26 July 2004
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Over the weekend a read a nice dog related mystery much
like the ones by Melissa Cleary and Susan Conant. In this first mystery
written by Lee Charles Kelley, A Nose For Murder, Jack Field is a
former NYPD cop who has taken early retirement to open a dog kennel in
Maine. His girl friend is a part time medical examiner for the state. In
addition to running a kennel Jack does dog training. His ideas, which of
course reflect the ideas of the author, are a little weird but came from a
real dog training book.
When one of Jack's clients is found dead on her kitchen floor Jack and
his girlfriend Jamie Cutter both believe it is murder. Both the local
Camden PD and the sheriff's office seem to be hiding information and
placing evidence on the scene in order to implicate his clients most
recent boy friend. Kelley is a fair writer, nothing spectacular but very
enjoyable. I liked his characters and of course, he uses a dog to help
catch the true murderer.
After a quick stop at the pet store on the way home for
food and treats I fixed a quick dinner, made a stop at our friends house
to get the sprinkler running then went on to the gym for step class. I
went back after class to run the sprinkler on the other half of the
The Firm got hit with the mydoom worm today. It shut down our access to
Google and sent everyone in the Firm spoof e-mails. What a mess. Those
people should be hunted down, strung up by their thumbs, and left hanging
for days. They are EVIL!
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27 July 2004
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Bob snapped this picture this afternoon. He said they laid there together
most of the afternoon.We finally did get some rain last night, enough
to make the ground actually look wet this morning. It was supposed to
rain/thunderstorm all day but so far we have not had any additional
precipitation. Some pretty big storms went just south of this late this
afternoon but we could still get some more tonight.
I decided to read the second book in the Jane Austen mystery series by
Stephanie Barron, Jane and the Man of the Cloth.
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28 July 2004
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Not really much in the way of news. I went to gym after
dinner for Body Pump class.
It was long and tiring day at work. We had to work on a project
requiring research of companies in our database in foreign countries.
These always tax me to the limit mentally. Formatting the addresses is
very difficult, finding web sites in English, etc.
I was almost a blathering idiot by 4pm. Now you know why I go to the
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29 July 2004
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
We had our Team monthly meeting today at 3pm. We normally meet at two,
which means we get finished by 3 or 3:30 before I am supposed to leave to
go home. We ran until 5 which means I get to leave an hour early tomorrow.
Bob and I had planned to got by the library and to eat at the Chinese
place tonight anyway. By the time I got home and changed it was time to
leave. The library closes at 6 on Thursdays.
We have had off and on showers this afternoon. It did rain again over
night last night. We are at least getting a little bit of rain everyday.
The lawn is starting to look a little better in most places. Others will
have to wait until I do a full reseed in the fall.
Guess I better cut this short and go out to play some ball with The
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30 July 2004
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
Greetings on this lovely Friday afternoon. I was more than
ready for the weekend after a long, hard work week. I took advantage of
being able to leave early to run by Office Depot to pick up a few things.
The weather turned off hot with puffy white clouds more like you see in
the fall instead of mid-summer. We are getting some sort of offshore
breeze bringing the strange looking clouds and hot air.
I took the dogs out this afternoon to play some ball in the back yard
before dinner. I have almost finished the Jane Austen mystery.
Hope you have a great weekend. Nothing special on tap here other than
the usual weekend chores and activities.
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31 July 2004
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It has been a very busy morning once I got up and moving. I
slept in until 7:45, read the paper, and ate some breakfast. After giving
the house and bathrooms and good cleaning I headed outside. I started a
project that will take several weekends to complete.
In the back I have one area with a horrible wash problem. Between the
run off from the driveway and the downspout I can't keep dirt or mulch
from washing. Today, I started transplanting liriope,
which I have plenty of in the front to the wash areas in the back. It will
take awhile for it to spread but once it does it should do the trick. The
other project is to hack and dig up the large tree roots that have risen
above ground level. I have two areas where this has become a major problem
making it very difficult to mow over them with the lawn mower. It is hard
work so I shall limit myself to only chopping away a few at a time. Most
of them are dead but still must be cut with the mattock and pulled up.
After getting that project started I put away those tools and fired up
the mower. With the little bit of rain we have over night the last week
some of the grass has come back to life and of course the Bermuda needed
mowed down. I swept up the dead leaves and stuff from the sidewalk then
came in to fix lunch.
Bob is getting ready to send Theodore, our old server, to the PC
retirement farm. Since he will be working on the network all afternoon
shall finish up my other chores and then call it a day. I need to brush
the dogs and clean the racks from the oven. This morning I did the self
cleaning on the oven but always remove the racks to keep them from
becoming discolored and do them by hand.
I was hot working in the sun and or course digging but the temperatures
are only in the high 80's even with the heat index.
Have a great day, enjoy your weekend.
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1 August 2004
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Steamy. It was not all that hot this morning playing golf
temperature wise but the humidity was well over 90%. Other than an occasional
breeze out of the south it was very hot. We have a weather system to our
west and a tropical depression off our east coast. Neither one is supposed
to make it up our way.
After lunch I made a quick stop at Frances' to help her with a computer
project before coming on home. With the likelihood of rain looking so-so I
went ahead and watered the stuff I planted yesterday.
We have a friend coming over for dinner tonight. Lori does fostering
for CBCR. We had been over to visit her and her dogs now she will come and
meet mine. I have a couple of crates that are CBCR crates I want to pass
along to her. Now that I am working full time I will not be doing much
transporting of dogs like I once did when I worked from home.
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