Thursday afternoon and Friday
If you tuned in yesterday and were curious as to why I did not have a
post, below are pictures showing you the sequence of events from Thursday
morning around 10 am through late afternoon around 5. Once the ice started
accumulating on the trees, things started crashing down all around us. The
power flickered on and off all morning and finally went off at 1:00 pm.
The first pictures show one or two limbs down from the large maple at
the end of the drive. Bob and I went out around 3 to see if we could move
a couple that were blocking the garage doors in case we needed to get out.
However, it was futile as more continued to crash down. By 5 we were
completely blocked in. The digital camera ran out of batteries so I pulled
out the film camera to take pictures of the large Bradford Pear that come
down in the yard next door blocking the driveway. I will have those to
show you next week when I get the pictures back.

The next to last two pictures are of the two houses across
the street. He lost most of that tree. The final picture shows the
thickness of the ice on one of the branches.
As soon as the power went out we fired up the gas logs and
I brought the emergency box up from downstairs. It contains our camp
stove and Coleman lanterns that run on 4 D cell batteries. The dogs were
very nervous. Every time a branch popped, cracked and fell to the ground
Malcolm growled than started barking. Duncan huddled by my side shaking in
fear. As the day turned into a very black night they became a little more
relaxed but were still very discommoded by all the changes. I started out
Thursday night sleeping in the bed so the guys would have somewhat of a
normal routine. Bob bunked down in front of the gas logs in the den. I
woke up early Thursday morning around 2 with a cold nose which drove me
out to the couch. The house never really got below 60 degrees and I would
guess the den stayed a pleasant 68 or so. I fixed soup on the camp stove
for dinner. We had plenty of snacks and food in the cupboard we could get
to without having to open the fridge.
Friday morning I started clearing away the small branches
while Bob tried to get the chain saw fired. Never could get the darn thing
to fire up so I continued with loppers and branch saws. In the
meantime we could not get the generator fired either to keep the freezer
and refrigerator cold. Bob went off to visit his mom while I worked away
at the branches. It was cold and wet. In a very short time my pants and
gloves were soaked from handling the ice coated branches. It had starting
warming up and as I worked the ice was falling and dripping all over me
just as if it was raining.
When Bob returned from visiting Lenore I remembered we
had a can of ether engine starting spray. After a quick spray the
generator fired right up. We then scrambled around getting power cords
from the generator to the fridge and freezer. I worked a little more in
the yard but by that time of day I was completely exhausted from cutting
and hauling. I took a shower, yes we have a gas hot water heater, and sat
in front of the gas logs to dry my hair.
We were getting reports from those that had power and
television it could be well into Monday before power was restored to
everyone. We got lucky. Around 3:30 ours came back to life with the lamps
turning back on. We started disassembling the generator, emergency equipment,
etc and getting the computers powered back up. I fixed a nice hot meal of
beef stroganoff for dinner then spent the evening getting caught up on my
mail. We watched another episode of Midsomer Murders and NYPD. It was an
early night to bed but I did manage to get a couple of chapters read in my
Carola Dunn before turning off the light.
Well this storm not only played havoc with everyone's
daily comforts it ruined Bob and my weekend plans. Yesterday was my mom's
birthday. I was to take her out to dinner on Thursday evening because Bob
and I were heading up the lodge at Fancy Gap, VA for the weekend. It was
to be the practice session for the March Messier Marathon but the weather
forecast had been for it to be cloudy. We decided we would go on up and
spend a nice quiet weekend in the mountains. As Thursday's storm began to
form with forecasters calling for it be even worse just north of us, which
is where we were heading, I told Bob we should call the whole thing off.
This was before things has started getting even worse around here. Bob
managed to get a message out to everyone who was going, that we had
decided due to the weather and concerns about driving safety up and back
to cancel, just before we lost power.
I will start cutting up more small stuff and hauling it to
the street today. Jim, next door, said when he fired up his chain saw he
would help me get the big stuff cut up. However, I I want to get as much
cleaned up as possible in case he does not plan to get back out until
Monday since I have to go to work. I hope he starts today or tomorrow
because two of my big maple limbs are lying in his back yard on him hedge.
I would like to help clear that up since it came from my yard.
I bought a really cute little indoor potted Primrose for
my mom that I will try to get delivered to her sometime this weekend. I
want to stay home today in case Jim gets out with his chain saw. Right now
the skies are rather dark and gloomy. A lot of folks in Winston are still
without power and may be until next week sometime. My folks and my sister
lost power briefly but both of theirs was restored in a fairly short
period of time.
The good news is the first of March. The bad
news is the first of March. With the weather having been like
it has since December, March can be the worst month of the winter for us
down here.