Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 20 November 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 26 November 06 2:00 p.m.
least being on vacation means I can do things at a much more leisurely
pace than when I have to cram everything into the two day weekend. I
did a Lowe's and Wal-Mart run this morning. When I came out to my car
in the Lowe's parking lot I had a substantial amount of green water
running from under my car. Last week when I came home from having the
oil changed and the tires put on large green puddle formed on the
driveway. When Bob called back out to Tim's he told us he over filled
the radiator and to just keep and eye on it. I actually forgot about it
until today.
I called Tim's from Lowe's and told him I would stop out on my way
home. He put some Stop Leak in and said to watch it for another couple
of days.
After lunch I fired up the lawn vacuum. The weather folks cannot decide
if it will rain and/or snow tomorrow but I wanted to go ahead and get
the leaves up just in case.
When I came in from the yard I asked Bob if he had changed the laundry.
When he went down to take the whites from the dryer and put the darks
in the whites were not dry. He cranked it up to high and ran it for ten
minutes but it did not heat up. After doing some minor fix-its we ended
up having to call Sears. The first appointment they have is next
Monday. We have left a message with our neighbor to see if we can take
them over to her house this evening and dry them.
So, a very busy and exciting first day of vacation.
21 November 2006
The dogs let me sleep in until 7:45. I got up
to let them out and let Bob sleep in for a change. After breakfast it
was off to the gym.
Later this afternoon I need to run the turkey giblets over to my mom's
house for her to use in the dressing she will cook tomorrow. I have a
couple of errands to run on that side of town. Bob needs to go along to
look at the possibility of putting a phone jack by his chair in the den
so we can install another one of those phones with the extra loudness
options like the one we put in the kitchen.
Still reading the Ivan Doig and enjoying it very much.
I had planned to try to play golf with my friend Bonnie today. HA! It
is currently 38 degrees out side with wind chill making it feel like
29. We do not play golf with 17 mph winds gusting to 26.
22 November 2006
No update
23 November 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
Happy Thanksgiving
24 November 2006
Wonder where I've been? Bob took my old
system down on Tuesday and replaced it with a new one. It took
him a couple of days to get my mail and stuff back up and working on my
new machine.
The weather was horrid on Wednesday. Cold, rainy, windy, yucky! I had errands to run in all that muck but got a lot done.
We had a wonderful day yesterday at Frances and Al's. Lots of good food.
Last night I sat up until 11:30 reading. I finally finished the Ivan
Doig. In addition to a great story I learned some really new and
interesting stuff of what life was like in Montana in 1910.
The weather has turned off warm and sunny with perfect blue skies. I may get out this afternoon and do some stuff in the yard.
25 November
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The Bilbrey's topk off this morning about
9:00 or so to head back home after spending the week with us. We had a
great time doing all kinds of fun stuff. I should have some pictures to
post next week. I did not get to the yard work yesterday afternoon
after Marcia and I returned home from the craft fair in Greensboro.
Instead, we did some other fun things. I promised Marcia I woud leave some of the details for her to talk about on her page.
After they left I did the usual weekly house cleaning. Last Thursday
when we went over to Frances and Al's for Thanksgiving we brought back
their system unit. Brian did some updating and repair work. This
morning after the house cleaning I took it back over to them.
We are continuing to have beautiful warm weather and clear blue
skies. After lunch I mowed one last time then hosed off both the
mower and lawn vacuum before washing my car. I threw some winter rye
and regular grass seed mixture on the bare spots and in the front where
the bermuda grass has now died off for the winter.
I am reading another Hamish Macbeth, Death of a Celebrity.
26 November 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Another very nice day weather wise in the
Triad. Dad was not up to golf today which gave me a chance to finish up
some yard projects. With a fairly heavy dew I put out the last small
bag of weed and feed. The first of January I will call a couple of lawn
services for quotes on doing just the fertilizing. I planted the tray
of pansies I bought the day Marcia and I went out to Lowe's and
Wal-Mart, I think that was Monday and did a couple of other small
chores. That about finishes up the yard for the winter.
After lunch I started working on the den, living room, and dinning room
by clearing the tables and other flat surfaces in preparation for
Christmas decorations. I moved a couple of small pieces of furniture in
the living to make room for the tree.
Sometime this afternoon I will bring up the decorations from the
basement closet. Not sure when I will get my tree but I can go ahead
and put out some of the smaller stuff.
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