28 October 2002
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Bob and I left around 2 pm to drive up to the cabin off the
Blue Ridge Parkway arriving about an hour later. Steve, Tom and Janet, and
Bonnie had just arrived a little ahead of us. This is the outside of the
cabin which faces south.
After everyone unloaded their cars Bonnie and I took off on a hike
though the woods.
The trail came out on the road below the cabin over looking the valley.
When we returned from our walk I took pictures of the interior to share
with the others from our astronomy group to give them an idea of what the
place looks like since we plan to use it again for future observing
sessions. The living room/great room has plenty of couches and chairs and
a nice big fireplace. I took one from the ground level and several from
the loft above. The kitchen, as you can see, has another fireplace and an
indoor grilling area where I cooked the burgers for our picnic dinner.

This is the bedroom where Bonnie and I slept. (More on that later) The
second bedroom is located upstairs in the loft area. Tom and Janet took
that room. Steve slept in the other big bedroom just off the living room.
The house also has an attached bunkhouse with two rooms and four bunks in
each room.
The weather turned out to be overcast ruling out any observing
opportunities. When we arrived and told Bonnie we were not staying the
night she was disappointed. Bob and I decided he would drive back and I
would stay the night and ride back in the morning with Steve. His wife and
son came up separately so they could drive back to Winston also. Fortunately
we drove Astro-Truck which had plenty of blankets, pillows, and extra
sweat pants and jackets to supply me with overnight attire.
Bob and Steve's family left to drive back home around 8 leaving the
five of us to enjoy the evening in front of the fire. We all went off to
bed around 11. It began raining sometime during the night. This morning
was pretty much socked in with clouds, fog, and rain. After doing some
minor tidying we locked up and headed back down the mountain around 8 this
morning getting back home at 9. It was a really nice evening even though
the weather did not cooperate. We did learn the house has fairly good dark
skies and orientation for future viewing sessions. Steve and Paul, who
both work for Wake Forest, can book it for us a couple of times next year.
Hopefully we will have good weather next time.
Well, I need to read the paper, take a shower, and get my day started.
It is to be a wet and raining day today and tomorrow according to the
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29 October 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Another rainy day here in the Triad. We had about an inch
yesterday. The leaves are falling fast and furious now. The driveway and
deck are almost covered as well as areas of the lawn. I hope my lawn
vacuum comes back from the Sears Service Center this week.
I started another series by Aaron Elkins starring his famous anthropologist
professor Gideon Oliver. When I discover a new author I like to go back
and start at the beginning of a series. If I happen to pick up a new title
to try to will then go back and start from the earliest to the most recent
one I have read before continuing on.
I could not find the oldest of the nine titles in the Gideon Oliver
series at the library but I did find the next title, The Dark Place.
As you know I have been reading two of his other series, Chris Norgren,
museum curator and Lee Ofsted, golf pro. Aaron and his wife Charlotte,
have only written three titles in the golf mystery series and he has only
written three in the Norgren series. So far, I am enjoying The Dark
Place set in the primeval rain forest of Washing State National Park.
Five years prior to the current setting of the book two hikers disappeared
while hiking in the forest. Now, a young woman has gone missing in the
same area. While searching for clues to her disappearance bones of one of
the earlier hikers are discovered along with several baskets of what look
to be old Indian bones. Gideon must try to discover who is killing the
hikers. Elkins also introduces us to a Julie, a park ranger, whom Gideon
meets while working the case.
The white trooper is off to get inspected and have the oil changed this
morning. Bob and I are getting ready to drive out and leave it as soon as
I finish up this post.
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30 October 2002
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For some reason I have been extremely tired the last few
days. I went to bed early again last night, read for about a half an hour,
then turned out the light. I didn't hear Bob get up this morning, which is
very unusual for me. When I woke up it was going on 8 o'clock. I guess all
those sleepless nights and stress from last few weeks finally caught up
with me.
I picked up my leaf vacuum yesterday afternoon. I will not be able to
the leaves vacuumed up until things dry out a bit. We have had another
1.5" of rain in the last few days.
Regular routine this morning...gym, Lenore, grocery store. I have some
things to work on this afternoon at my desk plus playtime with the
Guess I better run. Have a good one!
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31 October 2002
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I forgot to mention when talking about the leaves that are starting to
fall. Between Bob and I and three dogs with four paws each we are
tracking most of them into the house. Despite feet wiping at the door and
in the foyer by us (can't get the dogs to wipe their paws) I still find
them all over the house. Yes, we could wipe off all paws before entering
the house but it just gets to be too much trouble as many times as they go
in and out during the day. The ones that do not come into the house blow
into the garage downstairs or are brought in by the tires. Leaves are
beautiful on the trees but when they start falling it becomes a real
Sunshine today! Yes, after about five days of rain/cloudy weather the
forecast is for sunny and cool temperatures today. Dad and I are off
playing golf this morning. This afternoon I have to get ready for a two
day sheep dog trial. More on that tomorrow.
Not really much more to talk about. I have still not heard anything
from my job interview. Not sure if that is good news or bad. Oh
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1 November 2002
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After all the recent rains with very little sunshine and
wind to dry up the moisture today's golf round was more like water polo on
some of the fairways. It was SOGGY! Some fairways even had small sized
lakes which are normally part of the course layout. But, after a three
week layoff it was good to just get out again.
By the time dad and I finished up our round and stopped at the diner
for some lunch it was going on past noon when I dropped him off at home. I
had to make two stops on the way across town before doing the afternoon
Lenore visit. Bob and I had planned to go up to Bullington to do some
observing. However, the weather liars forecast for clear skies turned abysmally
cloudy by late this afternoon. Since we were not going up to observe I
instead cranked up my the leaf vacuum to give it a good workout. In about
an hour I had vacuum the worst of the leaves from the lawn, driveway, and
the natural area under the big maple tree by the drive.
I am off this morning for a three day sheep dog trial in nearby Rural
Hill at the
Catawba Valley Scottish Society. I will only be staying until Saturday
afternoon. Rather than having to pack all the CBCR merchandise up this
afternoon, drive back home, and turn around and drive back early Saturday
morning I have decided to camp out in the back of the Trooper. With the
seats folded all the way back the truck makes a nice comfortable camper
bed. In addition to the sleeping bag I will have plenty of blankets to
keep warm. Fortunately the weather forecast, I you can believe them, has
changed from a low of 34 and a high of 39 for Saturday to a low of 39 and
highs in the 50's. There had also been an earlier forecast for snow shower
but that has been cancelled for us.
This is a great event and I always enjoy working this one. I really
enjoy listing to the music and watching some of the best dogs in the
country compete. I hope the weather stays nice since we usually make
pretty good money at this trial from spectators.
I finished The Dark Place Wednesday night. For the weekend I
will start the last of the Chris Norgren series Old Scores.
So, I will see you back here again on Sunday morning unless plans
change otherwise. Have a good weekend.
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2 November 2002
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No update
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3 November 2002
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Good morning. Yes, I made it back home last night around
5:30 picking up KFC take out on the way home for dinner. I had a great
time "roughing it" for one night. The temperatures dropped to
around 30 degrees Friday night but I stayed warm and dry in the back of
the Trooper thanks to a sleeping bag and a pile of extra blankets. It was
a bit nippy when I got up yesterday morning but I soon had the car nice
and toasty warm. I spent the evening reading and sleeping enjoying the
solitude and my own company. Don't get me wrong I love Bob and my dogs but
I am one of these people that just needs to go off by myself once in
awhile and do my own thing.
I also really, really enjoy talking with other people about dogs and
Border Collie's plus selling the merchandise. I have not desire to go into
retail but selling this stuff goes
toward saving the lives of at least 100 BC's every year. You would not
believe the number of very nice people you can talk to in a single day
that are dog owners. I also managed to recruit several new volunteers in
the area where the Trial was held that we are desperately in need of. All
in all it was a very successful weekend not only for CBCR but for me as
Now, back to reality. The gutters are full of leaves and the lawn looks
like I never touched it last Thursday. This morning Bob will go up and
blow out the leaves then I will use the vacuum to get the lawn somewhat
cleaned up. With the forecast of rain for tonight and tomorrow we need to
get the gutters cleared.
I also need to unload the truck from the weekend and take care of some
other odds and ends. I may give the house a quick vacuum this afternoon or
wait and do it tomorrow afternoon. At any rate, it feels good to be home
again even though I have a lot to do to get caught up from being
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