be more inspired tomorrow.
21 September 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
Busy day today for sure. This morning I am going over to
my folks house to mow dad's lawn and help him put out seed and
fertilizer. I need to be back home by 2:00 to shower and change
This evening is the Astronomy Club annual picnic. We need to stop by
the store and pick up something for the potluck, make a quick visit with
Lenore, and head on out to the picnic. We have a shelter reserved at one
of the county parks all day. They have a Disk Golf course and walking
trails. Last year I played Disc Golf but I will be too tired after doing
dad's lawn stuff for him. We decided we would take Duncan along with us
as a special treat for him.
Perhaps Bob will take along the digital camera for a shot or two we
can post tomorrow. There is a chance of rain but we have a large shelter
to protect us as long as we do not get a thunder storm we will be okay.
22 September 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Here are a few pictures from the Astronomy Club picnic.
The ten of us plus Duncan who showed up had a good time. Duncan had
several walks by Bonnie and Tom plus some ball playing in between.
Needless to say he slept well last night. The second picture shows Bob
and FAS president Steve.

As you can see we had great weather. It was too bad more club members
did not show up. We got back home around 7:30. Bob and I watched a
history of the submarine on the History Channel while playing ball with
Malcolm since he had been left at home all evening.
Today is house cleaning/laundry day. The This End Up couch in the
living room needs to be upended and repaired. That, of course, is Bob's
end. It has developed a horrid creaking noise. The race is in Dover,
Delaware today. I shall spend the afternoon relaxing and watching the