Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 30 July 2007
Latest Update: Thursday, 2 August 2007 8:00 p.m.
Monday, 30
July 2007
called me at work today to say he had ordered my new body. It really
made me pause for a moment...not really. My new digital camera has gone
on the fritz. I am leaving this Saturday for a quick weekend trip, more
on that later, so I can get by with the smaller digital. In September I
have a big trip coming up. With Bob ordering me the new body I know I
will have at least one good camera on hand depending on what he can do
about my other one. Either fix it or send it back.
I am enjoying the Peter Lovesey. His writing style is a little
courser than others we read which fits in with his character. Peter
Diamond. The series is police procedural if you have not tried
The weather is still warm but very muggy. You could have cut it with a
knife last night when we walked the dogs. We got another .04 inches of
rain during the night.
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
I started the major annual destruction
project for the Firm today. Last year's total pages of the reports I
have to send out ran right around 600 pages. This year's went up over
1000. I dumped it all in spreadsheet which I will be working on for the
next three months. The report has to be separated by each person
getting a copy, cover letter, clean up etc.
Tonight I met our friend Paula for dinner at a nearby restaurant. We
had a nice chat about some Friends and library stuff that we needed to
discuss. Anyway, we had a nice time.
Otherwise, not much else in the news. My new camera may come in time for me to take it with me this weekend.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Just a quick update as it is already late in
the evening. I went to the gym and the grocery store after work. My new
camera body came today. It looks very much like my other one. I shall
take it along with me this weekend. I will still take the other little
digital as a backup. I have always traveled with two cameras just to be
We are getting somewhat of a break in the weather. While it is still
muggy the temperatures have been pretty decent for this time of the
year. Gosh, 1st of August already.
The Peter Lovesey is very good. Diamond is investigating the hangings
of couples. The woman first in a park the man, three days later in
another very public location. The sub plot features a new love interest
after three years of mourning over the loss of his wife. Lovesey is a
little darker than some of the other authors we read in the police
procedural genre.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
I worked through lunch today in order to
leave at 4pm to get a jump start on all the things I need to do by
bedtime tonight. The lawn is edged and mowed. I blew leaves and debris
from the edging off the driveway and sidewalk. Between edging and
cleaning that up I called in a delivery order to Wing Zone. I put on a
dry t-shirt and shorts, my third set of clothes for the day. The food
arrived just as I had finished taking out the trash and
started watering the plants.
After dinner I rounded up the recycling to take out on the first dog
walk. Bob brought them back in so I could finish the watering. The long
range forecast is hot and muggy with very little in the way of rain in
sight. With me being gone until Sunday night they needed a good drink
to get them through the weekend.
Last night I sat up until 11:30 in order to finish the Peter
Diamond. One, I had to find out how it was going to end. Two, I did not
want to take an almost finished book on the trip. I plan to start a new
author for me tonight, Jacqueline Winspear. Her character, Maisie
Dobbs, is also the title of the first book in her series. It is set in
London during the 1920's and 30's. Our friend Blue Planet Run Mary gave
me the first three books in the series. I bought the fourth one at
Malice. I have heard good things about them from not only Mary but also
on Dorothy L.
I am picking mom and dad up tomorrow after work. We are meeting Frances
and her friend who is going on the trip for dinner. I am sleeping over
at mom's since Frances has Marcie staying with her. We are heading to
Columbia, SC early Saturday morning. I will tell you all about it next
week. We are doing a boat ride out to an island where Purple Martins
have a large roosting colony. Not sure what else we do Saturday but
Sunday we spend the day at a zoo/botanical garden. Sounds like fun. It
will be hot for sure down there.
Have a great weekend and see you next week.
Friday, 3 August 2007
Saturday, 4 August 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Sunday, 5 August 2007
[Sunday] [Next
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