Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 3 July 2006
Latest Update: Thursday 6 July 2006 3:40 p.m.
Monday, 3
made a quick run out to Home Depot this morning to pick up my paint. By
the time I was back home and assembled all my necessary equipment to
get started it was going on 9:30. I painted the six shutters before
taking a lunch break that the sun hits about mid morning. After lunch I
painted the other four that remain shaded all day. In the sun or shade
it was hot reaching 90 well before noon. After I finished up the
shutters I mowed the lawn.
That's it for today. I can start windows first thing in the morning.
Last night after dinner we were watching a Monarch when Duncan started
pestering to go out around 8:15. We took a break to let them go out to
potty and saw Stephanie and the girls out front. She invited us to join
them around back when all of sudden it started to drizzle rain and then
pour. It literally came out of nowhere. Sunny one minute and raining
the next. Bob and Malcolm made a break for the house while Duncan and I
ran up under Stephanie's front porch. We visited with her parents while
we stood watching it rain. Finally, Duncan and I made a break for it
when it let up a little. All told, we did get .08 inches of rain. A
nice soaking.
Tuesday, 4 July 2006
I was up and out painting by 7:30 to get an
early start to beat the heat. I had three of the five windows painted
by 11 am. After a quick lunch Bob helped me load my mower into the
Trooper. I mowed the third lawn in as many days having to go over and
do Frances' for her while she and Al are out of town this week on a
That was it for outdoor activities today. The temperatures are
well into the mid 90's this afternoon. Much to hot to be outside doing
much of anything. I went with an off white for the windows which
appears to go much better with the new siding. With the old color being
dirty cream I may have to put on a second coat after I get the other
two windows completed tomorrow morning.
I'm playing catch up this afternoon with mail, typing up the minutes of
the last Friends meeting, paying bills, etc. After two and half days of
yard work and painting I need an afternoon off to rest.
Last night Malcolm started limping badly on his right front leg. I
think he just sprained something tearing around outside in the yard. He
runs around "working Duncan" skidding in the yard. I gave him one of
Duncan's Previcox at bedtime. He seems to be much better today. By
keeping his outdoor activity to leash walking and cutting down on his
indoor ball playing he will be fine in a couple of days.
We are still watching Monarch. Last night we watched a really sad
episode. I won't give anything more away for those of my readers who
may be watching the series. I am still reading the Anne Perry, Death in Devil's Acre.
I am fixing homemade pizza for dinner rather than the usual hot dogs
and hamburgers. Its too hot to grill out anyway.
Wednesday, 5
July 2006
Yesterday at this time it was 94 degrees.
Today it is 86. Last night after dinner I drove back out to Home
Depot to have a tinge of color added to my window paint. I found a
paint chip the matched a little closer to the siding. Not much of a
change but I added just enough color to go from an almost white to more
of an off white with a hint of beige.
Just after dark the neighborhood kids started setting off things that
go sizzle and bang at the same time the ball park set off their big
league fireworks. Shortly thereafter Mother Nature added her two cents
worth. We never did the storm but other areas of the county had some
major rain and wind. Guess that's why they call them scattered
thunderstorms. We have more in the forecast for this afternoon and
evening as a cold front starts heading our way. We left our bedroom
closet door ajar when I went to bed last night to read. Duncan went in
there and laid down when all the noise started.
I was up and out front painting by 8 again this morning. I put fresh
coats of paints on the two remaining windows and repainted the other
three. After lunch I the second coated the other two windows. The new
color looks much, much better. If I have time tomorrow I will scrape
around the window panes for get the excess paint and give them a good
cleaning with Windex. I still have a lot of painting to finish on
weekends plus what Bob has to paint.
We are now building a PC for the book Between Bob needing me for
pictures I will do inside chores. The inside of the front windows I
just painted need washed and cleaned up a bit. We decided to removed
the old blinds on the three windows in the dinning and living rooms and
see how we like it. They are old and very much out of style compared to
the newer mini blinds. If down the road I decided to replace them I
will. The best looking one of the three I will move to Bob's office.
His blind looks even worse but the style matches the one we have in our
I have today and tomorrow to get the house clean, packed, and make
grocery and drug store runs. Since we are leaving from Winston on
Friday morning I am sleeping at home tomorrow night. I am picking mom
and dad up about 6:30 to drive over to the K-Mart to meet the bus. I am
leaving my car parked there since we will only be gone three days.
Thursday, 6
July 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
Heavy rain and storms last night. This
morning we awoke with a nice steady rain falling. The house is cleaned
and the weekly shopping taken care of. I met my friend and former
co-worker for lunch at Olive Garden. It was nice not to have to rush
back to work.
This afternoon I am doing odds and ends around the house including
packing while being on hand to help Bob with pictures. A nice, short
weekend away to nearby Chattanooga,
TN it will be a good rest for me after a hard week of working
around here.
If the weather clears off this afternoon I may mow again after dinner
to keep it from getting so high until I can mow again next week.
Have a great weekend. See you next week.
Friday, 7 July 2006
Saturday, 8 July 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Sunday, 9 July 2006
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