I took a rather nasty fall last night. Although Malcolm was
the reason I fell I he is not totally to blame. By yesterday afternoon
when I got off from work I was totally exhausted. I came home and gave the
dogs a walk since the yard is a muddy mess for playing right now. After I
check my mail I decided to go on over and do Lenore's visit since I needed
to run to the Post Office and the library.
We ate dinner at our usual 5 o'clock. Just as we finished eating our
friend John Mikol called to let Bob know he was stopping by the house to
pick up some software from him. We were walking the dogs when he came
driving down the street. He parked his truck and walked along with us down
to the corner and back. I stayed out a few minutes with Malcolm to make
sure he didn't need to go potty while Bob and John went on in with Duncan
and Kerry.
As usual Malcolm was all cranked because we had a visitor. As I took
him in the front door he started pulling away before I could get his leash
off. He only does this once in awhile instead of standing still while I
unhook him. Usually I just let the leash run out its full length which
will take him over to the basement door when he then stops. Sometimes the
retractable leash gets hung and does not pull out all the way or I had it
locked up short and did not realize it.
I came in the door, started leaning forward to unhook Malcolm when he
pulled like a sled dog to go downstairs. For some reason Bob had gone down
to the basement for something and the door to the downstairs was open. I
got my feet tangled up in the run therefore unable to hold my ground.
Thinking the leash would just run out with Malcolm on the end I did not immediately
let go.
Too late. I took a header toward the floor first bouncing my left hip
off the little table in the foyer where we keep the leashes and dog
treats. Then I slammed straight down on the hardwood floor on my left
knee. By this time I had let go of the leash.
Between the pain in my knee and the wind being knocked out of me I was
dazed just for a few seconds. I rolled over on my back and grabbed my knee
as Bob came flying up the stairs. John was trying to corral Malcolm. As
most of you probably don't know I have had bad knees all my life. However,
with my weight lifting/exercise program I have been able to strengthen the
quad muscles and the ligaments surround the knee to at least make them a
little stronger. In this case I feel straight on the knee cap which for me
is like hitting your funny bone. After I got my breath and move my leg
ever so slightly to see if I had torn anything Bob helped me up. After an
hour of icing the only residual of the fall was a large bruise on the knee
cap. This morning I have a big black bruise on my hip. By hitting the
table first it most likely broke my fall. The knee, although sore, is fine
as well.
Part of the reason I blame myself is because as humans get extremely
tired they are more prone to accidents due to sluggish brain waves and
reaction times. I am pretty sure had I not been so tired I would have had
a better reaction time and been able to prevent the fall. I saw somewhere
that a study was done on school play ground accidents and found that most
children who suffer injuries it is the result of lack of sleep and being
We did get our promised visit from Mother Nature on
Thursday evening. As I left the gym it was already snowing. By the time we
left Steve's house we already had an inch of wet snow on the ground.
Friday morning the roads were somewhat covered with a thin coating of
snow/ice but I made it to work at regular time.
Tonight we have a public observation at Pilot Mountain for
FAS. It is to be clear and cold but we plan to head up to take advantage
of the good seeing conditions. I doubt we will have a big attendance from
the public. I plan to spend the day relaxing until time to get ready to go
up. We will fix sandwiches and hot tea and eat up at the mountain since we
need to leave here about 4:15 to get up there and get set up.