Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 24 September 2007
Latest Update: Sunday, 30 September 2007 11:00 a.m.
Monday, 24
September 2007
We had a wonderful time in Cape Cod. We spend Monday through Thursday
night in West Yarmouth. Tuesday we took the boat over to Nantucket for
a bus tour of the island and shopping. Wednesday we took the boat to
Martha's Vineyard. Another tour of the island and shopping in
Edgartown. The boats dock in the small town of Oak Bluffs where we
boarded the bus to Edgartown. Of the two islands, I like Martha's
Vineyard best. Thursday we had our local guide on our bus for a tour of
the Cape Cod. We drove from Yarmouth out to the end of the island to
Provincetown where we spent the day. On the way home we made a stop at
the Cape Cod National Seashore. I hope to have pictures up tomorrow
night. The weather was cool all week with only one day of over cast
I arrived home around 10 on Saturday night. Sunday I cleaned house
while Bob did the very large load of laundry I returned home with.
Around one we drove over the the park behind Paul and Mary's house for
her welcome home picnic. We left around 4 to come home so I could mow
the lawn. The rain we had the Friday before I left did green up some of
the grass along with the cool temperatures they had while I was gone. A
lot of leaves had fallen due to the dry weather.
Just as I started mowing the front the self propelled gear cable broke.
Yep, I mowed the entire lawn pushing my self propelled lawn mower. The
temperatures were in the low 90's again, way too warm for September and
having to push my mower. Bob called the lawn mower repair guy that
comes out to the house this morning. He left a message. I told Bob he
may be on vacation with the mowing season almost over and the dry spell
we have had.
The worst part of having to push the mower was my dinky knee. A week or
so before Labor Day weekend I did something to the inside ligament. I
thought I had just pulled it and it would eventually get better. It
started acting up on the trip getting much worse by the time we left to
come home on Saturday. I broke down and made an appointment today with
an orthopedic to take a look. I doubt it is anything serious but I want
to make sure.
Back to work today. Not really too far behind since my job is mandated
by the current projects I was working on when I left. While I was on
the trip I read the latest Maddy Hunter travel mystery, G'Day to Die,
set in Australia. Her books are light and fun to read, especially while
on a trip. I started the second Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear on
the bus Saturday on the way home which I am still currently reading.
It is good to be home. Bob did a great job holding down the home front
and taking care of the dogs. Duncan did very well while I was gone due
to the cooler weather. He was little bit wobbly Sunday with the heat
wave again but seemed to be better again today with the cooler
Mom got sick coming home. She went to the doctor this afternoon,
bronchitis. I understand it is going around. She has had it before,
many times in fact, over the years. Dad's driveway was repaved while he
was gone and the new car port installed.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
I chose just a few highlights from out trip.
Going into Nantucket from the boat. Clear skies but very windy. Wild ride over on the boat.
Nantucket light and shoreline
From the boat going into Martha's Vineyard
You can tell by these pictures we have a very gray, drizzly day. The only one the whole week.
Hyannis Port. Shore of Cape Cod.
Shore of Cape Cod. White buildings Kennedy Compound. Church is St. Andrews-by-the-Sea
The Pilgrim Monument was founded in 1892 as the Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial Association
located in Provincetown. The Pilgrims spent several weeks here before sailing on to Plymouth.
Taken from the observation deck at the visitors center of the Cape Cod National Seashore.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
No update.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
[Thursday] [Friday]
I love to go on vacation but the following
week I feel like am on the run trying to play catch up. Part of the
problem is the large amount of travel stuff stacked and thrown
everywhere in my office I have not had time to deal with. Major clean
up duty this weekend.
I had my doctor's appointment today for my knee. They x-rayed it, shot
if full of cortisone, and put me in a big black knee brace. Although it
is the side of the knee and side to side movement that is causing the
problems, the Dr. said it was more than likely a knee strain problem.
Have no idea what i did. It feels better already in that I can at least
straighten it out to walk almost normally. The darn thing has been
keeping me from sleeping since no matter which side I lay on and/or
putting it straight or bent helped the pain. He said it should be
better in a couple of days and then to wear the brace for the next few
months when I felt it necessary working out or mowing, etc. He gave me
a six week appointment but said I could cancel if it felt better.
We have recently finished watching the latest series in Foyle's War and
Rosemary and Thyme. The latter is somewhat like reading a light cozy
but I enjoy watching them anyway. I am still reading the Masie Dobbs.
Duncan seems to be getting better everyday. He was walking around
fairly normal when I got home though he over did a little on the after
dinner walk. When Kerri started having major problems with his back end
we took him in for a shot that helped for awhile. I may investigate
that as an option for Duncan if we keep having problems with his back
end going out.
Bob uploaded some pictures for me to have printed at Walgreen's. I
picked those up this afternoon after my doctor's appointment. The Dr.
gave me some pain medicine to take at night if I need it so I had that
filled as well. The Cape Cod trip was a hard one to photo shoot. The
small towns were too full of people and cars, even off the beaten path,
to get good pictures. Other than the shorelines and water shots, I have
very little in the way of pictures to show others who want to see
pictures of my trip. I also like to take pictures of things mom and dad
cannot walk far enough to get to see.
Mom is feeling better, dad has it now. Guess they picked it up either
on the trip or as a result of the change in climates and/or the AC in
the hotel rooms. A lot of folks on the bus were hacking on the way
Friday, 28 September 2007
No update.
Saturday, 29 September 2007
[Saturday] [Sunday]
We have a picture perfect fall day in the
Triad. Clear, deep blue skies, slight breeze, temps in the low 70's. Of
course, we continue with the drought situation with no rain in sight.
Bob took my basket of work clothes and the sheets down to the basement
for me. My knee is better but with the brace on stairs are a bit
tricky. While the sheets were washing I gave Bob a haircut then started
on cleaning up my office of travel clutter. The only thing left to deal
with is a pile of brochures on a chair and a pile of stuff on my desk.
Next, it was time to tackle the basement. I pulled my car into the
driveway and used the electric blower to blow some of the dirt from the
basement and the leaves from the drive to keep from dragging them back
into the basement. I flattened a load of cardboard for recycling and
washed my car. With it being such a cool morning I brought the dogs
around back to play some ball in the backyard. Duncan is doing okay.
His left back leg still goes out on him sometimes but he did fine
running around in the back yard. He is currently stretched out taking a
nap beside my desk chair.
I have to get the Friends newsletter ready to drop off at the printers
on Monday, clear up this pile of junk on desk, etc. this afternoon. It
is so pretty outside I think I will spend some time in my chair on the
front porch reading and enjoying this nice fall day. I am almost
finished with the Masie Dobbs. Last night Bob and I watched the first
disc of Aristocrats. We may have seen it when it aired on Masterpiece
but I have forgotten I lot of what happened.
Sunday, 30 September 2007
[Sunday] [Next
No golf today. Dad is still recovering and I
need to let my knee continue to recover. I can tell the shot is
starting to wear off but so far it feels better than it did. The brace
helps to keep it stabilized.
Earlier in the week the lawn mower repair guy called about the broken
self propel cable. The mower is getting so old now it is hard to get
parts but he said he could order the cable. Or, Bob could fix it
himself. He and Bob came up with a home repair fix that...yes, I have
to admit I doubts about. However, when I saw how Bob was going to fix
it this morning I realized it would work just fine. All it took was
some bent coat hanger. I did a quick test in the driveway to see if it
worked, which it did. Until we get some rain I the cable will not get a
full yard mowing test. They came this week to treat the yard with fall
fertilizer which needs rain to wash it in.
The weekly house cleaning is finished. With it being another picture
perfect day I have decided to go over to nearby Reynolda House this
afternoon. Fiddle and Bow is holding their annual Folk Festival
which just so happen to coincide with an exhibit of old airplanes and
the ties the Reynolds family had to their era of flying. There will be
several bands playing include author Clyde Edgerton's. Admission to the
festival includes tickets to tour the house. As with a lot of people, I
have lived all my life in Winston-Salem and never toured the House.
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