Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 14
February 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 20 February 2005 7:11 p.m.
Monday, 14 February
Valentine's Day. It was a very busy Monday at work. My coworker will be
out all week taking care of some family stuff. I had over 600 database
change requests this morning when I fired up InterAction.
Fortunately most of them were easy to handle with maybe 100 or so
requiring in depth research.
I made it to the gym but did not attend a class. Instead I worked on
the machines and did some cardio. I am running too late tonight to work
on Hacks for Bob.
It has been a very dreary, rainy day. I don't keep the rain gauge out
in the winter but I am sure we had at least 1/2 inch and maybe more.
This afternoon I called Duncan's former vet to pick her brain about his
skin condition and lack of fur. She wants to see the lab and pathology
reports from the surgery. I called my vet who was more than happy to
fax them to her. Sue has been a vet for a long time. It will be
interesting to see if she can discover what may be going on with my dog
Hope your week got off to a great start.
Tuesday, 15 February
Yes, this is a very late post for me. But,
not wanting to disappoint my fans...!
Happy Birthday to our friend Marcia. May you have
many, many more. Since she did not tell how old she was on her page
guess I will not give out that information either!
This evening we had our friends Paul and Mary over for Chinese take out
in our new lovely refurbished downstairs area. After working a very
long 9 hour day (more on that later) I came home to quickly say hello
to the dogs, change, and head out to pick up the food. The Chinese
restaurant is in the same strip mall as the pet store. While they
prepared my order I walked down to pick up some treats for The Guys. On
the way walking back up the sidewalk I made a quick stop in the new
Cyber Cafe that has recently opened. Not being a coffee drinker, I was
primarily checking to see what other types of things they had to offer.
Mary is highly allergic to the dogs. But, with the newly cleaned carpet
and no pet hair on the furniture she was completely symptom free after
being over her for 3 hours. They just left a little after nine. While
Bob rinsed the dishes I played ball with the dogs. Poor things were
very good most of the evening only howling once in awhile when we
started laughing loudly. They just like to be in the middle of
everything and cannot understand why they are not allowed.
Guess I better cut this short so we can walk the dogs and get to bed.
My mom is having an out patient procedure tomorrow morning at the
hospital. I am going to take a off from work for a couple of hours
leaving at 9:30 to be at the hospital with Dad and Al. Frances
cannot get off from work.
By cramming in the extra hours I can get most of them made up by the
end of the week without taking any of my PDO time. I worked 8 yesterday
and 9 nine today. I will most likely go in tomorrow morning at 7:30
rather than 8:00.
Wednesday, 16 February 2005
Mom's procedure went very well. They gave her
the all clear which was a big relief to everyone. Al, Dad and I sat
with mom in the waiting area until she went back for prepping. After
they started the procedure, we walked down to the deli to grab a quick
bite to eat. It was over in about half an hour. Dad went back to check
on her when we returned from eating. After about fifteen minutes I went
back. She was awake. They were just getting her something to eat and
drink while waiting on the doctor to give his report.
Once he talked with us I left and went on back to work since Al was
there to help dad to get her home. She has to take things easy for the
next 24 hours but otherwise can resume her regularly scheduled
programming. I had all but one hour covered which I can make up
tomorrow and Friday by working straight through lunch.
I made it to 5:30 step class tonight. Otherwise, not much else going
on. It was well over 60 degrees by this afternoon. Too warm for this
time of year for sure.
Thursday, 17 February 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Picking up on Brian's
post for today, our local classical radio music station, WFDD, just
went the same route. They now have talk radio on all day with a music
format at night. I used to listen to WFDD on the radio when I worked in
the Liberty Plaza building on the 10th floor. When we were moved to the
basement my radio would not pick up a single station. In order to
listen to them via my PC they required Real Media player. We have
Windows Media player and while I imagine they would not mind if I down
loaded the free version, I tend to play by the rules when it comes to
putting things on my work PC.
Instead I went out and found a much better classical music station in
Wake Forest, NC WCPE .
They play music all day, no news breaks on the hour repeating the same
news over and over and best yet, I can listen via Media Player. If you
enjoy classical music I highly recommend this station. The local paper
has had both for and against letters about the change in format. A lot
of the folks who live in this area listen to a station out of
Davidson, NC which I understand is also very good. However, someone
this morning gave a plug for WCPE.
Today was library and grocery store day. At work I am working steadily
on two very long research projects in between doing tickets.
Last night I finished up the Sister Fidelma. I have one book left in
the poodle mysteries, the next to the last one currently out in the
series so I guess I will start it tonight. The library does not have
the latest one.
Cold weather has returned to the area with lows tonight going back down
in the 20's and highs tomorrow only in the 40's. Looks like it will
warm up some for the weekend but we may get some rain.
Friday, 18 February 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Whew! Friday. Thought it would never get
here. Otherwise there really isn't much in the way of news. As is
usually the case, I have a long list of things I hope to get done this
Hope you have a great weekend!
Saturday, 19 February 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
I was up and out at 8:30 for spin class. Back
home, I started the usual weekly house cleaning. After finishing up
with the kitchen and den I called Mimi to see if I could bring the Guys
down sometime today. She said now was a good time so I took a break
around 11 for a visit.
While we were out talking their little boy, Sean, wanted to go outside
the fence with the basketball even though he is a little short to be
making baskets. They have a regulation height roll around goal post.
Steve and I started shooting baskets which became a great interest to
Duncan. He would go after the ball with his teeth or try to bat it away
with his paw or snout when you were dribbling. Malcolm also got into
the act trying to herd who ever had the ball. Steve and I were sort of
playing a two on two with dogs. It was rather fun to watch. Their dog
Emma was also in the fray. We gave Sean the ball. He would walk over to
the goal looking up like he was going to shoot the ball and then toss
it about a foot in front of him. At one point he carried it over and
did a "slam dunk" into the metal trash can.
It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies and rather mild
temperatures in the high 40's. Unfortunately, with all the ball playing
and running around Malcolm has aggravated an injury to his right rear
leg. I think he pulled a muscle a couple or weeks ago sliding in the
grass after a ball. Of course, it is very hard to explain to an active
BC that he cannot play ball until his leg heals. When he lays around it
stiffens up so bad he stands on three legs holding that one up and not
even walking on it. I have been giving his aspirin for it but may have
to call Dr. Taylor to get some Rimadyl or something equally as strong.
We were out for almost an hour. I fixed lunch when I came back in
before resuming my house cleaning. Once I finished up I went downstairs
to do some more work on the finished area. I moved the books and other
assorted table top stuff in from where we had them stored in the
basement as well as hanging some pictures. After some minor rearranging
I managed to get the unfinished area a little better organized. It
looks a little better than it did though I still have a lot of stuff to
go through and organize.
After my shower I spent the remainder of the afternoon checking mail
and doing other assorted stuff on the computer. It is about time to fix
dinner so I guess I will wrap this up. I finished up the Berenson
mystery last night. Tonight I will start another Sister Fidelma.
Sunday, 20 February 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
This morning was not the first time dad and I
have played golf when it was sleeting or snowing. I called dad
yesterday afternoon after checking the forecast online. This morning
was to be cloudy, not very windy, and temperatures in the mid 40's.
Firsts thing I noticed this morning when I took the dogs out at 6:45
was it was rather breezy.
By the time dad and I got to the course it was a lot windier and colder
than I expected but we went ahead and teed off. From the second hole on
until we finished up the 9th we had off and on sleet but it was melting
as it hit the ground. I was sure the wind chill was down in the
mid-30's. Dad did not want to stop after nine but I insisted. For one,
I did not think he should be out another two hours in the cold and
second, should it really start to rain or sleet I did not want to get
caught out far away from the club house and he get wet in those
We got back home around 10am. I stayed to visit and eat lunch. During
the time I was there it rain/sleeted enough to wet the pavement so I am
really glad we came on home.
I spent a rather lazy afternoon watching the first NASCAR race of the
season, the Daytona 500 and catching up on some magazine reading. As
hard as both Bob and I have been going lately it was good just to take
the afternoon off. While I watched/ read Bob read his book. I use one
of those wireless headsets to listen more than watch the race.
When we took the dogs out for their after dinner walk it was raining
pretty steadily. Thankfully the temperatures are warm enough for it to
be rain and not frozen stuff.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Barbara
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.