Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 18
October 2004
Latest Update: Sunday, 24 October 2004 1:25 p.m.
Monday, 18 October
called this morning and made appointments for both dogs for 4:30 with
the new vet. I told him I would about ten minutes early, 3:50, to give
me time to stop to get gas and have time to come home and change, grab
the dog's file folders, etc.
At 3:20 my supervisor had a project that needed to be complete for
an attorney ASAP. Sheila and I worked together to get the information
he needed. But, it was a couple of minutes after 4 by the time I got to
my car. I called Bob from the car to tell him where to find the files
and that I was on my way. While Bob loaded the dogs I quickly changed
and we took off. I have a three or four gallons left in the take when
the low fuel light comes on. The new vet is about 2.5 miles from the
We got there right at 3:30. By the time we filled out paperwork,
talked with the vet, he examined both dogs, and did the follow-up it
was 6pm when we got out of there. We are not sure at this point if
Duncan also has an infection like Malcolm had or if bitting his back is
from another problem. I did find a small lump the other night when I
was treating the places on his back where he had been chewing. The
doctor took a sample to send off to the lab to see what it is. In the
mean time he shaved that area on Duncan's back and started him on
antibiotics. Malcolm and he both are going on low doses of prednisone
stop the itching and chewing. Bob and I both liked the vet and his
staff. His new office is in an old bank. The examine rooms are big,
bright, and cool unlike the little hot boxes at the old vets. Although
he did not find any signs of fleas he still suggested we put Advantage
on both dogs the next two months then start up again next spring.
Last night both dogs woke me up around 1:20 from a deep sleep
chewing. Duncan was kicking the baseboard with his foot trying to get
to that place on his back while Malcolm was scratching like crazy. I
finally put in my ear plugs to drown out the noises and tried to go
back to sleep.
I am reading the next book in the Em Hansen series, Fault Line. As the title suggests,
Salt Lake City sites on a large fault line. Just before the 2002 winter
Olympics are to begin Salt Lake experiences a 5.2 magnitude earthquake.
Em has been living in Salt Lake while studying part time with FBI agent
Tom in learning the methods of police investigation. At the same time
she is trying to sort out her relationship with her Mormon boyfriend
Ray. Just after the quake occurs a local state geologist is found dead,
pushed off her deck. Tom asked Em to read some construction reports of
various housing and shopping center development from the past couple of
years. The developer has been hiding the fact that they are built on
and along the fault lines. It seems the state geologist was wanting to
blow the whistle on those buildings including the Olympics complex.
Tuesday, 19 October
We have had a cloudy, rainy day here in the
Piedmont Triad. Not much in the way of rain, about 1 to 2 tenths of an
inch when I checked after dinner. It was raining pretty steadily when I
left downtown but had stopped by the time I got to the grocery store
which is about 2 miles from our house.
No gym tonight. I have several things I need to catch up on at my desk.
I was able to get my morning and afternoon walk in at work under the
parking deck.
The guys seem to be doing better. They did not wake me up scratching
last night. So far this evening I have not seen Malcolm bothered at all
and Duncan just a couple of times. The lump they aspirated on his back
looks horrible but the places he chewed raw and sore look a little
better. Can't say much for his bad haircut but that will grow back.
Guess that about wraps things up here for this evening.
Wednesday, 20 October 2004
No update.
Thursday, 21 October
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Not enough hours in the day yesterday. As
soon as I got home we took off out to the mechanics to drop the white
truck off for an oil change and inspection. From there was made a
library stop then on to dinner with Paul before our FAS meeting. On the
way to the meeting we were sitting at a red light when I suddenly if
felt like a two ton truck rammed us from behind. A family in a Rav4 was
behind us. A woman came up to the light and took off while it was still
red thinking the left turn only green was our lane. The poor folks in
the Rav4 got it from behind and in front after plowing into us.
The cops arrived and moved us all to a nearby parking lot once he
determined there were no critical injuries and the cars could be
driven. the guy in the Rav4 kept rubbing his neck and shoulders so the
cops called the EMT's to come. After the cop finished up the paperwork
we started to take off when the EMT guy poked his head in the car for
us to sign a form indicating we were not hurt and did not need to go to
the hospital.
In the dark last night we could not see much in the way of damage to
our car other than some paint and scratches on the bumper. When we
drove it out this afternoon to pick up Bob's car we had Tim take a look
and sure enough the bumper is pushed in on one side and the spare tire
mount is bent in at the bottom. Not really too much in the way of
damage, the back door still operates fine. Bob was on the phone all day
with insurance adjusters and agents getting things square away for them
to come out and take a look.
By the time everything was tidied up last night we were about 15
minutes late for the meeting. It was almost ten by the time we got
home. The dogs had to be fed, walked and get in some ball playing.
At the library we had about fifteen or so books come in that I had
reserved which included several of our favorite authors with new 2004
titles. Tuesday night I did finish up Fault
Line about 11:45pm before turning off the light. Last night I
started the new Carola Dunn, A
Mourning Wedding. Daisy Dalrymple Fletcher is attending a
weekend of festivities at her friend Lucy's wedding taking place at her
grandfather's estate. When Lucy's busy body gossiping great aunt is
found murdered Daisy once again finds herself and her husband, Scotland
Yard's Chief Inspector Alex Fletcher, solving a murder. The estate is
chock full of cousins, aunts and other assorted relations on both sides
of the family many of whom would benefit by the death of Aunt Eva.
As I mentioned earlier, we drove out this afternoon to pick up the
white truck. I came on home and started dinner while Bob stopped to gas
us before coming home. I am two days behind in mail to catch up in
addition to not getting much sleep last night. By the time I read for
an hour to unwind before turning off the light the guys did not seem to
want to settle. For one thing, Duncan went over and plopped himself
under the window which is Malcolm's sleeping place. We always start
Malcolm out in his crate at night. When Bob comes back to bed he lets
him out of his crate. He moves around at night between under the
window, by the closet door, and in his crate. However, he did not
like Duncan being in his place. Duncan sleep between the wall and the
bed on Bob's side. He has a fleecy crate pad he sleeps on plus I just
bought him a nice foam filled bed with a built in pillow. I think
Duncan goes to sleep in Malcolm's place every once in a while to show
him he is still boss dog.
Malcolm finally gave up after asking Duncan to move several times (by
going over and placing his face in Duncan's and glaring at him) and
went to sleep on the floor at the foot of the bed. I guess it was going
on 1:30 or 2 am by the time I finally fell asleep.
It has been cool, rainy, drizzly, and down right yucky the past several
days. The forecast doesn't call for it to go away until sometime late
tomorrow afternoon.
Friday, 22 October
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Not really much to report on this early
Friday evening. As we were walking the dogs after dinner Emma, Mimi,
Steve, and Shane were all out in their back yard. I took the dogs down
for a visit while Bob came on back to the house. It has been another
cool and drizzly day. It looks like that will be the trend for the next
few days.
Tonight I will watch the first episode of the new season of West Wing
that aired Wednesday night. After that, continued reading of the new
Carola Dunn.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Saturday, 23 October
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Malcolm and I completed our five-mile walk
this morning at Tanglewood Park for the American Heart Association. The
Firm is a very strong supporter of many of the local events such as the
Heart Walk, diabetes walk, cancer, etc. This is my first year
participating in the Heart Walk. Malcolm did very well once we got
there and he had a chance to settle down. Two of his worst habits I
cannot seem to break are maniacal barking in the car at people, dogs,
bicycles, etc., and barking at strangers and little children. Since he
was a pup he has always been afraid of anything that rolls such as
skates, skateboards, bikes, scooters, etc. Most of the time these
devices are occupied by a child, thus he barks when he sees a child
when it is not on a moving object.
Once we got out of the car and he realized there were just too many
strangers and dogs to bark at he finally quieted down. Everyone once in
a while he would look up and discover a small person and bark loudly.
Once we got started on the walk he did very well. A lot of folks came
up to say hello and let him give them big kisses. We had a great time.
I walked with my supervisor/team captain and her dog. I think I only
saw about 12 people from the Firm walking. Overall, they had a good
crowd. The weather is overcast and cool today. Actually good walking
weather. The sun will not be making an appearance until sometime
We got back home around noon. This afternoon I need to get some
online/catalog shopping done for a few fall and winter things for work.
AND...gasp, yes it is only about 8 weeks until Christmas. I do a lot of
online/catalog for that as well. My desk has once again accumulated a
large pile of things needing attention and/or filing.
Sunday, 24 October
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It is another dreary, drizzly day. No golf. I
got up a little after 7. While I read the paper and played ball with
the dogs Bob had a chance to sleep in until 9:30. Speaking of dogs. Bob
checked his five
years ago today page to learn that yesterday we had driven up to
take our first look at Malcolm. Wasn't he a little cutie?
Once everyone was up and about I got the morning chores started. First
off, the bed spread went in for a good cleaning after I stripped the
bed to change the linens. Next, clean the bathrooms and vacuum the
After lunch I hauled the vacuum downstairs to give it a good cleaning
of both floors and to rid the ceiling and corners of cobwebs. While
downstairs I switched laundry loads for Bob.
The cleaning now complete, I will spend the remainder of the afternoon
either in my office working or on the couch reading. Bob is working in
another deadline for a Friday finish so I shall handle dogs and other
assorted chores so he can work. Last night I grilled ribs and chicken
for dinner. We will have leftovers tonight.
I finished the Carola Dunn. As usual, she did another fine job. I love
her series and highly recommend it if you like books set in early
1920's England. I have not started the newest Ayelet Waldman, Murder Plays House. Juliet Applebaum former public
defender, now stay at home mom, has once again stumbled on another dead
body. This time, while searching for a house for her growing family of
screen writer husband, daughter six, son 31/2 year old son, and
daughter on the way. Their small two bedroom apartment has now become
too small. Plus, her husband works all night writing screen plays and
sleeps during the day. That is, until they started demolishing the next
door duplex.
When Juliet and her real estate friend Eve, also expecting a child,
tour a house not yet on the market, they discover the body of an
actress in the gust house who is actually the sister of the man selling
the house. Regardless of the dead body, Juliet falls in love with the
house and is determined to have it at whatever cost...including using
the fact that a dead body was found in the house to reduce the price.
As I have mentioned many times before while reading one of her books,
Waldman writes very funny, current day life, stories. Juliet not only
has funny things happening to her while solving the murders but using
her young children's antics as humorous parts of the storyline.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Barbara Fritchman
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.