Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 20 October 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 26 October 2008 3:45 p.m.
Monday, 20 October
worked 8 to 12 then left to go pick up the folks for dad's Dr.
appointment at Baptist Hospital. His regular doctor ordered a pulmonary
test to check his breathing. His test found no problems. I was pushing
dad in a wheel chair since it was too far to walk. While at the
hospital after his appointment we made the rounds of the departments
where mom and dad volunteer. I was touched by the number of people of
who were as delighted to see them as if they were long lost relatives.
I think it did dad a lot of good to get out and visit with his friends
at the hospital.
After dropping them back off at home I drove
out to get the oil changed in my car making it home by 4pm. I then
vacuumed and mowed the lawn which took about two hours. Lots of leaves
down and I did not even touch the natural areas.
We've had
to finally turn the heat on with the temperatures dipping down into the
high 30's at night. We had a light frost last night but then it warmed
up nicely this afternoon.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
No update.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
I am now reading another Kate Ellis mystery from my TBR pile, Plague Maiden.
are still having unseasonably cool temperatures at night with lows
still hitting the mid to low 30's. Normal for this time is year is the
mid 40's. It still warms up nicely during the day to our normal low to
mid 60's. We've had a pretty good frost every morning this week.
dogs are good. Duncan falls down a lot, both inside and outside. But he
is still enjoying life. He greets me every evening when I come home
waiting at the top of the stairs for me to open the door. He enjoys
playing ball though he does not run up and down the hall much anymore.
We devised a game where I he lays near enough to me I can give him the
ball with the gripper. We use one of the long reach grippers for
retrieving the ball. He takes is from the gripper and then rolls it
back to me using his tongue and/or off his leg.
Malcolm, of course, is still bouncing off the walls. Just in case you do not read Bob's
page, he posted a picture yesterday of the sand paper Malcolm thieved
from the dinning room floor where I have all the painting stuff stored.
I did not even think of blocking it off not realizing he still likes to
go thieving. I have all the paint and dangerous stuff closed up but I
blocked it off so he can't get back in there.
The doctor's
office called today to finalize things for my surgery next Wednesday. I
go for my pre-op on Monday. I hope to finish the rest of the painting
this weekend except for the kitchen cabinet doors which I can paint
after my surgery.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 24 October 2008
Yesterday after work I had to make a library and grocery store run.
it left work at 3pm to pick up mom for her weekly beauty shop
appointment then went back to sit with dad. He is walking around the
house without a cane. The home physical therapy sessions have ended. He
starts next week at Comp Rehab with the hospital. I picked up mom then
we drove to Texas Roadhouse to pick up takeout for everybody. We got
back to the house about five minutes before Frances showed up.
was telling Bob about the two young girls who were working in the
takeout room at the restaurant. They have a separate little room to
order and pick up food. One of the girls told the other one she brought
her book to read. The other girl answered, she brought hers too. I
asked them what they were reading. They named titles/authors I am not
familiar with but I was even more impressed when the one young girl
said she liked to read over watching television. Being away from the
library world for ten years now and not having being around young
people a lot it was refreshing to have that particular conversation.
has been cloudy and cool all day. We were to get rain starting late
this afternoon, heavy rain, but so far we've only had off and on light
Saturday, 25 October
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The first order of business this morning was
the house cleaning. I let it go last weekend because I was painting. I
finished vacuuming about half the rooms when Bob was ready to go to
Home Depot. I wanted to look at their cabinet hardware and some other
things for the kitchen projects.
I finished the vacuuming before
stopping for a lunch break. The tile installer that was coming this
afternoon to give us a quote called to say he was on his way just as we
finished lunch.
After he left I started getting the kitchen
stuff back on the walls to clean out the dinning room. As I went to
pick up something from the dinning room floor I looked over to see a
dead chipmunk lying on the floor. I was so shocked, I am not used to
seeing dead things lying in my house, I made it to the kitchen before I
let out a very loud ughhhhh! Bob came running asking what was the
matter. I have no idea how he got in. We have them all around the
house. I suppose he could have come in the front door when we had it
open. I can't imagine Malcolm bringing it inside without us seeing it
in his mouth. Furthermore, I can't believe it was running around live
in the house without Malcolm knowing it. That is the same room where he
thieved the sand paper. It cannot have been in there too long since it
surly would have started to smell. I am lucky Malcolm did not bring it
to me and drop it in my lap.
While my heart rate returned to
normal Bob, after taking pictures, disposed of it. Since it is close to
getting the living room ready for the holiday decorating I am going
ahead and taking everything down in preparation for painting it
tomorrow. I had intended to paint that room last year while it was torn
up for the holidays but never got around to doing it. I thought it
would take more than a gallon to do the kitchen and dinning room so I
bought two gallons giving me enough to go ahead and get that room
painted while I am in the painting spirit.
We got close to an
inch of rain, mostly overnight, with a good steady drizzle falling most
of the morning. The sun is trying to come out now. It is back to being
warm with highs close to 70.
Sunday, 26 October
[Sunday] [Next
I've just finished up another full day of
painting. The doors, windows, and trim plus the living room are
finished. All I have left are the doors and drawer fronts from the
kitchen. There are only three rooms left in the house that have not
been repainted; my office, Bob's office, and the extra bedroom we use
as a workroom.
For those of you interested in seeing a picture of the dead chipmunk from yesterday's post, Bob has one up on his page today.
is cooking his chicken casserole for dinner. And, before you even
think it, yes, he did throw the chipmunk out yesterday!
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