Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 15 September 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 21 September 2008 7:30 p.m.
Monday, 15
September 2008
night we watched the two remaining episodes of Cranford. I hated to see
it end. One of the best British "period" series we have seen.
Afterwards we watched a new Inspector Lynley Bob also recorded off
Masterpiece/Mystery. It was one of the better ones. We have found
the Lynley series to be hit and miss in terms of quality of the
Dad goes in tomorrow morning for his knee surgery. I
have to get him to the hospital by 7:30am. With the early surgery time
hopefully all will go well.
Scott's came to today to treat
the lawn with fertilizer and weed control. Since I just put down seed
last week they only put out the fertilizer. They will have to treat for
weeds the next time. You can't treat newly seeded lawns with weed
control until six weeks after putting down the seed. Hopefully tonight
we will get some promised rain to wash it in.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
No update.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Dad's surgery went well. No heart or blood
pressure issues. It was a very long day. He did not go into surgery
until 10:30 and recovery until 1:15. I talked with his doctor via phone
around 1:45. At 3:15 dad was still in recovery. The front desk had his
recovery nurse call me on the house phones. Dad could not leave
recovery until he could move his toes due to the spinal block they gave
The nurse did give us his room number in the Stict Center.
This is a three floor building built about 10 years ago for knee, etc
replacements, head trauma recovery, etc. The building is attached to
the main part of the hospital but is on the other side of where his
surgery was done. While we were waiting on dad in recovery mom and I
drove around to the that side of the campus. Frances finally went on to
work at 3pm.
Since it was pouring down rain, as it had done all
day, I let mom out at the door then parked the car in the parking deck.
Dad did not come up to his room until 4:15. I left around 5:30 to go by
their house to pick up the paper and pull the yard cart to the street
then picked up takeout for mom and I. I stayed at the hospital until
Frances arrived around 8:30 from work.
He was doing pretty
well last night though he was in a lot of pain. They had his knee in
the exercise machine all night. That, plus having to sleep on his back,
kept him from getting much sleep. Frances too mom back to the hospital
this morning on the way to work. I made it to work by 8:15. By working
through lunch I was able to leave at 3:45. I called him several times
during the day as did Frances. The physical therapist had him up
twice, once this morning, once this afternoon. By the time I got there
at 4:15 he was pretty much worn out and was sleeping. He woke up long
enough to eat a little of his dinner. His oxygen levels are not
good but all else is fine. I think tonight he was just tired from the
days activities and not getting much sleep.
We all left at 6:30.
I came home; mom and Frances went to get some dinner. Hopefully he will
get some rest tonight and be doing a little better tomorrow.
Thursday, 18 September 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday 19 September 2008
Dad is doing fair. He had a bit of a setback
yesterday. In the morning they tried getting him up but his knee
buckled under him. Around noon they started him on one of two bags of
blood which kept him in bed all day. I worked until 5 yesterday. When I
arrived he was eating a little of his supper. Mom and I left at 6:30.
The second bag of blood had just finished going in. I could tell he was
very discouraged. He could not move his leg on his own at all.
and I stopped for dinner before going back to their house while we
waited on Frances to get off from work. When she phoned to let us know
she was home I drove mom over and picked up Frances' PC. Apparently
there had been a power failure at her house during the day on Wednesday
and it was acting funny. I guess I got home around 9:30, another long
day. Mom is holding up very well. Frances and I are both
exhausted trying to work, get mom back and forth to the hospital, etc.
worked through lunch yesterday and today in order to leave at 3pm. I
spent an hour or so visiting dad before headnig back across town to
make a library and grocery store stop. I wanted to get home early to
fix dinner and have a quiet, relaxing evening at home.
Since I
was so late getting home last night and in bed I sat up reading until
11:15 to finish the Lady Georgina by Rhys Bowen.
Saturday, 20 September
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I took the 11am to 2pm shift at the hospital.
I took dad and me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He has not been
eating well and of course hates the hospital food. He loves P&J so
I thought that might cheer him up.
The PT came around 12:30. She
did some leg exercises then got him up walking on the walker. He went a
little farther then he did yesterday but it pretty much wiped him out.
Mentally he's pretty down. I am not sure at this point he is willing or
able to mentally and/or physically fight hard enough to get back on his
I took the dogs out for a quick play time this morning
before I left and again when I got home. Then I mowed the lawn. It is a
beautifal fall day. Temperatures only reaching 70 with partly to mostly
clear skies and low humidity.
Lasts night I started the second
book in the Lumby series I reserved at the library, Stealing Lumby. I
was watching the Ryder Cup matches yesterday and today at the hospital.
The US was up 5 1/2 to 2 1/2 this morning. After this morning matches
they had a 5 to 3 lead.
Sunday, 21 September
[Sunday] [Next
House cleaning chores this morning. Paul and
Mary came over a 1pm to follow us over to Costco. Bob and the frozen
foods cooler rode back home with Paul and Mary while I went on to the
hospital for the 3 to 7 shift. Mom and Frances were just getting ready
to leave. Dad is much more like his old self personality wise. We
cheered on the USA to a victory in the Ryder Cup. In case you are
unfamiliar, that is the US vs. Europe golf competition held every two
years alternating between the US and a European course. This year it
was played in Kentucky. Paul Azinger was an excellent coach. We had not
won the cup since 1999.
On the way home from the hospital I
picked up Bob some dinner at McDonalds. I had grabbed a chicken wrap
and drink on the way out of Costco which I ate while the groceries were
being loaded up in the cars. I am not very hungary. I'm thinking big
bowl of popcorn.
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