Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 11 May 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 17 May 2009 1:40 p.m.
Monday, 11 May 2009
afternoon we met Frances, Al, and the folks at Costco. Frances and Al
wanted to purchase a laptop with Bob's assistance. The one they wanted
was not in the store. While they looked at computers I shopped for a
few items we needed to restock the freezer and the folks did the same.
From Costco we went to their favorite Chinese restaurant to celebrate
Mother's Day.
I finished the first book in the J.A. Jance,
Diana Ladd mystery today at lunch. It was good but I like her Beaumont
and Brady series better. I will read the other two in the series we
have checked out from the library.
Tonight I think I
will pick up something a little less intense and read the third book in
Diana Killian's Poetic Death Mystery; Sonnet of the Sphinx. The
fourth book in the series was just published last month. The library
has not been purchasing some of the more recent books from some of our
favorite authors. I gave Bob a list of authors and titles I have not
been able to get from the library for him to order for our TBR shelf.
3/4 inch of rain last night through this morning. Once again we are
getting soaked during the spring and will most likely be parched again
by July. The temperatures never climbed out of the 50's today with the
low tonight to be down in the 40's.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Moderately busy day at work. Tonight I came
home and mowed the lawn before we ate dinner. A nice day weather wise
with temperatures today in the mid 70's. I walked across the street at
lunch to go to the bank and grab a bite to eat.
Not much else going on. We have been watching episodes of Breaking Bad and Bones.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Mom and dad came downtown to meet for lunch today at Skippy's Hot Dogs.
They serve their hot dogs and other sandwiches on soft pretzel rolls. A
couple of years ago the owner moved from his location near the mall to
downtown. The place is just a little hole in the wall but he does a
great business. He is near several large office buildings but, like me,
people will walk from about anywhere downtown to get one his
sandwiches. I guess it's about five blocks. Some people thought he was
making a mistake moving downtown but as far as I can tell he is doing a
great business. I told them to be there by 11:30, I arrived just a few
minutes after. By noon the place was packed with people standing in
line to order.
Gym after work then I had to make a library
stop to pick up some reserve books for us and one for a fellow
coworker. She needed a book they did not have at the library where she
lives. Since I usually make our library stop on Fridays I told her I
would make a mid-week stop so she could get the book before the
weekend. Bob wanted me to pick up a bucket of KFC for dinner. If
you have not tried the new grilled chicken its pretty darn good. We
have enough left over for another meal.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 15 May 2009
I had a doctor's appointment this morning for
my annual physical. All checked out well. I will not hear back from the
blood work until next week. The appointment was not until 10am. It was
almost 11 by the time I left. That is a fairly long time for me to go
without something to eat since I am a breakfast person. I grabbed an
apple to munch on the way to work. Once at my desk I ate my P & B
sandwich while getting logged on and checking to see if I had any
immediate tasks needing to be taken care of.
I am reading
another J.A. Jance, Diana Ladd mystery, Kiss of Bees. She continues the
storyline from the first book in this series. The serial killer, Andrew
Carlisle who stalked Ladd and her son Davey in the first book, has died
in prison leaving Ladd, who married sheriff Brandon Walker, feeling
they are safe. Little did they
know while Carlisle was in prison he was training another fellow
prisoner in the art of stalking and torture.
Thunderstorms were
predicted for late this afternoon. I checked the radar just before I
left work to see if there were any lurking around. I did not see
anything in the immediate area. I made a quick stop at the library to
pick up another couple of reserves before making a stop at the grocery
store. Just as I arrived at the store big drops started falling. I made
a mad dash into the store thinking it was a passing shower. Instead, a
large thunderstorm had blossomed practically over my head. The lights
blinked once while I was in the store. When I came out it was pouring
buckets. I waited until it slacked off enough to made another dash to
the car.
By the time I got home it had stopped but started up
again while making dinner. From around 5:30 to 6:30 we almost 4 inches
of rain. The streets and driveways looked like rivers when we walked
the dogs. It is still thundering off in the distance but the rain has
Saturday, 16 May 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Warm and muggy this morning. I had the dogs
out running around while I picked up sticks. Last year I cut back the
four red tip bushes that I planted many years ago in the back along the
forsythia hedge. Of course when I first planted them the red
maple nearby was not nearly as big. As it grew the red tips started
growing out and over the neighbors hedge looking for sunlight. Then the
black spot fungus started eating at the leaves. After I cut them back,
three of the four never did very well. I left the trunks to about five
feet high to see if they would come back out. One has grown back out
with only a little of the black spots and so far looks fairly healthy.
This morning I dug out two of the three that did not come back. I will
tackle the third one at a later date. At the same time I planted the
four along the side I planted one down in the back right corner of the
yard. That one have grown well over 20 feet high and about twelve feet
wide with lovely foliage. I think being out in the full sun has kept it
from getting the black spot.
More storms in the forecast for this afternoon and tonight. This
afternoon I worked on little projects inside, washed a load of work
shirts and pants, and a load of sheets.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
[Sunday] [Next
A cool rainy day of off and on drizzle and
rain showers. Duncan is doing better about sleeping through the night
but we are still having to get up with him several times to help him
get repositioned or get a drink of water. Malcolm let us sleep in this
morning until 8:30 this morning. We both needed the extra sleep.
did the house cleaning chores and cleaned up another kitchen cabinet
which included pulling off the old shelf liner from another shelf.
Being a rainy day Duncan is not happy having to lie in the house. At
one point while I had them penned up in the foyer to clean the front
part of the house he kept banging his paws around every few minutes. I
finally went in to help him up and he headed for the front door. I let
him out (he had already been potty) and he took off for the back yard.
I let him go. In a few minutes I looked out. He was lying in the back
yard under a big tree. It was not raining at the time. I went around
and brought back in the house. Malcolm was also unable to convince he
could not go out and play but I took him around back during another
lull. Bob let Duncan out the front and he took off to go down the
street. Bob finally got him to come around back. We played a few
minutes before it started raining again. Duncan is one more stubborn
beast when he wants to be.
I think I will finish reading Kiss of Bees this afternoon and watch some golf if it is not rained out.
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