Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 25 May 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 30 May 2009 3:20 p.m.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Memorial Day in honor of all the brave men and women who have or are
currently serving their country in the US and around the world.
was off to the folks this morning to do a few more yard projects that
only took an hour or so. It was not very hot with very overcast skies
but the humidity was at least 60% or higher. I hit an isolated shower
about midway across town. It had not rained here since sometime last
night but the grass was still a little damp. After playtime with the
dogs I started working on the third red tip I want to dig out. I knew
this one was going to be a bear since it had two major trunks instead
of one like the other two. After digging and chopping for awhile it was
still not coming loose from the root.
In the meantime the
sun had been out off and on drying the grass a little better. I set the
mower deck up the last notch to highest position to see if it was dry
enough to mulch. If I had to catch it I would have to dump the grass in
the wheelbarrow and dump in the back natural area since the yard cart
is full of bush clippings. No problems. With the forecast for today and
all week for late day rain/thunderstorms I figured this would be my
best chance.
Now I am done for the day. The red tip can wait
until next weekend. The Coca Cola 600 from Charlotte was rained
out last night. I think they are trying to run it this afternoon
between rain showers. Time to hit the couch for some relaxing and
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Not too bad a day back at work after a six
day "staycation" as they are being called by the economic gurus. After
plowing away the top layer of tasks I could get out of the way quickly
I started in on the more detailed projects I needed to attend to. I
enjoyed my time off but was equally ready to get back to work today.
And, my friend Bonnie came to have in town to get her hair cut and have
lunch with me.
We collected another 1 1/2 inches of rain from
Sunday night through this morning. Most of it fell late yesterday
afternoon around dinner time. When Bonnie and I left my building to
find something to eat it was raining lightly. When we left the
restaurant it was raining a little harder though by the time we got
back to my end of town it had stopped.
I finished the Stephen
Booth, Scared to Live. Once again another excellent read in the
Cooper/Fry series. Booth does like a surprise ending. Tonight I will
start a new Laurie R. King, Language of Bees, in her Mary Russel
Over the weekend we watched The Duchess, quit good, and some more episodes of Bones.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
No update.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
I am on a Tuesday/Thursday gym schedule this
week because of the Monday holiday. Busy, busy at work with lots of
projects going on plus still catching up from being off.
rain again this afternoon. We do not need any more rain right now
though there is not much I can do about it. My grass already needs
mowed again but that won't happen before the weekend. While we are
ahead of the rest of the city due to our 4 inch rain on just this part
of the city last week, other parts of the city have had rain when we
did not. It all evens out in the end. Our part of town is well up over
six inches for the month.
Friday 29 May 2009
Np update.
Saturday, 30 May 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The muggy, wet weather of the past week
finally blew out of here last night. Today we have blue skies, warm
temperatures, and less humidity. I had a very busy and hectic
week at work plus two nights of very little sleep because of Duncan's
nightly sleeping problems. Up until Thursday night he had been being
pretty good, settling down and sleeping most of the night. Late last
night Bob ended up having to pen him up in the hall bathroom. This
morning Bob got up to let Malcolm out. When I finally got up at 9:30
Duncan was still asleep.
I did the usual house cleaning
chores this morning while Bob started the laundry. This afternoon I
mowed and edged the lawn with play time for the dogs in between, of
course. Now time to do some reading while watching the golf tournament.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
[Sunday] [Next
No golf again. I'm not sure has been up for
playing lately but I have wanted to. I just have not had the time on
the weekends or the weather has been wet and/or rainy. I thought about
playing this morning but late yesterday afternoon there was a
prediction of a chance of rain or thunderstorms early this morning. It
did not really matter since I needed to stay home and iron the pile of
work cloths in my ironing basket. We did have a storm around 8 this
morning but it went through very quickly dropping lest than 1/4 of an
inch of rain.
Duncan had another very bad night last night
keeping us up off and on for most of the night. He settled down until
1am then started his getting up and down routine. We tried the bathroom
once but he did not settled down and brought him back to the bedroom.
Finally at 4 I took him back down the hall to the bathroom and told him
lie down and go to sleep. He did, and we did. We all slept in until
8:30 just as the storm had gone through and the sun had come out. I did
the ironing before showering and taking the guys out to play. The
little boy down the street was out front riding a new birthday toy on
wheels. I stood out front talking with his parents while Malcolm ran
around and Duncan lay in the grass watching.
We left
around 12 to go over to Frances and Al's. I sat and read while Bob
spent a few hours getting their notebook system up and running. It has
turned hot and muggy. I would not be surprised if we got another storm
this afternoon.
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