Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 18 September 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 24 September 2006 3:00
from the lovely Triad of NC. I had to walk down to the print shop and
post office at lunch today. They are about half a mile of so from the
office and across the street from one another. It makes it very
convenient when I have to get the Friends news letter printed and
purchase the necessary postage. The temperatures were in the mid 70's
with a fairly strong breeze. I popped around to the corner cafe to grab
some vegetables for lunch while I waited on my newsletters to be
Finally. I made it back to gym tonight after several weeks of
missing due to one thing or another at night. I did a little cardio but
concentrated mostly on weight work.
Bob and I are watching the Inspector Lynley we recorded last night.
I am folding, stamping, and labeling newsletters while we watch. Over
the weekend we started watching Brideheads Revisited by
Evelyn Waugh shown on BBC in 1981. In addition to two of Britain's most
famous actors, Jeremy Irons and Anthony Andrews each episode features
at least several well known stars we have seen in later productions.
Always fun to see them in earlier shows.
19 September 2006
Malcolm's surgery sites are healing very
nicely. We are letting keep the collar off while he eats, goes for
walks, and now playing a little ball.
Last night I had Bob record one of the new fall season shows, Studio
60 on the Sunset Strip by Aaron Sorkin. He was the creator of
West Wing. His new show has two stars from West Wing, Timothy Busfield
and Brad Whitford. We watched about half of the show while eating
dinner before taking a break to feed and walk the dogs.
I finished the Evan Evans during lunch today. I think I have a Hamish
on my library TBR stack to pick up next.
20 September 2006
Not much in the way of news. Fall like
temperatures today. I walked at lunch for about half an hour then sat
outside and read. Clear blue skies, 5 to 10 mph breeze and 70's. From
work it was on to the gym.
Just as I was fixing the dogs dinner Stephanie called to see if I
wanted to walk. We took the dogs around the block then I dropped them
off so we could continue onward.
I called the vet's office today. Malcolm can get his staples out
Friday. YIPEE!
21 September 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
I drove out to Wal-Mart after work to do my
monthly shopping combined with the weekly grocery run. The dogs needed
treats and I needed some vitamins and toiletry items.
Bob and I were supposed to go out with Paul tonight to try out a
possible new observing site. But, conditions deteriorated this
afternoon so we canceled. Instead, I quickly ate a ham sandwich, fed
the dogs, then walked with Stephanie. We took the dogs on the short
loop and back home again as their after dinner walk while Bob
cleaned up the kitchen and emptied the dish washer.
I am still reading the Hamish Macbeth, Death of a Scriptwriter. A film
company has come to the nearby small village of Drim which in addition
to being remote has a very nice old castle. The author, whose book is
being adapted for TV relocated to the Highlands for inspiration to
right another of her Scottish mysteries. Unfortunately, she finds out
after she signs a contract to produce her book she learns they are
turning her old fashion Lady of the Manor into a porn star. Beaton has
several subplots going as usual including the local minister of Drim's
wife doing her own little movie with the locals.
I noticed on the back flyleaf of this book they mention Beaton's series
being produced for BBC TV. Bob and I tried to watch some of them on DVD
and found them to be pretty horrid and not at all like the books. This
particular mystery seems to ring a little too true in her obvious
dislike of scriptwriters and actors playing true to book characters. I
feel this one may be a bit autobiographical.
22 September 2006
No update
23 September 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Not much to post about last night . I make a
quick library stop on the way home. After dinner we walked the dogs, I
checked my mail and crashed on the couch reading.
This morning Bob started painting the shutters on the side of the
house. There are six short ones on the driveway side of the house and
two on the kitchen window side of the house. While he worked on the
driveway side of the house I used the big broom to sweep up the carpet
of leaves on the drive. I needed to be handy to hold the ladder as he
climbed up and down, hold the paint while he moved from shutter to
shutter, etc.
He took a short break between each window set. While he came in to
smoke his pipe and check his mail I continued with the yard stuff. I
edged the front, swept up from that, and finished sweeping the drive.
He finished up all the driveway side windows by noon. We stopped for a
lunch break then finished up painting the kitchen window shutters.
This morning it was windy and cool, looking like it could rain any
minute although nothing was on the radar nor was any rain forecast
except for a chance of scattered storms this afternoon. The wind was
blowing around 5 to 10 mph with 20 mph gusts. Finally the clouds
blew through and it got sunny and hot. I had already changed from a
sleeved t-shirt to a sleeveless one after the first set of shutters.
Even though it was cloudy it was very humid. The sun is out now with
temperatures in the mid 80's but we still have a nice breeze blowing.
Once we put away the paint stuff I started mowing. The leaves are
falling slow enough right now I can get them up while mowing. The grass
we pretty high too but I still have some seed lying on the ground. The
mower does not have enough power suck it up but the leave vacuum does.
I will not be able to use it until we get some more rain to wash in the
I shall spend the remainder of the afternoon working on some stuff at
my desk. I need to send out the PR for the library book sale two weeks
from toady. My desk is fairly clean this week.
Last night I started the last Kate Shugak by Stabenow. I really hate to
get to the last one she has in print as of 2004. Hopefully she will
have either a new one in this series or in her Liam Campbell series
coming out soon.
24 September 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Dad and I had to play the little short course
today due to the club championship being held at our regular course.
When I got this morning, at 6:30, the street looked wet when I peaked
out the bathroom window. Sure enough it had just rain but not hard
enough to wet things beneath the trees.
It was still dark outside so it made it hard to see what the
surrounding cloud situation looked like. Since we no longer have the
upper tier cable channels I have to rely on the on line Weather
Channel. The radar showed a little shower just passing through and
another small one just west of us. Look like we might be bothered by a
few drops but nothing hard or steady.
It rained a little on the way over to pick up dad and again on the way
to the course. About half an hour later the sun came out for most of
the front nine but it clouded up again on the back. This little course
we play when we cannot get off at our course is up for sale. It is a
nice little short, mostly par threes with a few par fours that can be
played in about two hours total. And, like our regular course it is
only about ten minutes from dad's house. Over the years they have let
it get so run down it does not get enough play to make any money.
Several other courses in the area are also up for sale yet where we
play gets a lot of play weekends and during the week. We may have to
find another place to play next year when our course is tied up. This
was the last weekend we will not be able to play our course until next
Back home, I read the paper then tackled the weekly house cleaning.
That out of the way, I have a few things to do here but otherwise plan
to take rest of the day off. So far, the rain/thunderstorms predicted
for this afternoon have not made an appearance.
Last night Bob and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Pretty good
flick I must admit. Good acting, lots of action, and good plot.
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