Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 28 August 2006
Latest Update: Thursday, 31 August 2006 7:30 p.m.
Monday, 28
busy Mondays are starting to become a habit. Drew and I were slammed
all day and Steve is on vacation this week. From work I went to the gym
but I worked out on my own rather than do a class.
I was more tired mentally than physically which makes it hard to follow
a class. We ate a light dinner than I walked with Stephenie and the
girls. I feel like it is still to hot for the dogs to walk. The heat
seems to bother Malcolm as much as it does Duncan.
Still no rain. Things are really starting to get dry. The leaves are
already falling from the dry conditions. We are watching another season
of Ballykissangel.
Tuesday, 29
August 2006
I doubt we will walk tonight. It looked like
rain as I was driving home then the sun came out. By the time I fixed
dinner and we walked the dogs it was looking rainish again. Between the
temperatures and high humidity we may get some storms but we what we
really need is a good soaking rain. If Ernesto holds together we could
get some rain by the weekend.
It was another box and haul day at work. Today I worked about two hours
this morning then did another two this afternoon. Two more tomorrow
should be all it takes to finished up the last of this project.
We are in the middle of watching another season of Balleykissangel.
Wednesday, 30
August 2006
It took more like four hours than two but I
did finish boxing up two file rooms today. I doubt seriously I would
have found any extra energy for the gym tonight had I planned on going.
Our plans were for me to pick up Bob after work for a library, Chinese
restaurant, and grocery store run.
Instead, as I got closer to our side of town things were looking pretty
dark and stormy. As I came up the hill to the light where I turn right
onto Reynolda Road I look directly west. Lightening bolts were flying
from pitch black clouds. I called Bob from my cell and suggested we
stay home tonight. Just as I pulled into the garage the bottom fell
out. While I was changing the lights went out but came right back
on. We ate a quick meal of Chef Boyardee Ravioli and garlic toast. As
soon as that storm rolled through we quickly walked the dogs in case
another one came in behind it. We stood on Stephenie's front porch and
talked to her for a few minutes before we came back in.
So far a much needed 1/2 inch of rain has fallen on top of the .12 we
got from a short storm last night after I went to bed to read. I
finished up the Dana Stabenow, which was excellent as usual. I am
taking a break from mysteries to read the latest in the quilting series
by Jennifer Chiaverini, Circle of Quilters loaned to me by
my friend Marcia.
I have talked about previous books in this series. Although I don't
quilt I find the books to be very enjoyable reading. Actually the plots
do include a little romance and suspense while keeping the quilting to
an interesting yet not overwhelming aspect of the story.
Thursday, 31
August 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
Tropical Storm Ernesto is just now coming on
shore east of us at the NC/SC line. The projected path is well to the
east of us but the feeder bands have been keeping a steady to hard
drizzle going most of the day. Right now the heaviest rains are well
east of us.
As you know from the last three weeks of my journal page it has been
very hectic at work as well as the usual weekend chores here at home. I
have decided to take a few days off starting tomorrow and try to get
some rest. I doubt very much if you will see me here over the Labor Day
weekend until at least Monday or Tuesday.
In any event, have a safe and happy Holiday.
Friday, 1 September 2006
Saturday, 2 September 2006
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Sunday, 3 September 2006
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