Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 27 August 2007
Latest Update: Friday, 31 August 2007 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 27
August 2007
called just before lunch to let me know the car was ready. They
replaced the battery and all is well again. Should not cause me anymore
problems, I hope.
Instead of working through lunch and leaving at 4 I just worked a
regular day. We drove out to pick up the car then I stopped at
Subway to pick up dinner on the way home. On the way out to pick up the
car Bob was telling me Duncan had a pretty bad afternoon. I hope it is
just all this heat taking its toll. While out on their walk Duncan fell
down several times and eventually could not stand up on his back legs.
Back when Duncan was six years old I noticed when he got over heated
his back would go down. Our vet at the time, Sue, came with me one hot
day to run him around in the park. Sure enough, his back end gave out.
Some BC's suffer from a physical condition that is not hip displaysia
but a weakening of the hips and legs from overheating.
I know his left hip is not good now that he is older. Tonight when we
walked them I actually held him up by his tail while he walked. Don't
be alarmed, he was not under any duress and did not seem to mind my
helping him. If he does not improve by tomorrow we may need to take him
to the vet to get a shot. Kerry got that way and we tried a short term
relived drug that I cannot spell but it helped. It is a shot of
medicine they give them in the hip joints. We will see how he is in the
morning after having an entire night of rest and cooling down.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Not really much in the news. Bob called me
several times today with Duncan updates. We are letting him walk off
leash for the time being. Bob said he got along really well this
morning and early this afternoon. However, as the day progressed his
back legs became somewhat weaker. I had to help him along with his
"handle" (tail) tonight on his after dinner walk.
He is exhibiting the same symptoms he had after his surgery back in
May. Hopefully, the back leg weakness will improve once we get some
cooler temperatures. I was concerned he might of had a stroke but it
comes and goes with rest.
It was finally cool enough today at lunch to walk, mid to high 80's at
noon with a lot of humidity then on to the gym after work.
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Last night I was lying in bed reading when I
heard what sounded like rain. Although it looked a little cloudy east
of us when we walked the dogs for last time those clouds would have
been past us if they did hold rain.
About five minutes later I went out to the den and told Bob it sounded
like it was raining. I looked out the den window and the deck was
indeed wet. As I got back into bed it started raining really hard. The
rain gauge has not been working since the last time we had that
afternoon downpour. It needs batteries which I had planned on replacing
this weekend when I had time. The gauge is screwed to one of my flower
bed timbers. To replace the batteries you have to take the entire top
off to get to the battery housing.
When I got home from work/grocery store this evening Bob had unscrewed
base and all and brought into the house for a good washing and battery
change. In doing so the reading on the wall said .12 inches. He
either dislodged the a block in the trap that goes to the reader or he
got the unit closer enough to the base with weak batteries to take a
reading. Anyway, I am not making that an accurate reading but it may be
Duncan is doing even better today. His legs are still a little wobbly
but he did fine on his after dinner walk tonight. I think a combination
of temperatures back down into the low 90's and putting back on half a
Previcox both morning and night is helping. Let's hope so.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday, 31 August 2007
I started my holiday weekend early by taking
today off. My list of errands was a full page long. Among them included
getting my license plate tag renewed and putting in my application for
a passport. While those things can be done on Saturday the lines are
usually too long. Before you get real excited... no, I am not taking a
trip abroad. However, I will be going to Canada again next year. We
have already picked out out trip for next year. There have been hints
of needing a passport rather than just a birth certificate to cross
into Canada so I went ahead and started the process.
Since we were up at regular time this morning I went ahead and did the
weekly house cleaning. Most of the places I needed to go would not be
open until 9 or later. As for the weekend, I have a few plans here and
there depending on the weather.
I did finish the Anne Perry and started another J.P. Beaumont. He is
investigating the murder of a high profile woman with the local school
district found in a compromising position with a dead security guard at
the school administration building. Beaumont has to figure out if it
was murder/suicide or made to look that way.
Last night I went to the gym then Bob and I watched the last episodes
of Duchess of Duke Street. Very good show which is not surprising since
it was done by John Hawkesworth of Upstairs Downstairs fame.
Saturday, 1 September 2007
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Sunday, 2 September 2007
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