Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 28 July 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 3 August 2008 3:00 p.m.
Monday, 28
July 2008
A slow news day for a Monday. It just happens I needed to do a Google search this morning and, thanks to Google Doodles,
discovered today is Beatrix Potter's birthday. I enjoy the Google
Doodles especially when I hit onto something I either would have missed
or did not know about. I have loved Potter since I was a little girl.
When I was old enough to read I read the stories to my sister along
with all the Dr. Zeus.
There have been several excellent biographies of Potter on PBS. As
you know, I also read the series by Susan Wittig Albert based on
Potter's life.
I did go the gym from work. We have been watching more of the
Tudor's. Excellent show though they do take some liberties with
historical events. The music is fabulous. I love the lutes, pipes, etc
used during that time period.
Things are getting dry. We had a two minute storm yesterday
afternoon. So far, other than a few hot spells, we have not had the run
of 100 degree sweltering days that could have been July weather. There
is a massive line of storms just to our west but they may not hold
together long enough to get here.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Well, it was another "what a day"! It started
off easy since we could sleep in an extra 20 minutes. I had to take dad
out to Clemons for an appointment he had for 10 am. We left their
house early arriving at the appointment early. The guy he needed to
talk with was not busy so dad finished up his business before his
appointment was to start. Driving wise, dad pretty much stays in and
around the area where they live. Store, hospital to volunteer, Frances'
house. Clemons is a little far for him to drive. My work schedule is
very flexible allowing me to come and go as needed.
I was at work by 10:15 having decided to work through lunch and 15
minutes after 5 to make up most of my time. I could make up the other
one day at lunch. Things were running smoothly until mid-afternoon. We
have a visiting attorney from another office looking over some files in
one of our conference rooms. I was making sure he had what he need,
both paralegals had projects plus I was working on something. Our
dinner plans were to go to Dioli's with Paul and Mary. They were to
pick us up at 6:00. Late in the afternoon Bob left a message on my
phone telling me Mary was running late, they would pick us up at 6:15.
I called him back to let him know it may be 5:30 or later before I
could get away. It ended up being 5:45 but I still had time to get home
and changed just as they drove up.
My desk is stacked with various projects to wrap up tomorrow. The dogs
need some attention and play time. Not sure how well Duncan's new
medicine is working. It will most likely take a week to get into his
system. He had a real bad day Saturday and Sunday often not being able
to stand up. His back legs/hips get so weak on him. By yesterday he was
better. When his back end is weak he looks like a German Shepherd when
he walks.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
I finished the Kate Ellis mystery last night.
She is by far one of the best writers Bob and I read. It's too bad her
books are hard to find in the States.
This morning pretty much left off where it did when I left work
yesterday. I decided when lunch time rolled around to grab my next
book, Susan Wittig Albert's Bloodroot, and walk up the street for a
nice relaxing lunch. I settled on Cat's Cradle where I could sit
outside at a table. While it was hot and muggy, the tables themselves
are in the shade. A good breeze was blowing up the street. It was good
to get "away" for an hour.
I went to the gym after work finally making it twice in one week. It is
really hot and muggy this evening. I was dripping when we came in from
walking the dogs down the street and back.
We are watching the first episode of To Serve Them All My Days, a post
WWI show set in a boys school. I remember reading the book many years
ago; written by R. F. Delderfield. The series aired on PBS in 1982.
Thursday, 31 July 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
No Update.
Friday, 1 August 2008
No update.
Saturday, 2 August
[Saturday] [Sunday]
We finally had some rain. Thursday afternoon
a pretty good sized storm rolled through Winston bringing most rain and
wind with some thunder and lightning. We got roughly .7 to .8 inches of
rain. As it was hitting downtown I called Bob to make sure everything
was okay here. Later that night we had just rain again, giving us
enough to go over the 1" mark.
Last night I made a quick library and grocery store stop. After we ate
we packed up Astro truck for a possible night out observing. This was
the first time since February we have been out. As it turns out it was
not a very good night in terms of observing deep sky objects. Some low
level clouds rolled in just after dark. In between I revisited some
objects previously found. We did see three really good meteors go by
very low. Two exploded into fireballs.
After a very long, tiring week it was nice to just get out under the
stars again. I spent all morning yesterday setting up a conference room
for a meeting next week which required moving close to 100 files from
the shelves to the room.
We did not get home last night until around 11:30. We played some ball
before walking the dogs. It was midnight when we got to bed. I read a
chapter in my book before turning out the light. Bob got up at 8:30
with the dogs I got up at 9.
I have done the weekly house cleaning chores and washed a load of work
clothes. I took the dogs out back for a very short play session. It is
only 86 degrees but very sticky. We are under sever thunderstorm watch
until 8pm. I decided to get the indoor chores done today and save
outdoors for tomorrow. While I had the dogs out I walked around making
a mental list of things I need to get done.
I leave next Wednesday for a short, five day bus trip to Chicago. This was to be a longer trip to Canada but, for several reasons, we decided on this trip instead.
Sunday, 3 August
[Sunday] [Next
We dodged yet another bullet yesterday
afternoon. A very nasty storm roared through Winston again hitting a
neighborhood on the southeast side of town. This is the second storm in
as many weeks that took down trees and power lines. We had mostly wind,
rain, and thunder though we only had a little over half an inch. It
blew down a few limbs.
This morning I took the dogs out early to help me with assorted yard
work tasks. It was cool temperature wise, only 76, but 56% humidity. I
had a couple of dead limbs in my redbud tree to cut down with my long
pole cutter, limbs to pick up, etc. I came in to cool off and check my
mail while waiting on the grass to dry for mowing. After I mowed and
edged I had them back out helping with the sweeping up. It is still a
nice day, warm with a little breeze.
I am still reading the China Bayles. Albert took China and her mother
to their family home plantation in Mississippi in Bloodroot. While I am
enjoying Bloodroot it is a little different than Albert's other books
in the series. China and her mother are dealing with the heal problems
of Aunt Tullie who has run the plantation since she was a young woman.
The story follows China's dealings with her own memories of the place
plus solving the mystery of the murder of one of her employees. I think
one of things I miss about this setting rather than being in Pecan
Springs is the absence of the regular characters, the herb shop, and
entire Texas culture usually found in the series.
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