Monday, 23 December 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Monday
12/30] [Tuesday 12/31] [Next Week]
Boy, talk about the start of a long week. Each year
Bob arranges our journal pages so one calendar year ends and the next
one starts on the 31st and 1st respectively. I decided I would just
have one long nine day "week" ending on the 31st as my arrangement.
We had a nice dinner last night with my family. Nothing fancy
just little dogs cooked in beer, baked beans, salad, chips, and cheese
and crackers.
Today I have a hair cut appointment at 2 pm. I will work until
1 which gives me plenty of time to get there. After my haircut I need
to make a couple of stops on the way home.
We are meeting our friends Paul and Mary for dinner at 6 pm
at the nearby Mexican restaurant. Afterwards we are reconvening back
here so we can start planning the Messier Marathon for early next March.
I am almost recovered from my "bug". My appetite has not
completely returned but so far, if I eat small portions, nothing seems
be bothering my stomach. I still do not feel 100% physically yet either.
Christmas is almost upon us folks. Only a couple of days left.
Tuesday, 24 December 2002
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Monday 12/30] [Tuesday
12/31] [Next Week]
Enough is enough. I really did not feel all that well
yesterday morning when I got up. I struggled through the morning at
work sipping Coke and munching crackers. I stopped for a short visit
with Lenore on the way home after my haircut. Around 4:30 or so I actually
started feeling better. I ate pretty light at the Mexican restaurant
last night but not long after I went to bed, around 10:15 or so, I
started feeling bad again.
This morning I decided I would call to see if the doctor's
office was even open. I have an 8:50 appointment with one of the doctors
(not mine) who is working today. I really do not want to be sick on
Christmas day so I thought I better go get this thing checked out.
It is pouring down rain which is to continue most of the day.
I had a light day planned anyway. Tonight I will visit Lenore and take
her a couple of gifts from myself and my folks for her to open. I guess
Bob and I will watch Black Adder's Christmas for our Christmas Eve
Enjoy your Christmas Eve if your plans include celebrating
the holiday.
Wednesday, 25 December 2002
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Monday
12/30] [Tuesday 12/31] [Next Week]
be spending the day at my sister Frances and Al's house. We will have
a big brunch around 10:00 and then open our stockings followed by a
few gifts. Around 1 or 2 we will stop to get a light snack, coffee,
etc before continuing with gift opening. We take our time with gifts.
Each person opens a gift while everyone watches.
At some point we will begin dinner preparations for our 5
o'clock dinner.
This day means a lot to me mainly because of my parents. Our
local newspaper editorial page editor, Linda Brinson, wrote her recent
column on this very topic. Obviously every Christmas growing up
was not wonderful and if I try hard enough I can conjure up those few
Christmas days that did not go as planned.
However almost every Christmas I can remember right up to
this year has special memories. Our family has their own way of enjoying
the day and expressing what it means to us. Over the years my parents
have tried to continue that tradition. As I think back to various traditions
that have come and gone I always remember something new each time I
reach back into my memory bag of this wonderful day. As we have grown
up some things have changed some have not. Christmas is not magic.
It cannot make illnesses or money problems go away or change the way
people are. But to me it does have magical qualities that make this
holiday extra special for me. A lot of what Mrs. Brinson said in her
column expresses my thoughts so wonderfully.
I hope wherever you are today you are enjoying your good health,
happiness, and love ones. For those of you who do not wish to be a
part of what this day brings I hope you also have a wonderful day.
This past year has been a rough one for me. I lost several friends
and relatives to illnesses and experienced some tough times on the
home front.
Today I will spend the holiday with my family enjoying ourselves
and the time we have to spend together. Hopefully I will have been
a good enough girl to not get coal in my stocking!
Thursday, 26 December 2002
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday 12/30] [Tuesday 12/31] [Next Week]
It was a splendid day at my sister's house yesterday. We had
a fun day of eating, talking, and opening some gifts. I got a very
nice assortment of things including new rugs for my hall bath and a
George Foreman grill. We kept everything pretty low key this year but
still had a wonderful day. Frances and Al cooked a great meal of Cornish
hens, sweet potato casserole, broccoli casserole, wild rice,
and a large assortment of desserts. We will be eating leftovers for
our dinner tonight plus I have some treats to take to Lenore. I will
take them over for her to enjoy with her dinner this evening.
On the health front. The doctor took x-rays of my upper and
lower stomach, a urine sample, and blood. The first two came back with
negative information. I return for a follow up visit Friday afternoon.
In the meantime he gave me some IBS medication to see if it would help
me to eat without getting stomach cramps. It has worked so far. I made
sure yesterday I ate small portions all day. I ate a little more for
dinner so I left off the desserts to be safe. I am still feeling about
75% right now.
I plan to work until about 2 pm today to make up some of my
lost time. This afternoon I need to put the Christmas stuff under the
tree. I also have some pictures of the dogs playing with some Christmas
gifts to add to my Christmas page plus a few from yesterday's festivities.
Well it is getting late and I need to pay some attention to
the dogs before heading off to bed to read a bit before turning off
the lights.
Friday, 27 December 2002
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday 12/30] [Tuesday 12/31] [Next Week]
I added a few pictures from the other night when we
opened our gifts from the Bilbrey's and some
from Christmas day at my sisters. I still have some shots left on the
film camera.
Poor Duncan, all tuckered out from a hard day of play. He likes to lie
in my spot on the sofa with his head on my sofa pillow.
Today is the best I have felt in well over a week. I don't
know if it is from the medication or whatever I had just ran its course.
I guess I will find out this afternoon when I go back to the doctor.
As I am typing this, about 5:30 Thursday evening, Bob is making arrangements
to go over the the nearby soccer field for a short observing session.
Guess I better run. I need to walk the dogs and make a Lenore
visit. Hope you have a great weekend.
Saturday, 28 December 2002
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday 12/30] [Tuesday 12/31] [Next Week]
Thursday night I did manage to bag a couple of Messier
objects for my list. The seeing conditions were not all that great
but it was nice to get out under the stars for a hour or so. Saturn
was glorious as usual.
The doctor determined my stomach ailment was a very bad case
of the flu accompanied by an acute case of gastroenteritis. I am feeling
back to 100% with both strength and eating. As a matter of fact I am
off to the gym this morning before doing the morning Lenore visit.
If you have been a reader of my pages over the years you know
that I always do the Thompson Deep Clean at the end of the year. For
me it is the only time I really have to devote to each room since in
the spring time I am usually busy with yard work and other stuff. Today
I will work on the back rooms of the house since they do not have Christmas
decorations to take down.
So, for the next week the house will actually get cleaned
in phases as I work my way from the back to the front. The last rooms,
will of course, the den and living room after I take down the holiday
In the reading report, I am into the third mystery of the
series by Leslie Meier after just finishing Murder on the Flying
Scotsman by Carola Dunn. Meier's books are funny and light, not
quit as well written as Jill Churchill, but well worth reading. As
a matter of fact, Meier's writes so wonderfully of her little home
town of Tinker's Cove Maine it almost makes you feel like you actually
visit the town each time you read one of her books.
Sunday, 29 December 2002
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Monday 12/30] [Tuesday 12/31] [Next Week]
Yesterday was a great day. I felt like my old self..
full of energy and able to eat basically anything I wish. Two of life's
most important features, mine anyway. I spent the afternoon getting
our bedroom deep cleaned and most of my office. I still need to do
my desk and filling cabinet top but otherwise things are finished in
I am playing golf this morning. Dad will get to try out the
two new clubs he got for Christmas. Since it will be mid-afternoon
by the time I get I will not try to get too much done in the cleaning
department. I may just tackle our bathroom and possibly the hall one.
As I mentioned earlier I got a George Foreman grill for Christmas.
I used it last night to fix our pork chops and they were wonderful.
Cooked in about ten minutes with no greasy stove top and very juicy
and tender. Tonight for dinner I am going to do a couple of rib eye
steaks. Even though I use the outdoor grill all winter I will most
likely start using the Foreman for small steaks, chops, burgers,
rather than firing up the big grill.
Not much else going on to write about.
Monday, 30 December
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Monday 12/30] [Tuesday 12/31] [Next Week]
Happy Monday and the start of the last few days of the
old year. My how time flies when you are living life! I plan to work
until 2 pm both today and tomorrow to make up for the four hours I
will lose on New Year's Day.
Golf yesterday had rather a late start due to the frost. When
we arrived at the course around 8:15 we were told it would be about
9:30. The temperatures were predicted to get warm fast. However, we
had continuous cloud cover from 8:30 to 10:00 which prevented the frost
from melting. We finally teed off around 10:15. The course was either
frozen or half frozen in some places or mushy and mucky where the sun
was shining. But, we had a good time. I played pretty well.
By the time I got home it was going on 3 pm. I decided it
was too late to start any cleaning projects so I washed a small load
of table top covers and place mats, checked my mail, played outdoors
with the dogs, and then did a load of towels. After dinner I visited
I finished reading the Leslie Meier mystery Saturday night
and decided to start another Carola Dunn, Damsel in Distress.
Not sure what I will get into when I get home today. Most
likely drag the Christmas storage boxes back up from the basement and
get started taking down decorations. I hope you have a good Monday
whatever your plans may be.
Tuesday, 31 December
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Monday 12/30] [Tuesday 12/31] [Next Week]
Happy New Year to everyone! All I can say is that I am
glad to see 2002 over with and hope that 2003 will be a better year at the
Thompson Techno Grotto. However, I am very thankful that Bob and I have
each other and our good health, our wonderful dogs, my folks are healthy,
Bob's mom is doing okay in the nursing home, and my sister and her husband
Al are doing okay. It could be a lot worse for sure.
Yesterday I got started on taking down the Christmas decorations. By
the time I dragged all the boxes up stairs about all I had time to do was
get the ornaments off the small tree in the den and the big tree in the
living room. Tomorrow I need to stop at the library and grocery store on
the way home from work. Then I will spend the afternoon and evening
getting the rest of the decorations down and packed up. Getting my village
dismantled and packed up will take almost as long as getting all the other
decorations put away.
After dinner I will go over to visit Lenore but otherwise we will spend
the evening as we usually do, reading. I may try to stay up until midnight
and watch the ball drop in New York but I will not make any rash promises.
Have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve and I will see you next