Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 28 January 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 3 February 2008 3:00 p.m.
Monday, 28
January 2008
Over the weekend I started the most recent book in Susan Wittig Albert's Beatrix Potter mystery series,
The Tale of Hawthorn House. As I have written before, these are
excellent books if you like this type of reading. Albert uses fact
intertwined with fiction including the real Beatrix Potter stories as
part of her plot. The animals can talk to each other but the humans do
not hear them, only the reader. In this tale, Beatrix gets a gift
basket left on her front doorstep with a infant, a blanket, a note
with her name, and a msyterious ring. With gypsies camped in the nearby
woods, the villages suspect one of them took the baby. Hopefully these
clues will lead Beatrix to the mother.
Bob and I have been watching the Inspector Morse mysteries. We saw them
when they aired on our local PBS station but in rewatching them we have
discovered some we missed.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
I finally got my hair cut today. When I had
to cancel last Monday because of my leg I rescheduled for yesterday
afternoon. Over the weekend Pam called to let me know she had a family
emergency and needed to reschedule from yesterday to today. The only
thing she had was 3:00 which was fine. After my hair cut I took care of
some shopping things I wanted to do last week. All the stores just
happened to be in one place which made it easy. I used my gift card I
got for Christmas to pick up some shirts for work then stopped in
Linen's and Things for a few items.
The calf is better but the left knee is still bothering me some. I
continue to wear the brace. The knee I had the surgery on fine but I
can tell is still not 100%. Between the walking I did at work this
morning and what I did this afternoon shopping I was pretty tired by
the time I finished up. I lost some of my fitness in the last three
months when my knee went out on me that I will have to work hard to
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
No update.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
A very busy couple of days at work. Last night was gym night then after dinner trash to round up and bills to pay.
Tonight I picked up Bob after work. We stopped at the library before
having dinner at the Chinese place then I did the grocery shopping
while he sat in the car. He prefers to sit and read instead of going in
to shop. I am very glad tomorrow is Friday. It has been a very long
Not much else in the news. The weather has been cool and windy. Rain
coming in tonight. The counties north of us may get some ice but we are
supposed to get just rain here.
Friday, 1 February 2008
We had something close to an inch and half of
rain last night up through about midday. The counties north and west of
us got some pretty nasty ice on the trees but not much on the street.
I finished the Beatrix Potter mystery last night and started another
Anne Perry, Southampton Row. Once again, Perry has sent Pitt's wife
Charlotte, his two children, and their maid Gracie off on holiday. Pitt
remains behind in London to try to prevent a ruthless politician (HA)
from running for a seat in Parliament. Pitt successfully prevented this
same politician from trying to overthrow the government in her previous
book Whitechapel Conspiracy. His opponent, much more low key, has his
campaign tarnished by his wife's association with a murdered by a well
known spiritualist.
We have been watching some more of the Morse mysteries.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I have had a very busy day. I slept in until
around 8, had breakfast, and started the house cleaning. Bathrooms are
cleaned and mopped, floors vacuumed, and furniture dusted.
After lunch I had the dogs out back to play for a few minutes
then...drum roll, I did some yard work. It is a beautiful day with mild
temperatures, and little breeze. I used the blower to remove the leaves
from the natural areas on both sides of the front of the house then
fired up my vacuum. I did the driveway where I blew the leaves from
that side of the house and the front and side yards. It took the usual
hour and a half. Since the lawn vacuum is not self propelled I can walk
at my own speed. I used mostly upper body strength to push it anyway
just my legs if I have to go up hill or pull backwards. That's why I
blew the natural areas first to keep from having to use my legs a lot.
The side yard is a small stretch down a hill. I can run it back and
forth sideways down the hill with very little backing up motion.
I was tired but both knees and my calf felt fine. The most important
thing for me to do is look where I step if I back up and to make sure I
turn, step, and plant my foot in the direction I am going before
This afternoon we have some errands to run before meeting Paul and Mary for dinner.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
[Sunday] [Next
After a rather lazy morning of sleeping in
until 8 and reading the paper I ironed the load of work pants and
shirts I washed yesterday.
This afternoon I used the blower and vacuum to do the backyard. I set
the mower down one notch and mowed the front yard to clean up the high
dead Bermuda grass and even up the rest of the yard. I was pretty tired
by them but had not planned on trying to do the back until maybe next
weekend. Although the mower is not all that loud Bob is
downstairs doing his phone interview with the Amateur Observers' Society of New York.
The dogs and I are being as quiet as possible until he is finished. I
plan on relaxing the rest of the day. The golf is on from Phoenix
followed by the Super Bowl. I don't watch professional team sports
anymore. They make too much money. But, on the other hand so do a lot
of executives for non-profit groups and major corporations. It will be
interesting to see if the Patriots can go undefeated. Tom Petty is the
half time show. Hopefully he will do a much better job than the crap
performance put on last year by the Mick and the Stones. If the game is
close I may stay up to watch the second half.
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