Monday, 9
August 2004
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[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy Monday to everyone. The weather remains unseasonably
nice with low temperatures and humidity.
We ate an early dinner to allow me to make the 5:30 step class.
Afterwards, I needed to pick up a couple of things from the store we had
run low on. I parked at the Harris Teeter which anchors one end of the
shopping center where the gym is located to keep from having to crank up
the car for that little distance after class. I went ahead and did the
regular weekly shopping since we did not need much beyond the juice and
soft drinks.
I mentioned yesterday, I started the third book in the Jane Austen
mystery series, Jane and the Wandering Eye. After the owner of the
a local Bath theater group is found murdered at a party Jane attempts to
solve the murder. So far, this one is not as good as the first two but I
will stick with it.
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Tuesday, 10 August 2004
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[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Greetings. Our new VCR came today. The one we had was
eating our tapes. While the VCR/TV combination works well in the bedroom
for taping or watching TV it is not very good for watching movies. Other
than watching a late running race I am not one to enjoy laying in bed for
several hours watching a movie. Plus, Bob does not smoke his pipe in the
bedroom. We had another VCR downstairs that used to work. When we moved it
up here it would not work, moved it back downstairs, it would not work.
Since we are not really avid movie watchers we only need something to
watch a Masterpiece or an occasional movie we have taped. We don't rent
them nor buy them except special ones like the Anne of Green Gables series
I bought while on Prince Edward Island. Anyway, he had it all set up when
I got home from work.
Otherwise, not much in the way of news. I went to the gym for spinning
class after dinner. Bob had a rather eventful day rounding up a black
snake for the lady across the street
As he mentioned, today is the one year anniversary of Lenore's passing.
I also find myself thinking about her from time to time.
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Wednesday, 11 August 2004
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I worked through lunch today so I could leave half an hour
early. I drove over to our local animal shelter to take a dog that was
supposedly a Border Collie. It was listed on the animal shelter web site
but did not have a picture. Since I cannot foster I cannot pull the dog
but I was taking a look to make sure it is a BC before we pull it. We do
have a couple of foster homes in the immediate Winston-Salem area.
It turns out it was a cute, little female. Very shy. I did not get a
change to see her outside the cage because the guy was very busy but she
looked to be in pretty good shape coat wise. Hopefully we can get her out
of there soon.
When I left the shelter, which is only about ten minutes from work, the
sky was dark and the wind had picked up. I got home just before a
thunderstorm arrived with some fairly heavy rain. We are forecast to be in
the paths of both Bonnie and Charlie. We can really use the rain.
No gym tonight. I have a few things I need to work on this evening. I
have a real tedious project going at work. Each year the Firm sponsors
major fund drives for the heart walk and the diabetes walk. My former
supervisor now team member is head of the diabetes walk since his
daughter has it. I am checking donation amounts in a spread sheet again
names and donation amounts in the Firm database I work on. After about 5
hours I had made it through the L's before I left for the day.
Had I been able to stay awake long enough last night I would have
finished the Jane Austen mystery. Perhaps tonight I will.
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Thursday, 12 August 2004
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[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
No update.
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Friday, 13 August 2004
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[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
Ran out of time last night. Just as I was leaving work
yesterday afternoon to go by and pay the animal shelter the release fee we
went under a tornado warning. It was raining buckets with a lot of the
streets flooded but I did not have any problems. In order for Misty, that
is what I named her, to not have to spend this weekend in jail I had to
post her bail yesterday so she would go out to the vet clinic today for
her spay. They were very nice about letting me pay without the paper work
turned in for them for CBCR. I lacked a couple of documents getting
everything ready Wednesday night.
I left the animal shelter for the library for my Friends meeting. Upon
arrival the staff told me four board members had called and said they were
not coming because of the weather. By this time the rain had let up and
the tornado warning dropped. All the severe weather was east of Winston
and our side of town.
We had enough members show up for a short meeting. I had planned on
meeting Bob, Paul and Mary at the Chinese restaurant across the street.
Our meeting normally run until 6. Paul and Mary were picking Bob up at
By the time we got home from dinner, fed and played with the dogs and
walked them it was 9'oclock. I got the remaining paper work together and
went off to bed.
This morning I dropped it off at the shelter on the way to work. This
afternoon I left work at 4:15, picked up Misty from the vet, and delivered
her out to Jodi for fostering. I will have pictures to post tomorrow. On
the way home I took a back road route, stopped at Domino's and ordered a
pizza then drove just down the street to get gas while it cooked.
It was almost seven by the time I got home. We ate and fed the dogs for
a quick walk since it looked like it was going to pour rain any minute.
They keep shifting the track of hurricane Charley east and west of us but
either was it looks like we may get a drenching tomorrow.
I started a new mystery author the other night, Sarah
Andrews. I brought the first book in her Em Hanson series, Tensleep
for Bob to read. Em is a free lance contractor who does soil sample tests
on various drill jobs in Wyoming. In the
first book she is working on an oil rig taking mud samples for the
drilling. When the oil rig company geologist dies in a single car
accident, Em gets suspicious. Soon after, another member of the oil rig
team is found supposedly trampled to death by some wild horses. Em
suspicions of foul play become real when she sees the body and determines
the young boy did not die at the scene of where the body was found.
For a first novel, Andrews did a wonderful job. I have reserved the
others in the series.
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Saturday, 14 August 2004
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[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Very tired indeed. I woke up around 9:30 this morning. Bob
and the dogs had disappeared with the bedroom door shut. Guess I needed
some sleep! It has been raining all morning as Charley gradually makes it
way up the NC coast. The full brunt of the storm will arrive east of us
sometime this afternoon. We will get mainly rain and wind. Between the
storm the other afternoon created by Bonnie and Charley we are getting
some much needed rainfall. Everything is supposed to clear out by late
Other than cleaning house and working on a few things on the computer
it will be a lazy day for me. Bob started the laundry but since he has
chapters to work on I will pitch in and help out with that as well.

This is Misty. She was still rather groggy from her surgery and
extremely frightened. I had to carry her to the truck when I picked her up
from the vet. Once I got out to Jodi's she did not want to get out. I
opened both back doors and sat down beside her, talking to Jodi and
petting her. After about fifteen minutes she let me lift her up out of the
We guess her to be somewhere around a year old. Her coat, skin and foot
pads were in pretty good condition. I cannot remember if she was picked up
as a stray or brought in but either way she has not been on her own too
long. Her foster mom will take good care of her. Once she gets to feeling
better she will try her out with ball playing, agility, etc.
This is a picture of Malcolm playing ball out at Jodi's last year where
Misty is being fostered. The kennel's are in the background.
Sunday, 15 August
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[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Still raining. I called dad yesterday afternoon to discuss
playing golf this morning. Although Charley very quickly left the state
yesterday and remained east of us we have still had a lot of rain over the
past several days. We did not get the drenching predicted from Charley
although the coast got hit slightly. I e-mailed my friend in Jacksonville,
FL to see if they came out of the storm okay but have not heard back.
Anyway, we made the decision it would be too wet to play so we
cancelled. Good thing we did. I slept in until 8:15. When I went out with
the dogs and to get the paper it had rained as recent as earlier this
morning sometime. I had planned to make an early run to Lowe's Home
Centers and Wal-Mart. When I left the house around 9am it was raining
steadily and continued to do so the entire hour or so I was out.
I picked up soil, grass seed, and other assorted items to patch the
areas in the front and back that suffered from the drought. I also plan to
get my seed and fertilizer out early this year. Last year I waited until
too late in the fall. It turned too cool for it to come up good for winter
set in. I had planned on mowing this afternoon but unless the sun comes
out and dries things up a bit I will not be doing that. The forecast
for the afternoon is scattered thunderstorms and more rain.
Last night I finished up Tensleep. At the very end of the book
the main character Em gets promoted to state geologist for Wyoming. Having
successfully solved the murders of the state geologist and oil rig
caretaker, the company decided they would hire her full time. I am looking
forward to reading the other books in the series. Over my years and years
of reading I have learned from reading fiction about a great number of
topics. In this series I am learning some very fascinating things about
how large oil rig drilling operations work. While that may sound boring to
you, I always enjoy learning new things. I really never knew how the
process of drilling the rock and extracting the oil worked. When we were
on our trip to the Canadian Rockies a couple of years ago, I saw small
pumping stations in fields and people's backyards once we got to the Midwest.
Guess it is time to fix some lunch.
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