It has been so wet this spring and summer I now have a
bumper crop of mushrooms/toadstools growing under my maple tree out front.
The other evening the sunlight was hitting them just perfect. I thought I
would share them with you. Be sure to take note of the fly in the last two
pictures. I did not even notice him until Bob was showing me the pictures.
He apparently decided to to turn around and look straight at the camera
when he realized his picture was being taken.

We did get to do some telescope viewing last night from
Steve's driveway. I am working on my Urban observing list as well as my
Caldwell and Messier. Whenever we do stuff at our house, Paul's, or
Steve's I can work on those objects. There are some fairly challenging
ones on the list but I feel ready to go to the next level of my learning
to find objects.
Last night I did get M13, M92, an NGC, and a double star.
We also looked at Mars before calling it a night around 11. By the time we
go home, played with the dogs, gave them a quick out, and settled for bed
it was going on mid-night. I can do that one work night as long as I am
getting to bed at a reasonable time the night. Which tonight I will.
I had a hair cut appointment for this afternoon at 4 so I
worked until 3:30. On the way back home I had several other stops making
it almost 5 by the time I got home. We had homemade pizza for dinner but I
did not try to make it to Body Pump class. I can Wednesday night. I can do
the spinning class tomorrow night.
Talk about sleaze ball telemarketers. Bob got a call today
from one today who said they "heard" about his mom's death and
wanted to sell him a headstone. God, how can these people sleep at
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The day from Hell. Yes, we all have them. Today was mine. As I said
yesterday, we are swamped at work pushing as hard as we can to get through
the mountain of contacts and companies. We work straight through the day
taking breaks to go the bathroom or get our lunches from the fridge,
I left at 1:30 for my dentist appointment but never got further than a
mile from the parking deck. I hate interstates and will go out of my way
to avoid traveling the ones around town. Today I decided to go Business 40
to Silas Creek to get the dentist since it was really the most direct
route. Wish I hadn't!
As I was trying to merge onto the highway the car in front of me was
stopped. She went to take off so I looked back, saw the road was clear,
and accelerated at the same time turning back around to look ahead. She
had stopped again so, yes, I did not get stopped in time and rear ended
her. However, I was not going very fast and did get slowed down before I
bumped her. I got out of the car and did what any sensible person would
do. I asked if she was okay, looked a the damage which was none, and
figured we would go our own ways. NO, not this one. She said I want to
exchange insurance information and call the cops. I said you must be
kidding there isn't any damage, no one is hurt, etc. But, if you want, I
will give you my name and phone number and insurance. Well, she works for
the Sheriffs department, (we were in the city), and just had to call the
cops to make everything legal.
In the meantime. I called Bob and told him to cancel my appointment as
it looked like I was going to be there for some time. I tried to get this
dumb woman to move off the ramp and highway and onto the next ramp but she
would have none of that either. Finally this young cop on his motorcycle
roars up, asks if we are okay. He had us move to the ramp. I told
him "I don't think it was necessary to call you". He said, so
you were going to run away. I told him no, but there was not enough damage
to warrant all this bother. Long story, short, he filled out a traffic
report, no ticket, and told me there was a lot of damage to her car and
should be reported. Yeah, right! If you are a policeman, sorry. But he
could have just told her there was not any damage worth reporting and to
go on.
I proceeded on to the bank and grocery store. I get home. Bob tells me
Kerry fell in the foyer this morning and screamed in pain. He was better
but still walking funny. We took him outside, he took three steps and fell
down. We loaded him up in the car and headed to the vets. Since we did not
have an appointment, we had to wait forever to get in to see the vet.
Luckily Dr. Craig was in, who has been seeing Kerry for years. He did not
think he broke the hip or leg. He also listened to his heart. His
arrhythmia has gotten a lot worse. We asked him what we should do. He gave
him an injection to help the hip to see if he could walk any better. If he
does not improve by next week he recommends having him put down. We knew
this was coming, as he has had a lot of trouble walking around lately. He
even falls just walking in the grass. His shoulders and hips just cannot
operate anymore like they are supposed to.
We brought him back home. Penned him up in the foyer to keep him on his
run and off his legs, and will hope for the best.
I fixed leftover pizza for dinner. Checked my mail, wrote up this post.
Thankfully a long weekend is coming up. I have work to do but will most
likely hold off until Sunday or Monday to do any contract work.
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