Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 10 November 2008
Latest Update: Sunday, 16 November 2008 12:40 p.m.
Monday, 10 November
yesterday afternoon we did a Costco run to pick up the microwave for
the counter, some coke for Bob and some frozen foods. I was not up for
the usual all the way around the store. We went with Paul and Mary who
tend to be quick shoppers. From there we went to dinner at nearby
restaurant that serves breakfast all day. They have sandwiches and
salads but are best known for the breakfast menu.
The knee
continues to improve slowly. Tonight at the gym I did 15 minutes on the
recumbent bike, some are work, some leg presses using light weight, and
five more minutes on the regular bike.
Today at lunch I
walked up the street several blocks to meet the lady who I have become
friends with from the Chicago trip whose dad became sick. Her sister
and dad were in town visiting so I got to have lunch with all three. It
was nice to see him healthy and feeling well again.
We had frost again this morning but it warmed up to the mid 50's by lunch though quit windy.
I am almost finished with my osprey book last night so I decided to
finish it before starting another mystery from the library stash. I
should be able to get it finished this evening.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
No update.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Several weeks ago Bob posted a link on his
page to the Science Cafe that had just started up here in Winston at
Reynolda Village. We missed the first two sessions but he wanted
to attend the last one for the fall last night. The speaker gave a talk
on the biodiversity of the plants and animals recorded by the Moravian
settlers in 1764 as compared to what we have presently in Forsyth
Tonight we met Paula and Casey for dinner at Coppola's which is just around the corner.
back splash guy came yesterday to install the tile. Today he came back
to grout and wash down the tile. He left the sponge for Bob to wash it
down periodically. In about a month we will put a sealer on it once
everything has a chance to cure and set. I'll try to get a picture up
I am reading the new Donna Andrews, Six Geese
A-Slaying. Obviously this is a Christmas mystery. Meg has been
appointed by the small town where they live to organize the town
Christmas parade. Everyone in the town including Meg are curious as to
why an old curmudgeon of the town was elected to play Santa. As Meg is
trying to get all her real Twelve Days of Christmas participants in
line for the parade someone stabs Santa in the chest. As usual Andrews
has lots of chaos, weird characters, and a hilariously funny plot.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
[Thursday] [Friday]
We've had close to an inch of rain today.
When I left for lunch to walk across the street to the credit union it
was pouring down rain. The RJR building houses the same credit union we
use as our bank. Firm employees are allowed access to the bank and to
eat in their cafeteria. You can get a very decent lunch at a pretty
good price. I eat over there once a week or so even if I do not need to
go to the bank.
By the time I ate the rain had slacked off to a
drizzle and stopped by the time I left work for the day. I worked my
knee pretty good at the gym doing a total of 25 minutes of both bikes,
some leg presses, and very light weight on the leg raise machine.
Friday 14 November 2008
no update.
Saturday, 15 November
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I played through my 775 songs on the player
in my car. This morning Bob and I went through my music list and
loaded up another 700 plus songs which took a while to pick and
Afterwards I painted a first coat on the other side of
the doors I worked on last weekend. While they dried I did a cardboard
recycling run on the way out to the pet store and Wal-Mart.
afternoon I second coated the doors. Bob finished filling the holes on
the rest of the doors. I can sand those down this afternoon. My door
painting operation is in the middle of the tech room floor. I am
putting four or five doors down on paper cups, depending on their size.
Once I finish both sides I will stage them in the living room until Bob
can get them back up. With the doors down there is very little if any
walking space. The other night I went in there to look for something
forgetting that Duncan was following me all over the house. Here he
came in behind me trying to step around the doors, that fortunately
were dry, with his wobbly legs. Down he went on top of one door
flailing away like he does when he goes down and panics. He did not get
hurt but it very much the bull in the china closet scene to say the
We had two pretty good thunderstorms last night dumping
another inch of rain. Today it is 72 degrees with 15 to 25 mph winds.
Leaves are blowing around all over the place. The cold front coming
through this afternoon will start dropping the temperatures to down in
the mid 30's by tonight. We may still get rain/thunderstorms this
Between the dogs and us we are tracking in some many wet leaves it will be useless to try to clean house today.
Sunday, 16 November
[Sunday] [Next
I started on the door painting this morning.
While I wait for them to dry I go off and do other small projects.
While Bob and I were taking a lunch break he suggested I expand my door
painting operation to the living room floor. I found enough china cups
and small glasses of the same height to put another six doors down.
They are now first coated and waiting to dry.
For the smaller
doors I can sit down on the stool but the larger doors I have to stand
and bend over. Hard on the old back and legs at the best of times. The
knee is doing well. I am trying very hard to walk a normal stride but
it is still not quit up to that yet.
Yesterday afternoon I
started peeling the contact paper from the lower shelf of the above
counter cabinets. To our surprise the wood on the shelves is in very
good condition much like the below cabinet shelves. I will get the
first shelf paper peeled off for now and work on the higher shelves as
a winter project.
I am reading the newest Katheryn Wall,
The Mercy Oak. As I have mentioned before, Wall is one of the few
southern novelists I enjoy reading. I like her character, Bay Tanner,
who runs a private investigation agency on Hilton Head Island, SC.
today. High's not getting out of the 40's today with winds still
blowing at 10 to 20 making the wind chill another 4 to 5 degrees
colder. I had the dogs out once earlier to play for a few minutes.
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