Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 6
December 2004
Latest Update: Friday, December 10, 2004 6:32 p.m.
Monday, 6 December
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Monday to everyone. Today kicks off what looks like to be a very, very
busy week for me. After dinner and early double step class I stopped at
the grocery store to get the weekly shopping out of the way.
Tomorrow night I am having dinner with my friends Nancy and Betsy. I
plan to go into work at my usual 8am and work until 5pm. We are eating
at the Old Salem Tavern which is near downtown where I work. I am
certain I will get home too late to put up a post. I will catch
everyone up again on Wednesday. Hopefully Bob will have the pictures
transferred from my birthday last week. He has been under the weather
all weekend and still not feeling his best today.
Last night I finished reading the review copy of Curriculum Murder by Marlis Day.
Today was cloudy and very cool with rain off and on all day. Tomorrow
looks to be pretty much the same thing.
It is getting late. The dogs need some attention.
Tuesday, 7 December 2004
No update.
Wednesday, 8
December 2004
Betsy, Nancy and I had a great dinner and
wonderful time getting caught up on all our news. It was almost 9pm by
the time I got home.
Bob sorted the pictures from my birthday celebration last week at
Frances' house. I am holding a Vermont Teddy Bear which I picked out
for my folks to give me when we toured the factory. She is made by
combining the four colors of fur and various colors of paw pads used
for their other bears. They call it Misfit Bear. No two bears are
alike. She will make a nice addition to my teddy bear collection. I
think I will name her Sandy.
Frances found these Border Collie socks and mom found a turning 50
bear. She bought the basket for him to sit in. He will live in my
Finally, I caught Malcolm taking a nap by the front door on Sunday
afternoon. He went back to the vets this afternoon. His mouth is
healing okay but the vet discovered a small hole in the socket area
when he pulled out what looked to be food or something in the area of
the stitches.
He has to remain on soft foods for awhile longer and we have to rinse
his mouth out once a day in the evening to keep food and other stuff
from getting in the hole. I brought home a little syringe type
apparatus we fill with mouthwash to rinse the area.
He also had another urine sample taken to have sent off to the lab to
see if the crystals they found during his routine physical are still
Thursday, 9 December 2004
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Good evening. We had our Christmas party
during our Friends of the Library meeting this afternoon. Not really
much of a party, everyone just brings something to share which we eat
while we conduct the meeting.
I knew after eating snacks I would not want dinner. Bob asked me to
stop at KFC and pick him up some chicken and slaw. While he ate I
played ball with the dogs, opened the snail mail, and took care of the
regular Thursday evening chores...gathering up recycling and trash.
After getting my mail caught up I wanted to go ahead a post the review
of Curriculum Murders on Dorothy L. The book was fair. Day is not as
good a writer as some of the authors Bob and I read. Her books are very
Last night I finished up the latest Sarah Shaber. I love her books.
The weather today was nasty. Cold, pouring rain off and on all day,
windy, foggy, etc. The rain gauge showed an inch of rain since this
morning with more forecast for tonight and tomorrow.
It's getting late and the Guys need some more attention before bedtime.
Friday, 10 December 2004
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It has been a REAL LONG DAY! As Bob
mentioned on his page we had a very long night last night. Around 11pm
a thunderstorm started rolling in. With very bright lightening and
rumbles of thunder announcing its arrival it took almost an hour for it
to actually get to and past us.
Malcolm stayed on his dog bed for a long time while Malcolm remained
fairly calm. He would whine and bark every once in awhile. As the storm
got stronger and closer Duncan came up on the bed to be comforted while
Malcolm was in full swing barking at the thunder, pacing, growling at
Duncan, and looking out the window.
With our bed full of two adults and two large dogs Bob got up and went
back out to the sofa to read while we waited on the storm to pass.
Around 12:30 things had calmed down considerable. Duncan was sound
asleep tucked up against me while
Malcolm dozed at the foot of the bed. I was almost asleep when all hell
broke loose again. Just as Bob came back to bed a major crack of
thunder followed by a bright flash of lightning woke everyone back up.
We finally put Malcolm back in his crate to calm him down while Duncan
remained curled up almost on top of me.
The last time I looked at the clock it was around 2:30 going on 3am. I
finally fell asleep because I did not hear Bob let Malcolm back out of
his crate or Duncan go back down on his dog bed. Bob said at one time
Malcolm was curled up on Duncan's dog bed.
When the alarm went off at 6:30 I felt like I had been chewed up and
spit back out. I was almost awake by the time I arrived at work at 8. I
was leaving at 2 this afternoon after working the long day on Tuesday.
I decided I would take an extra hour and leave at 1. That would give me
extra time to get things done this afternoon and I was just too tired
to concentrate.
The team had a scheduled meeting at 11:00. It was not over until 12:30
which would have given me only half an hour to try and catch up on a
few more tickets. I worked until 1:30 and called it day.
This afternoon I ran the vacuum through the middle of the floors to get
up the dirt and dog hair. While I was cleaning up my office and desk
Bob worked on cleaning out the gas logs. He could still not get them to
light. After dinner I got packed and finished up a couple of minor
chores I needed to take care of.
Frances is picking me up sometime after 8pm this evening to take me
home with her. We are going to get started decorating her Christmas
tree while we wait for Al to come home from a trip. Tomorrow morning we
leave for Myrtle Beach with mom and dad. Al will be driving a chartered
trip but we can go along.
I will not be back until late Sunday. Monday I will have details, etc.
Mom, dad, and Frances have taken this trip before. The main purpose is
to attend a Christmas show at one of the theaters down there. We stop
at shopping places coming and going for those who need to do last
minute shopping.
Another fairly major thunderstorm rolled through from dinner time
tonight until just a few minutes ago. There is an old wives tale about
having a thunderstorm in winter. Snow will follow any where from 9 to
12 days later. Guess we will have to wait and see if it comes true.
Have a great weekend.
Saturday, 11 December 2004
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Sunday, 12 December 2004
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© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Barbara Fritchman
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.