8 March 2004
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Bob took this picture for me on Friday. My crocus' have
been out of the ground for about three weeks now and are still really
pretty. I have this purple batch out front by the street, another batch in
the bed by our bedroom window and some white and yellow ones in the same
bed. I also get one or two singles that come up in the yard

We had some major excitement last night provided by mother nature. I
had just finished up in my office and settled in on the den couch to read
and listen to some classical music. Both dogs raised their heads at what I
thought was Bob's backup tape ejecting. Just as he went to take a look the
power flickered on and off once. He then asked me if it was pouring down
rain. I checked out the front door and it wasn't raining but the winds
were blowing the trees about 50 mph. About this time the lights did the
on/off thing a couple of more times. I headed back to my office to power
down my computer since I don't have a UPS and to turn of the printer. I
suggested to Bob perhaps we should head for the basement. We have a lot of
dead/dangling tree limbs still hanging from last year's ice storm. At
least if one came flying through either the window or the roof we would be
By the time we got everything settled in downstairs The Weather Channel
was running the high wind warning crawler with the winds expected to be 50
to 60 mph's until midnight. When we had a lull I took the dogs out then
settled in on the sofa bed. When I woke up around 1 am Bob had gone
upstairs and Malcolm was sleeping on the electric chair once occupied by
Bob. I decided I might as well go on up too since it sounded like the
winds had abated to a normal gusty 15 to 20 mph.
Other than a lot of limbs and twigs in the yard we had no damage. I had
to take circuitous route to work due some trees being down on the roads I
normally travel to work. My sister apparently had some shingles blow off
her roof damage. They don't have any trees which is good but those open
fields without any wind break are probably a lot worse in terms of doing
damage from the wind. Coming home this afternoon I did see some trees down
in some of our neighbor's yards. Frances works just about half a mile from
us down Reynolda Road and they did not have power so she did not have to
go to work.
I had a dental appointment this morning at 9:30. I worked from
7:30am to 9am and got back about 10:30. I have the rest of the week to
make up the hour and half.
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9 March 2004
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[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Long long day. I worked 7 to 3:30 to make up most of my
time from going to the dentist yesterday. As soon as I got home Bob needed
"me lovely hands" to make photo shots for the book. While
checking my mail I had the first assignment from Tom which means no gym
tonight. As soon as I get this post finished I will try to get in at least
and hour and half of work in-between holding computer parts for Bob.
Last night I started the second book in the David Handler series
starring Mitch Berger who now resides on the tiny east coast island of Big
Sister near Dorset, Connecticut. In The Hot Pink Farmhouse,
When Wendell "Hangtown" Frye's oldest daughter is murdered
while driving her sister's car Mitch and Des investigate who the intended
victim really was. Handler adds small town politics and charm along with
some New England customs to create really delightful reading.
One of my more astute readers caught some strange wording on my post
from yesterday. I mentioned Malcolm was sleeping in Bob's electric chair
instead of say Bob's mom's lift chair. Her e-mail was three words
"Bob's electric chair". I just e-mailed her back and told
her that was my torture device I used on Bob. Yeah, right.
Well, I best get to work.
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10 March 2004
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[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Happy Birthday to my sister Frances. And, yesterday I
forgot to wish my folks a happy 58th wedding anniversary.
Today was another busy day. I went at 7, left at 3 to go directly to
gym. When I got home Bob did a few hand shots before I started dinner.
Sorry for the short post. More tomorrow night.
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11 March 2004
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It is turning out to be one of "those weeks" for sure! Just
too darn busy and not enough hours in the day to begin with.
First of all, I learned today I like Thai food. At least if it is as
well prepared as what I had for lunch. I met my friend Nancy who works at
the downtown library for lunch today. We met halfway at a new Thai place.
Obviously, it was like Chinese food, somewhat different in style and
preparation. I only ate half, saving the remainder for my lunch
Since I knew I was taking an hour for lunch today, I went in at 7 again
to get back on track hours wise. I am all caught up needing only to work
my regular 7:30 to 3 tomorrow. On the way home I made a bank and grocery
store stop. Bob asked if I was going to the gym and I told him no, I
needed to get my mail checked so I could get started on my assignment. Bob
needed me for pictures which is the other reason I intended to stay home.
About 4:45 it dawned on me today is the second Thursday of the month,
Friends meeting. Yikes! Too late now. I called the library and told them I
could not make it. After dinner I needed to get started working but I just
felt like I needed a breather and some down time so I spent twenty minutes
or so picking up limbs and sticks from the storm the other night and
piling them on the street. When I came in Bob was ready for more modeling.
Tonight I will work between taking breaks to hand hold for him at least
until 8:30.
Last night we did go out for a short observing session with Paul and
Mary at the nearby soccer field. It was really cold and damp last night
but we did stayed out for about an hour or so. I wanted to get home and
play some ball with Malcolm before going to bed. I did read a couple of
chapters in my book before turning off the lights.
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12 March 2004
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[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
No update
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13 March 2004
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[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Just ran out of time yesterday to get a post up. As soon as
I got home I checked my mail while hanging around to help Bob with
pictures. I grilled some ribs and chicken for dinner then we drove over to
the soccer field to get in some observing. Everyone was just beat from
having long weeks. Bob and I started on our deep sky binocular club list
rather than get the scope out. Paul brought his binoculars and Steve
brought his 10" scope instead of his 17".
We stayed until about 9. The soccer field is low and collects a lot of
damp, cold air. It always seems to be about ten degrees colder over there
than here at home or even at the field in Walnut Cove.
This morning I was up and out by 8am stopping first at the drug store
then doing my 9am cardio class at the gym. Back home, I cleaned house, ate
lunch, took the dogs down to play with Emma, then got started in the yard.
After picking up more limbs and sticks I had to pull three really large
limbs hung up in the trunk of the maple tree. By the time I was finished
mowing I was pretty much out of gas and ready for the shower.
I am getting ready to leave this afternoon to run some errands across
town then meet Mom, Dad, and Frances for her birthday dinner at Outback.
We plan to get there at 4:30 when they open to avoid having to wait.
Afterwards we are going back to Frances' for cake and ice cream. Dad is
driving on his own now and also should be able to make it up her front
steps into the house.
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14 March 2004
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[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Mom, dad, Frances, and I had a nice time at Outback last
night to celebrate Frances' birthday and Mom and Dad's anniversary. I ate
an appetizer, shrimp with a sweet potato, for my main meal. Just enough
since we were having cake back at home.
I cleared all the decks yesterday with the cleaning and mowing just in
case dad wanted to go out and ride around the golf course for nine holes.
He did not feel like he was ready for that so I used my time this morning
to get work done. When I do my consulting work I have to keep track of
time worked. It is much easier if I can set aside an hour or so at a time
without interruption. And, the type of stuff I am doing needs a block of
time to start a search, transfer the results to my template, etc.
This afternoon I will take a much needed break and watch the race.
After dinner tonight it will be back to work for at least a couple more
The sun is out though the air is cool, in the mid 50's. Have a good
one, see you tomorrow, beginning of another work week.
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