Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 1 May 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 7 May 2006 1:20 p.m.
Monday, 1
usual I have no idea where this has gotten too. All I know is I seem to
have been very busy the last few months but doing exactly what I have
no idea. The usual I guess...work, home, dogs, Bob, parents, gym, etc,
etc, etc.
Speaking of gym, I went directly from work to catch the 5:30
metabolic effect class.
I am reading another Kate Shugak mystery. Kate has gone under cover on
the Alaskan pipeline to ferret out who is supplying drugs to the
workers at the Prudhoe Bay work site. As with her other books, I
am learning a great deal about how the oil drilling works. Stabenow
creates several subplots along with the drugs to keep the story moving
along. She always has a very interesting set of characters for each
book to keep readers from getting bored with a single plot idea.
Not much else in the news. It has turned cool with highs today only in
the low 70's. Our very weird weather patterns continue into the first
Tuesday, 2
May 2006
It has been awhile since we had one of those
very hectic days at work. Things started going crazy about 9:30 finally
slowing down about 2. One thing kept coming up after another. At one
point I was solving two problems at the same time plus trying to do a
search and order files. What a mess.
At lunch I walked for a few block then sat outside enjoying the
sunshine, fresh air, and blue skies.
Last night Stephanie, Malcolm, and I took our hour walk around the
neighborhood. I am really starting to enjoy those walks and I know
Malcolm is.
Wednesday, 3 May 2006
No update.
Thursday, 4
May 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
Busy, busy. Last night was library, grocery
store night. After dinner Stephanie, Mimi, Oscar, Malcolm, and I
walked. By the time I got home it was too late to do much more than
check my mail.
Tonight I went straight to the gym from work. When I got home Stephanie
and Gerald were out front spreading mulch. I went out to talk to them
for a few minutes before coming in to fix a quick dinner. Bob had a
radio interview at 7:55.
Around 7:40 Mimi, Shane, Oscar, Stephanie and her two girls, and
Malcolm and I took off for our evening walk. The girls and Shane were
in strollers. Bob left Duncan on tied up on the rope
outside. When we got home, around 8:30 I put Malcolm on the rope and
walked Duncan down the street and back. I hate to leave him at home but
he just cannot make that long walk. We still had 25 minutes to kill
before Bob's interview was over. I sat on the front porch with Duncan
on the leash and Malcolm tied up until we could get back inside.
I finished up the Kate Shugak and started the last Liam Campbell
Stabenow has written in that series. I hope she will be doing another
one soon.
Friday, 5 May 2006
No update.
Saturday, 6
April 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Today starts the first day of my week long
vacation. I will be in town until Tuesday. More on that next week. I
tidied things up at work yesterday as best I could. I have at least
four or five projects waiting for me when I get back.
We slept in this morning until 8, late for us. I took around 9 to go
over to pick up dad to make a trip to the greenhouse/plant store on his
side of town where he buys his bedding plants. I picked up a few nice
looking things for the pots out front and my raised bed where the old
weeping cherry resided.
Back home, I ate a light snack before going out to mow and edge. The
weather today is perfect. Temperatures in the mid 70's, a slight
breeze, and blue skies. I continued with the outdoor puttering around
chores...planting my plants, sweeping, washing the underside of the
mower, etc. etc. I took a couple of short breaks to sit in my chair on
the front porch with dogs tied up with me to just enjoy being outside.
Around 3:30 it was time to start wrapping things up for the day. The
NASCAR race is tonight from Richmond, VA., always a good short track
event. The PGA is just down the road in Charlotte, NC this weekend.
The baby robins have hatched and are now big enough to be seen up over
the nest. There are four of them. I took pictures of them which I will
post on Monday.
Sunday, 7
April 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Remember when back in March when I talked
about all that crazy, warm, weather? We are now having some of that
March weather in May. Today is cool, rainy, and just plain nasty. We
need the rain, with up to an inch or more predicted to fall by tonight.
In the meantime the temperatures are stuck in the low 50's with 10 mph
winds with the rainfall.
It was a great day to go to Lowe's Home Improvement store. As I
mentioned last year when I bought my new electric blower, I am getting
too old to try and crank recalcitrant gas engine equipment. My gas
edger has now been replaced by an electric Black and Decker Edge Hog. I
can edge and trench around flower beds, etc. I also bought a new hose
windup reel to replace my old one that was hard to wind up plus had
leaking hose attachments. The new winds the hose with much less effort.
After lunch Bob changed the blade on my lawn mower from catching to
mulching. I want to mow again on Tuesday before I go out of town. The
yard cart is full from yesterday's mowing. If I mow it Tuesday it will
fine until I get back. He also put attached my hose to my new reel and
put together my new edger. Now I am all set for summer outdoor lawn
This afternoon I am working on balancing the checkbook/paying bills,
catching up on e-mails, filing etc. Last night the race was on a cable
station we no longer get so Bob and I watch more episodes of As Time Goes By until bedtime.
Hopefully the final round of the PGA Wachovia Championship will not be
rained out from Charlotte. If it rains hard enough to flood the greens
and traps or severe weather moves in the will have to cancel until
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