Monday, 13 January 2003
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Next Week]
I keep plugging away at my little projects around the
house. Yesterday I did the overall house cleaning which included cleaning
up and arranging the extra room Bob is now using as a PC lab. After
lunch I tackled the kitchen linen closet before hitting the pile of
stuff on my desk. Other than taking a few breaks to read and/or play
with the dogs I worked most of the day at my desk. I closed out the
2002 Excel spreadsheets for the bank account, medical expenses, etc
and created new spreadsheets for 2003. I worked on several small Friends
projects, answered some CBCR e-mails, and caught up on list mail.
After dinner, fried shrimp and French fries, I visited Lenore.
Before I wrote this post for today I paid some bills and did one last
e-mail check for the day.
This afternoon I am going back out to Bonnie's to finish the
other FAS board. This one should not take nearly as long. I need to
be home early so I can get dinner and make it to my 6:15 Body Pump
I hope your week gets of to a great start.
Tuesday, 14 January 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Next Week]
Well, I survived another busy Monday. About mid-way
through the morning at work they dumped another clean-up project on
us that we are supposed to complete in two days before going back to
our regular letter set work.
Bonnie and I got the FAS history board laid out and Bonnie
was going to finish up taping everything down.
Sunday night I finished reading Carola Dunn's Dead in the
Water. Tonight I will start Styx and Stones after I go to
bed. As of this writing (Monday evening, 8:45 ) I have rather ambitious
plans for today.
I am going to work until 2 pm then make a grocery store run.
If it is not too cold when I get home I want to run my leaf vacuum
over the yard. Yes, even though the leaves have long since fallen off
the trees, I get all the crap from the other yards around me when the
wind blows.
Guess that's about all for now.
Wednesday, 15 January 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Next Week]
Sorry, it will be another short post again today. The
yard was a mess of leaves and sticks. I did not get finished with the
clean up until 4:45. Bob helped me fix a quick dinner of Chef Boyardee
Ravioli and garlic bread while we finished putting away the groceries.
I took fifteen minutes or so after walking the dogs to do a quick mail
check to make sure I did not have anything that needed immediate attention
then took off to visit Lenore.
After I got back I answered and filed e-mail and check web
pages before getting this post written. The dogs need some play time
and I need to sit and relax with a glass of wine.
We continue to slog through this data project within our project.
The process is PAINSTAKINGLY slow, detailed, and mind numbing.
I need to make a Wal-Mart run this afternoon when I get off
work. Tonight is FAS meeting. We will pick up a Happy Meal at McDonalds
for Lenore and then meet some other FAS/WSAL members for dinner. One
of our members, Paul, is doing the program for tonight.
Thursday, 16 January 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday I picked up a bag of slow release fertilizer to
put out when I got home in anticipation of the weather liars prediction
of snow for Thursday night and Friday of this week. My lawn is looking
a little thin and dull even for winter time. If we get the promised
precipitation tomorrow night it will be a good soaker for the fertilizer
rather than rainfall since it will melt into the ground with the snow
and not run off.
On the way to dinner last night from visiting Lenore Bob and
I were talking about a trip we are planning in mid-February if the
weather cooperates. I said if we had bad weather for February perhaps
the Easter holiday might be a good second option for us depending on
where the holiday falls this year early or late. I told him when we
got to the restaurant I would look up the date for Easter on my Clie.
Well, what do you know? When I went to look for holidays for
2003 supposedly imported to my Clie they were not there. Bob said,
"Oh I posted a message to my readers there are none for 2002 because
Microsoft didn't think anyone would be using Outlook 2002 in 2003."
DAH! I said. And, he went on to further explain that he told his readers
how to fix the problem. Yet, he failed to impart this particular wisdom
on his dear wife leaving her to make this astounding discovery for
herself. Go figure!
I plan on working at least until 2 today and maybe 3. If we
get the promised inclement weather for Friday morning it may be too
nasty for me to risk going in to work vs what I make. With Monday being
a holiday down South it would mean having to make up a lot of hours
next week if I do have to miss Friday too.
After I get off work I need to make a drug store run and then
will stop in to see Lenore. Not only due to the chance of inclement
weather but to give me an entire evening at home. Usually by Friday
I am pretty exhausted from having to cram so much into my day by dinner
time and then having to get all my evening stuff done to get ready
for work the next day losing an hour visiting Lenore.
Friday, 17 January 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Friday morning, 7:25 AM. Very quick post. Last night
it started lightly snowing around 6:30. When we took the dogs out at
9 it was snowing harder and had started sticking to the trees and some
portions of the road. I did not set my alarm thinking I would get up
around 7 and see what it was like this morning on the roads. We were
forecast to get anywhere from 1 - 3 inches or 3 to 6 depending on the
path of the storm
However, when I got up during the night to go to the bathroom
I looked out to see how things looked and the streets were clear. I
went back to bed and set my alarm to get up at regular time. We got
maybe an inch with hardly any sticking to the roads. I am off to work
regular time.
Duncan has his yearly vet check up this afternoon. Tonight
is to be very cold with temperatures down in the teens. Whew! we just
missed another ice storm!
Have a great weekend.
Saturday, 18 January 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Another busy day yesterday to end a rather busy week.
Duncan's vet visit went fine. He is a very healthy eight year old dog.
On the way home I made a quick stop at the library to grab a few books
for Bob.
Last night three moons of Jupiter were passing across the
face of the planet and emerging on the other side. Although it was
to be 20 degrees with 5 to 10 MPH winds, we decided to set up in the
front yard to try and catch a glimpse of this wonderful site. However,
Jupiter did not rise far enough out of the atmospheric sky muck to
allow us to see much of anything. We did see two of the moons emerging
off the plane face and possibly the third one on the planet surface.
Finally around 8:30 we packed it in and came inside to get
warm. Steve Childers came over and set his scope up and view with us.
He stayed and visited for awhile before leaving around 10. We walked
the dogs and headed to bed.
The low this morning was 13 which is very cold for us. It
is to be pretty frigid all weekend. While the snow has mostly melted
off it will be too cold to play golf again this weekend.
Guess I better get going. Cardio Combo at the gym this morning
followed by a visit with Lenore.
Sunday, 19 January 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Relaxing day. We spent yesterday afternoon and evening
relaxing and taking things easy. I got caught up on a backlog of mail in
my inbox folders, read, watched some shows we had taped earlier in the
week, and played with the dogs. It was nice to have a day where I did not
have to rush, rush, rush, to get things done.
I am reading Alexander McCall Smith's first book in a series that has
grown in popularity, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency featuring
detective Mma (Precious) Ramotswe of Botswana. The first book is
the title of her detective agency she opened after her father died leaving
her his money from the sale of his highly successful cattle farm. The
first part of book gives you the background of Precious' early life and
how she decided to open the only female detective agency in Botswana. With
Agatha Christie and a book on being a private detective, she sets out to
There are presently three books in the series with the fourth book due
out this spring. They are a little different type of mystery but so far I
am enjoying a different approach to the genre.
Today is house cleaning day. This afternoon I may tackle the downstairs
as well which needs the floor vacuumed and a quick dusting or work at my
It is very cold again today with lows this morning of 17 and today's
high barely getting to the 30's. I am not real fond of blustery winds but
cold temperatures do not bother me in the lease.