Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 16 February 2009 Latest Update: Sunday, 22 February 2009 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 16 February 2009
than a few finishing touches the kitchen is finished. As you can see,
we have two doors to put up over the fridge. The shelves on the left
replaced the old brown microwave cabinet. I have much more storage
space and it makes the kitchen look much larger.
Malcolm and Duncan chilling out yesterday afternoon while I was in the kitchen taking pictures. I
had a haircut appointment at five then some shopping for a few personal
items. Last night we met Paul and Mary for dinner at a little Italian
place around the corner, Coppola's. Bob ate his leftover's from last
night for dinner and I ate my for lunch. I started another
Dalziel and Pascoe last night.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
No update.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Gym last night. Sunday we were supposed to go
with Paul and Mary to Costco. Mary had an allergic reaction that
afternoon after petting a very enthusiastic dog while running at Salem
Lake. As I mentioned Monday, she did recover well enough to meet us for
dinner. I had not done the weekly shopping last week since I could pick
up anything we were out of except milk on Sunday. They only sell milk
by the gallon which is too much. I had enough left to get me through
this week. By missing the Costco run we ran out of several essential
which resulted in me having to make the library/grocery store run this
We had some very heavy rain come in over night and
continue this morning. Once again it was warm enough to be rain. As I
have talked about many times, my walk up 4th street from the parking
deck is often difficult when the wind is blowing down the hill. This
morning not only was the wind blowing but it was also driving heavy
rain right into me. I had worn my rain slicker but from the bottom of
my jacket to my feet my pants were soaked by the time I made it to the
building. I don't usually carry an umbrella when it is that windy even
with my wind proof one. It is hard to keep it from blowing out of my
hand at the least. Anyway, it would not have done much good since it
was pretty much raining sideways. I had my cap on under my jacket hood
but the wind was blowing so hard it pushed my hood back and soaked my
cap as well.
I knew it was raining pretty hard when I left for
work but had no idea it was that windy nor which direction it was
blowing. Had I known I would have work some sweats and changed when I
got to work. Oh well. I dried off pretty well in about half an hour or
so. I wore my water proof Merrell shoes which at least kept my feet dry.
The rain is supposed to move on through tonight and bring clearing but cold and windy conditions by tomorrow.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
Our friend Brian
sent me a comment about the new shelves in the kitchen noticing the
Alpo Snaps dog treat boxes on the bottom shelf at Malcolm level. We
keep an open box on the foyer table which Bob uses to fill his pockets
before we walk the dogs. They get one on start out and one on the turn
around. They also get one when they come in. They are very small, about
the size of a quarter. I don't do the ones when we walk but do give
them one when we come in. Sometimes Bob leaves them laying on the table
where Malcolm could very easily jump up and take them. He could also
knock over the box to the floor and gobble them.
He has never
done any of the above including stealing a whole box from the kitchen
and tearing into them. When Duncan was younger he could have done the
same thing but never has. As a matter of fact, their food is kept in a
plastic tub in the dinning room. Malcolm or Duncan at any time could
knock the lid up and dive in if they wanted to. Border Collies do not
tend to be food hounds as some other breeds though I am sure there are
some out there that would eat themselves to death, literally.
Gym again tonight. It has turned cold and windy again. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. It has been a long week.
Friday 20 February 2009
I sat up late again last night to finish the
Dalziel and Pascoe. I have liked all of the books in this series but I
thought this was better than some of his others so far. Today at lunch
I started a new Louise Penny, Inspector Gamache.
Whew, Friday
5pm finally got here. I am certain someone stuck an extra day in
between Monday through today. Almost everyone at work has a cold or has
had the stomach virus/flu. I managed to fight off the head cold/cough
with my own course of treatments all week non the worse for wear.
Saturday, 21 February
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I had a couple of errands to run on the way
over to my folks house this morning for a visit and lunch. Bob
and I had planned on working on the kitchen some this afternoon but he
is feeling a little under the weather so we bagged that. He did do a
couple of loads of laundry while I was gone.
This afternoon has
been spent just puttering around doing odd jobs and giving the dogs
lots of attention. It is a beautiful sunny day but cool and windy. We
had roughly an inch of rain Tuesday and Wednesday but NC is supposedly
back in drought conditions again. Weird since it seems to me all it has
done is rain since the first of the year.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
[Sunday] [Next
I spent the morning getting the house
cleaning chores done. My desk is cleared off and the bills are paid. I
had the dogs out briefly before lunch but it is cold and windy.
Speaking of windy. I often mention my trek to and from the parking deck
and the building where I work. Not being very cold natured I have been
wearing either my heavyweight hooded sweatshirt or my LL Bean lined
jacket to work. My heavier LL Bean parka became my dog walking coat
several years ago.
It's not the cold as much as the wind
that makes the trek from car to building so obnoxious. Although winter
is almost over in terms of selling cold weather gear, we still have a
good six weeks of cold weather possible. Lands End had their parkas on
sale at really good prices so I ordered a new one to finish out the
winter. I never did replace my older parka I moved to dog walking
status since up until I changed where I parked I only had a short walk
from car to building all within a parking deck.
Bob has
been ripping my CD collection last night and today. Several months ago
when his computer blew up he lost my music files. It it now time to
reload my Sansa player for my car and the one for the gym for with new
music. I am sure he will explain the process on his page but this time
around he is using a new program which rips them in better quality.
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