Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 22 August 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 28 August 2005 4:00 p.m.
22 August
we have some cool weather on the way. The temperatures are to be back
down in the mid 80's starting tomorrow for the remainder of the week.
It will be a nice change from the hot and muggy stuff of late.
Nothing really exciting going on. I am covered up at work with
several projects lined up that will keep me very busy in addition to my
daily responsibilities.
I am reading Alpine Kindred. One
thing I will say for Mary Daheim, she keeps her characters moving and
changing much like real life people. It makes each book a surprise not
only with the plot and murder but what she will be doing with her
23 August 2005
No update.
24 August 2005
Not much in the way of news which is the
reason I did not post last night. Work is busy, the dogs are fine, and
the weather has finally cooled off to the high 80's.
I finished up Alpine Kindred
and started another one of the B & B series.
We are in the middle of watching some more episodes of Connections.
25 August 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
Yesterday and today I worked through lunch in
order to be able to leave at 3 pm this afternoon. I had to get my
Trooper's oil change and inspection. By the time all was said and done
it was just after 5. I picked up Subway sandwiches on the way home.
No, I have not made it to the gym all week. It has been brutally busy
at work leaving me with no energy at all by the time I get home. I
shall spend the evening reading. Thankfully, tomorrow is Friday!
26 August 2005
No update.
27 August 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Errands, errands, and more errands. I am not
really wild about having to spend the day running all over town but
every once in a while I have to suck it up and get it done.
This morning I wanted to do my grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. They do
have some things I cannot find at my regular store. Since it is not
convenient location wise I always have to run out there on a Saturday
morning. Back home, I helped Bob unload the groceries then took off in
the opposite direction to pick up some pipe smoking essentials for Bob
and a gift from the Friends for the children's librarian who left to
take another job.
Back home again I ate some lunch before taking outside to help me in
the back yard pulling weeds, etc. We visited with the back neighbors
for a few minutes as well. After my shower I took off again for the
library, pet store, and fill up the gas can for the lawn equipment. The
is now mostly shot. I had already planned to put off the house
cleaning until tomorrow just as a change of pace.
Yesterday the driveway guys showed up to do the crack filling and
repair with the hot mix. Today they had planned to come back and do the
sealing but with a chance of rain they decided to wait until next week.
Last night I mowed after work. After dinner the guys and I went down to
visit with Mimi and their dogs for about half an hour. It was going on
8 by the time I got back in. I didn't even bother to check my mail thus
no post for yesterday.
I finished up the B&B mystery while taking my lunch break since I
only lacked about thirty pages and wanted to return it with some others.
Guess that gets you caught up on what is going on at the Thompson
28 August 2005
[Sunday] [Next
Despite some light, early morning fog, Dad
and I did get in a full 18 holes of golf this morning. Once the fog
burned off and the clouds with it the sun came out making it very warm
and muggy.
This afternoon I did a quick vacuum, dust, and bathroom cleaning. After
my shower I took the dogs down to play outside with Oscar for a
few about ten minutes. It is only in the high 80's temperature wise but
very muggy. I watered some of the droopy plants and bushes. We never
did get the expected rains last night or today.
In the meantime Hurricane Katrina is becoming a massive storm as it
barrels down on New Orleans and Mississippi. The projected track at
this point takes it well west of us at this point.
Gilled ribs and chicken for dinner with pasta salad.
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