Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 6 March 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 11 March 2006 3:30 p.m.
kicked off what will be for me a very hectic, busy week. I have
something scheduled for every afternoon/evening this week all the way
through Friday. Tonight was haircut, tomorrow I have a 4:40 appointment
for my annual mammogram. Wednesday I have an appointment, Thursday will
be Friends of the Library meeting and Friday dinner out with the folks
and Frances. I will try to post updates during the week but I may miss
a night here or there.
It was a very busy day at work. I am by myself all week except for
tomorrow. I moved my stuff into the cube where Jackie sat today which
included some cleaning up, etc. The new person will take my cube when
they are hired. Steve was on vacation today and will be in our
Greenville office Wed - Friday.
I have started another Hamish Macbeth after finishing up the Dido
Hoare. Last night Bob and I watched the first in a series of televised
mysteries by the same title we checked out from the library. The one we
watched last night was definitely "based" on the series. The characters
are not even closely cast in looks to the ones in the books including
the Hamish's dog. It did get better as it went along giving us hope
that perhaps the next one will be somewhat better.
We are, once again, in a mild to moderate drought situation in our
area. We had 0.04' of rain this morning, not nearly enough to fill the
7 March 2006
No update.
8 March 2006
A quick update here as it is almost 8:30. We
have just arrived home after a library stop, dinner at the Chinese
place, and a grocery store run.
I am by myself in the record center from today through the remainder of
the week. Steve is at our Greenville office.
Yesterday I did get home from my mammogram appointment in time to make
it to the 6:30 spin class at the gym.
Tomorrow my folks will celebrate their 60th
wedding anniversary. I am very lucky to still have both my parents and
very proud of them for staying together for so long.
I am now reading the second book in Anne Perry's Charlotte and Thomas
Pitt series Callander Square.
9 March 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
The march toward Friday continues, one more
day! It has been a hectic week to say the least.
I had Friends meeting this afternoon but since I am the only one in the
records center I was not able to leave until 5. I usually work through
lunch and leave at 4. I got to the meeting by 5:20 to take over
the taking of the minutes from someone who was filling in for me. We
always run right up until the library closes at 6 so I only missed
about half the meeting. At least by making the grocery store run last
night I was able to get home a little after six. We heated up left over
Chinese for dinner.
Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. We will having a combined celebration
dinner for my folks 60th wedding anniversary and her birthday at the
Winston-Salem Chop House. After dinner it will be back to Frances and
Al's for cake, etc.
See you again on Saturday. Have a great weekend.
10 March 2006
No update.
11 March 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
No gym the this morning. I stayed home to my
house cleaned up and back in some semblance of order. Usually I try to
do a light pickup a couple of times during the week before I go to bed.
This past week was so busy I just had to let things fall behind. After
picking up and putting things away I did the usual weekly cleaning,
After my shower I took the dogs down to play with Oscar and Trudy
while I visited with Steve and Mimi for awhile. Yesterday we reached 80
degrees with the same expected for today. Way too warm for March
in the Carolinas. This has been a very strange winter weather pattern.
I can remember winters back when I was in junior high and high school
when dad and I played golf all winter due to warm temperatures and lack
of snow. But I cannot remember it being this warm.
This afternoon I will do research for the book chapters until time for
the ACC semi-final basketball game between Duke and Wake Forest. After
the game, back here to get some more work in.
We had wonderful dinner last night at the Winston-Salem Chop House. The
food was fresh and excellently prepared. Service was great. We had a
young School of Arts student who will graduating this June. After
dinner we drove to Frances' for cake. Frances had a very cute little
two tiered wedding cake made for mom and dad and ordered a small square
birthday cake for her. After pictures and cake cutting Frances opened
her birthday gifts. It was going on ten o'clock by the time I got home.
I finished up the Anne Perry and started the second Morgue Mama book, Dig.
12 March 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Another beautiful and very warm day. I did
play golf this morning. Dad rode along playing pitch and putt at each
green. This afternoon I watched most of the first half of the
Duke/Boston College final of the ACC tournament. Just before half time
I cranked up the mower, setting it down low enough to get the wild
onions, high grass areas, and leaves, etc. When I came back in I check
the temperature...87 degrees. We have to be hitting some record highs
these last two days.
After a quick shower I finished reading the paper while watching the
second half of the game. Duke ended up winning by two points after a
very close came all the way down to the finish.
I have some bills to pay along with other assorted stuff to do here. I
will work awhile then go out and watch a little of the Nextel race from
Los Vegas and some of the golf from Florida. We are having dinner with
Paul and Mary at the Chinese place.
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