Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 19 September 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 25 September 2005 3:15 p.m.
19 September
morning when I opened the door to take the dogs outside there was a
huge wolf spider hanging down from the top of the glass door to the
outside to about 3/4 of the way down. I opened the door quickly to let
the dogs out on leash then let the door close to make sure he would not
land on me! After I was sure he would stay put I went on out the door.
On the way back in I smashed him good with the newspaper which is
wrapped in a plastic bag.
It was a fun day at work today. I had the record center all to
myself today with Steve at our Atlanta office and Jackie off. Mondays
are usually pretty quiet in terms of file requests anyway. I had a
fairly large pickup of closed file boxes but otherwise it was a quiet
day other than working on my backlog of boxes for file conversion.
No pictures from the zoo tonight. Bob is too tired to get them ready
after working all day on the book. Maybe he will have them ready
tomorrow or Wednesday.
I finished Alpine Obituary and
started the next one in the B&B series, September Mourn.
20 September 2005
Well, we finally got some rain in the form of
a rather nasty thunderstorm. It started raining just as I arrived at
the gym after dinner. When I left it was just sprinkling. I stopped at
the drug store and grocery store on the way home. As I was standing in
line to check out it was raining sideways in buckets. Fortunately it
slowed down by the time I was ready to head out to the car.
Now, thanks to a very busy Bob I have zoo pictures to share. The
digital was okay but I needed my 35mm with the telephoto lens to do a
really good job.
Elephants and antelopes
These pictures were taken inside the
African pavilion thus a couple of them are a little dark.
The next to last shot show two baby
Patas monkeys playing tug with a stick before they both called it quits
in the last shot.
It was hot as heck, thus many of the
North American animals were sleeping. My friend Bonnie was not. The
otter was taking a nap I caught him yawning.
The polar bears were also napping. Be
sure to check out the bobcat taking a nap on top of his stump.
21 September 2005
No update.
22 September 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
Yep, yesterday was another Wacky Wednesday.
After a long and very tiring day at work I stopped by the library on
the way home to see how the book sale set up was going. The volunteers
had most of it under control by the time I got there. I stayed about an
hour by which time we had pretty much everything out on the tables. I
picked up takeout on the way home.
By the time I got around to checking my mail I was too tired to put up
a post. I finished reading September
Mourn and started Alpine
Pursuit. I am gradually working my way through to the end of
both of Daheim's series.
It may be the first day of fall but it still feels very much like
summer including our moderate drought. We did get about half an inch in
the storm Tuesday night but it was not nearly enough. The temperatures
tomorrow are to be in the low 90's.
23 September
No post.
24 September 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Greetings on a lovely fall like morning here
in the Triad. Mimi called around 9:30 to see if I wanted to bring the
dogs down to play. With temperatures in the low 70's and a nice breeze
it was a great time to have the dogs out for some playtime.
I finished up the ironing and was just doing the bathrooms when she
called. Next up, vacuum and dusting followed by lunch and working in
the yard.
Yesterday I worked through lunch and left at 4 so I could leave early
to work the Friends book sale. They needed someone from 4 to 6.
Afterward I picked up Bob to go out to the little diner for dinner.
Last night I watched an Eagles concert we had taped several months ago
on NBC.
25 September
[Sunday] [Next
The better to see with! Bob gave me his 19"
Hitachi monitor after he replaced it with a flat panel for himself.
Man, it really, really makes a difference. With my smaller monitor I
had to have it so close to me plus the keyboard that I did not have
working room on my desk in front of me to do put things or to write
checks etc. I had to work to one side or the other. Now, I can slide
the monitor back, see even better, and have work space directly in
front of me. It works great with my bifocals.
This morning dad and I went to Lowe's to get seed, fertilizer, and fall
plants. It is too dry to put out the stuff on the lawn but I did plant
his flowers plus dug up and relocated several hosta plants that needed
split. I actually brought several of those home to plant in my new area
in back.
Frances and mom went to Arby's to get lunch while dad and I finished up
in the yard. After we ate I came on home to get my stuff done. After
reading the paper I vacuumed leaves but did not mow. It is high in
spots but can wait until next week. I planted the hosta and my flowers
in the pots out front before hitting the shower.
The President's Cup (golf) is on so I guess I will go watch the end of
that and relax a little. Last night I finished up Alpine Pursuit and started another
B&B, Snow Place to Die.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Barbara
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.