Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 27
June 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 3 July 2005 3:45 p.m.
Monday, 27 June
had intended to go to the gym tonight but did not need to after a
rather rigorous day at work. Jackie and I moved something around 170
plus boxes today from various locations to temporary storage shelves in
our area. Most of those came from a one case.
It took most of the afternoon which by 4:30 not only was I tired but
hot and sweaty as well.
The weather is hot and humid. We had several thunderstorms during the
day although they did not produce much in the way of rain either
downtown or here at home.
On the way home I stopped at the vets and picked up some Rimadyl for
Duncan. He is showing increasing signs of problems with his left
hip/leg which I am sure is just arthritis with a little bit of
dysplasia. When we had his hip x rayed a number of years ago the left
one did show some separation.
I did finish the Stephanie Plum last night and passed it along to Bob.
Next, I started another Mary Daheim, the second book in her bed and
breakfast series. Again, I just picked up all they had on the shelf at
the library and am starting with the second book. These, like her
Alpine series, are very light reading. Although the bed and breakfast
series are set in Seattle, WA, this book is actually starting out in
Port Royal, British Columbia where Judith McMonigle, the main character
and her cousin are spending a few days of R & R before the
Thanksgiving holiday. Now a widow, Judith moved back to her old home
place to live with her mom and turned it into the B & B.
Her books are short and light, good for picking up between the Robinson
and Lovesey type series.
Tuesday, 28
June 2005
We had a couple of storms roll through last
night resulting in about half an inch of much needed rain. Some areas
has flash floods but we had just enough to soak the ground and make the
plants happy.
I had a hair cut appointment after work which meant getting home late.
I picked up take out on the way home.
Otherwise, not much else in the news for today.
Wednesday, 29 June 2005
No Update.
Thursday, 30
June 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I just was not in the mood to post anything
last night. After dinner I went to the gym. Our friend Mary will be
starting as a spinning instructor in July. She wanted to do a test run
of her routine so I volunteered. I have not been to a spinning class in
well over four weeks which means I have missed trying out the new
bikes. This gave me a chance to get in a good workout and try the new
bikes. Mary's husband Paul also joined us for the practice session.
Mary's routine proved to be very well organized along with being a good
By the time I got home and checked my mail it was going on 8pm.
Unfortunately, starting on Monday of this week some of my earlier crud
symptoms began to come back. The sore throat started mild but became
progressively worst by Tuesday evening. I did not have the congestion
in the nose and chest but instead developed a dry hacking cough. Since
I had already promised Mary I would do the workout Wednesday I broke
down Wednesday morning and called the doctor. They had a 1pm
appointment which meant I could come and go on my lunch hour.
The weird part of the this whole bit of illness was while my throat
hurt so bad I could not swallow it was not red. My doctor said I had a
sinus infection that was draining just enough in the back of my throat
to cause the irritation. Bottom line, I walked out with a prescription
for one of those 3 day antibiotics and a souped up version of cough
syrup with codeine. Since we have a CVS just up the street from the
office I walked up upon my return to work and had them filled so I
could start taking them immediately. As I told the doctor yesterday and
Mary last night, unlike last time when I felt so horrible, this time I
felt great except for the throat and cough. I did not go all out last
night for Mary's session instead holding it down to about 85% but the
workout felt great.
It is hot and sweltering with predictions for tomorrow to be even worse
with temperatures and humidity combining to feel like 100 plus. Then it
is supposed to cool off somewhat by the weekend. It looks like our
plans for the Fancy Gap lodge will be rained out but it may be clear
enough Saturday night to get in a session at Bullington.
We had a brief storm this afternoon here at home bringing us another
1/2 inch of rain. These little showers are really good for the lawn and
I am still reading through the Peter Robinson series. Last night I
started Innocent Graves.
Friday, 1 July 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
No update.
Saturday, 2
July 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
We decided to go up to Fancy Gap last night
even though the forecast was still not looking very promising. A strong
cold front was supposed to come through late yesterday afternoon. What
we hope would happen is the storms would push on through bringing some
clear skies behind it by 11 or 12pm.
I worked through lunch and left at 4. Just I as I got home we got a
quick moving storm come through dumping about 3 tenths of an inch in
about twenty minutes. We packed up a few things we needed for
overnight and took off about 5:30 stopping for dinner on the way out of
While we never did get rain or storms at the lodge the skies never did
clear. At one point around 11:30 things started to look a little
hopeful when we actually had a break in the clouds and saw stars. But,
the clouds rolled back in. We all gave up and went on to bed sometime
after midnight. Although the skies never cleared the wind picked up and
cool temperatures did come in. I had to get up during the night and
pull the window down behind the bed and grab some covers. I would guess
it was around 65 degrees up there this morning with a fairly good
Although we did not get to do any observing we had a wonderful evening
sitting around on the screen porch which overlooks the valley, talking,
and relaxing. We took off for home this morning around 10 arriving back
home just before 11. Stephanie and Gerald from next door came over last
night and this morning to let the dogs out. They were very glad to see
us when we got home.
I did a quick run through the house with the vacuum and cleaned the
bathrooms before tackling the lawn. It look somewhat like rain just
before noon so I thought I better get the lawn mowed. By the way, once
we got down the mountain it was very evident the cold front had not
come through down here. It was very hot and sultry with it periodically
clouding up like it will rain then the sun coming back out.
After I mowed I fixed lunch then ran out to Lowe's to pick up some more
potting soil for my bush and plants. After getting those in the ground
I called it a day. The temperatures are in the high 80's with 55%
humidity. At one point the forecast had been for it to cool of
today and tomorrow but they have changed that to now being hot and
sultry with thunderstorm chances.
I had three scoops of mulch delivered yesterday. I will start working
on spreading that tomorrow and Monday.
Several of my journal friends including Bob do not post on weekends
because of lack of traffic. I continue to do so for several reasons,
one being I use my journal page as a record of things I do. Very often
I go back to check to see what I did on a particular day/date. And,
while some of my readers may not read weekend pages on the
weekend they may go back and read them the following week. Plus, I know
my sister reads my page everyday including the weekends and if she
misses goes back and catches up.
The NASCAR race is tonight from Daytona. Hopefully it will not get
rained out. If not, perhaps I will not fall asleep before it ends.
Sunday, 3 July 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It was fairly nice weather on the golf course
this morning. We had clouds off and on along with a good breeze. When
the sun came out and the wind stopped it got a little warm. After lunch
I put out dad's summer fertilizer then edged and pulled some weeds for
Although it is only 82 with low humidity I still managed to get soaked
through by the time finished up around 2pm.
I shall spend the remainder of the afternoon and evening relaxing
watching the golf match this afternoon.
The race last night was delayed by rain. I went to bed early to read
and fell asleep around 10. I woke up about 11 and they were still
drying the track. I turned off the TV and went back to sleep.
We are forecast to get storms this afternoon and tonight.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Barbara
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.